The Second night

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Once I got dressed and arrived at Freddy Fazbear Pizzeria, I ambled my way to the office where Mike was. We shot each other puns until the phone ringed and we answered. By the end of the call, I sighed. A chill runs down my spine as I shiver. I was starting to get slightly paranoid since the feeling something bad happening kept reminding me there was a chance of it happening. I looked over Mike's shoulder to see what time it was. As soon as I looked up, there was Freddy in the doorway. He slowly walked in the office as I frantically shook Mike.

 "Freddy is in here, Mike." I whisper shouted at him. He looked up with his eyes wide. Freddy picked me up and carried me off towards the backstage where Bonnie was. Chica was standing in front of the camera so Mike couldn't see what was about to eventuate. For some reason I wasn't scared of them. 

"You aren't scared of me?" I shrug at Freddy, "Nope, lost to many people to care if I die. What's the point of being afraid of death if you don't have nothing left?" His eyes widen a little. Bonnie starts strumming his guitar and my attention turns to him, "Nice playing. Is that my funeral song?" Bonnie stops playing and gives me a weird look, "I have a question for you guys... are you them?" The atmosphere changed instantaneously, and I felt like everyone in the pizzeria had their eyes on me. Freddy looked at the ground and sighed, "What do you mean?" Instead of properly answering I responded with a question, "Your Frederic, correct? Isn't Chica, Chloe?"
They both gasp, "H-How did you know?" I smile, "It's only reasonable after doing much research on this place's history. Nice name by the way Frederic." His cheeks start getting red, "D-don't say that." I open my mouth to speak again but before I know it, my watch (or phone) beeps. "Welp, goodbye. See you tomorrow. I'ma go tell Mike I'm alive." I wave and start walking my way over to the office. As i'm walking, I look at Pirate cove. "Foxy, I'll fix you soon." I whisper before entering the office. Upon seeing me Mike's eyes open wide.
"How did you survive? Am I hallucinating or something?" I chuckle, "If you are then I'm hallucinating too" He lets out a sigh of relief. "So, how did you survive?" I shrug, "They just didn't kill me... but I don't understand why." He grins like a mad man, "Whatever your trick is you gotta teach me someday." I laugh as I walk away, "Maybe."

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