The Third night

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Instead of Freddy catching me, I was caught by Bonnie and he pretty much carried me to the stage Bridal style which was better because unlike Bonnie, Freddy threw me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. As Bonnie was carrying me I started touching his ears causing him to flinch and almost drop me.
I yelp in fear of falling, "D-don't drop me, Bon bon!" He sets me down on the end of the stage and lightly blushes, "D-don't call me Bon bon, (Y/n)." I giggle at how Bonnie's face heated up. I didn't even know animatronics could blush. I giggle at how weird these guys are. "Bolton, do you always blush this easily?" His eyes widen slightly, "You do know about us! So your her?" I tilt my head not understanding what he meant by me being her but instead responded with a monotone voice, "If you mean by me being (y/n) (l/n), a night guard who once had a family but lost them to the place she works... then yeah, this is her" I quote her with my fingers emphasizing that her is somehow special. He hastily picks me up and takes me to the kitchen whereas Chica and Maxie are. Maxie looked like she was in tears upon seeing me. I tilt my head to the side and give her a goofy grin, "So your Maxie?" She nods softly and mutters under her breath. "I hate to burden you about something but do you know anything about Mercy? She was a friend of mine before she...uh...unfortunately disappeared." Tears seem to slip down her eyes as she runs to me and tackles me into a hug. Almost being crushed to death by her endoskeleton, I gently hug back unknowing what was occurring at the moment. 

Then she cries out words I never thought she would say, "It's me Missy... Mercy. You shouldn't have trusted him." I stood there in pure astonishment. All this time Mercy had been right in front of me but I hadn't even spoken to her or treated her like the friend she was I felt horrible knowing I probably also caused her death. Tears slipped outta my eyes as I told her I was sorry repeatedly. I hugged her tightly back not caring how much the metal hurt against my skin. My watch (or phone) beeped letting me know It was six o'clock and it was time for me to go. I honestly didn't want to leave my friends behind but I had no choice. I waved them goodbye as I wiped my tears away and told Mike I was alive. I quickly left feeling like some of the weight on my shoulders had been lifted. 

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