My first promotion

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I arrived at the pizzeria early just like Mr. Fazbear had asked. I walked down the halls towards the office that held the manager and boss. I slowly slid my finger nails across the colorful tiles echoing a high pitched squeal that couldn't be heard between the laughter, screams, and voices of the children and adults. On my way there I saw the pirate cove as quiet as ever. I knew one day I could fix the fox but as a waitress I couldn't do anything but get myself fired. Before I could take a step closer, I feel something warm hugging me from behind. I turn around to see Mercy grinning like crazy.
"Missy, I'm back!"
I returned her happy smile and kneeled down to her height,  "Mercy, how did you know where to find me?" She shrugged, "I just went looking for you and just happened to find you here!" I frowned, "Mercy running off isn't a good idea. A stranger could've found you and hurt you. Your lucky you were found by me." She returned with a pout on her face,"Alright..." Then her puppy eyes appeared, "but can we play? Pretty please with a pirate hat on top?" I laughed at her silliness then nodded, "Only if you be quiet and don't get me in trouble." She grabbed my hand as we began to walk down the hall some more. I opened the door and told her to stay. She pouted but finally obeyed. I opened the door and walked in to see one of the biggest smiles on my bosses face.
"Welp, Ms.(Y/n) you've gotten a promotion starting today." I smile wide knowing i'll be getting a better amount of money than I normally do. "You'll be working from when we open to 11 at night. Are we clear? Also, we got a new animatronic. She's a Merkat and her name is Maxie. She'll be working by tomorrow" I nod my head happily as I walk out the door with my new uniform. "Oh and tell Vincent, he's your new partner." My lip twitched upon hearing his name. He was quite the pervert, quick with anger, and everything he wore was purple... including his hair, nails, and eyes. (He must be gay XD *vincent glares* uhm...I will shut up now) Without response I close the door behind me... but where was Mercy?

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