Chapter 15: A Cinderella Deal

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The three Trolls made it past Bridget's bed, onto the counter, and Branch removed the cover of the cage.

"Guys!" Jamie and Poppy greeted.

"Jamie! Poppy!" the Trolls exclaimed.

[Trolls in Cage:]
"Celebrate good times, come on"

[Poppy & Jamie:]
"It's a celebration"

Branch shushed them all.

[Trolls in Cage Whispering:]
"There 's a party going on right here"

"No! There is not a party going on right here," Branch remarked, grabbing Poppy's scissors.

He jammed them in the lock, unlocking it. He handed the now crooked scissors back to her.

"The sooner we get you guys out of here," he started as he got the lock off.

"The sooner we can save Creek!" Jamie finished happily.

"What?" Poppy and Branch exclaimed.

"Hello?" Bridget popped awake.

They all gasped for a minute.

"Is it me you're looking for?" Bridget mumbled then went back to sleep.

"Phew," all the Trolls breathed.

"I know you're looking for the cupcakes and rainbows here, but let's face it, Creek's been eaten," Branch stated as he opened the door and Trolls got out.

"They put him in a taco!" Biggie exclaimed.

"It was horrible," Cooper added.

"Sorry, Jamie. Creek's gone," Guy Diamond apologized.

"Jamie, how could you possibly think Creek's still alive?" Branch asked.

"Yeah. We all saw him get eaten," Poppy added.

"I don't think he's alive. I hope he's alive, and that's enough. And I thought you both would understand," Jamie stated, crossing her arms.

Poppy and Branch looked guilty, Branch more so. Poppy did because she's usually a positive Troll and this didn't make her one. Branch did because even though he didn't like Creek, Jamie did and as long as she was happy, he was. That was how much he loved her.

"You're right, sis. I'm with you," Poppy replied as they wrapped arms around each other.

"How do you two always look on the bright side? There is no bright side here. None!" Branch said, still pretending that he and Jamie weren't close friends.

"There's always a bright side," both sisters disagreed.

That's when they were blinded by a bright light, held by Bridget.

"Hey! Where do you think you're going?" she asked.

The Trolls screamed and ran around the room while Bridget tried to catch them. Then as she and Branch were about to attack each other with a pan and spork at the ready...

"Bridget, stop!" both Jamie and Poppy yelled, making Bridget turn around, then they stated, "You're in love with King Gristle."

"Um, I don't know what you're talking about," Bridget lied.

Both princesses moved a curtain to reveal Bridget's collage of King Gristle pictures.

"Uh, excuse me!" Bridget exclaimed, closed the curtains, and lied again, "That's not mine."

Poppy removed another section of the curtain and Jamie gestured to the pic of a couple with her and Gristle's faces taped over them.

Bridget sighed and explained, "What does it matter? It's not like he even knows I'm alive."

"I know how you feel, girl, but we can help you!" Jamie said, glancing at Branch for a minute.

"What if there was a way we could all get what we want?" Poppy asked, putting an arm around Jamie.

"You both love Gristle, too? You'd better back off, girlfriends!" Bridget sassed and hissed.

"No. Bridget, no. That troll King Gristle put in his mouth, that's Creek. And I would do anything to save him," Jamie said, holding a picture of her boyfriend.

"The only problem is...we can't get anywhere near the king without him eating us," Poppy explained.

"Oh," Bridget responded.

" can," Jamie stated, making Bridget gasp excitedly.

"You can walk right up to him and tell him how you feel," Poppy added.

"As if. I can't just walk right up to the king. His Royal Awesomeness would never talk to a scullery maid like me," Bridget explained sadly.

"What if he didn't know you were a scullery maid? What if he thought you were this total babe?" Poppy asked.

"What kind of total babe would be dressed like a scullery maid? I smell like gravy," Bridget pointed out.

"What if we made you a new outfit?" Satin asked.

"I'm thinking," Chenille started.

"Jumpsuit!" they both exclaimed.

"What's the point of a jumping suit if I still have this hair?" Bridget wondered.

"Oh, we can fix that," Jamie assured.

"What's the point of a new outfit and new hair if I don't even know what a total babe would ever say?" Bridget asked.

"We can help with that too!" Poppy answered.

"Really?" Bridget responded.

"What do you say, Bridget?" Poppy asked.

"You get us Creek, and we'll get you a date with the king," Jamie offered.

Bridget looked at the Trolls then her collage of the king.

"Let's do it?" she answered questionably.


A/N They're gonna help Bridget and Creek! Will it work?

Trolls Part 1 (Branch X Jamie)Where stories live. Discover now