Chapter 7: Branch to the Rescue

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Spiders looked to see Jamie, unconscious and tangled in webbing. They got down and approached her. Before they could eat her, Branch used his hair to get her out of the way. He got in front of her and threw a frying pan at one of them.

(A/N You're not Rapunzel, dude! Lol!)

It didn't effect them, so he dropped his backpack and flicked his hair at them like a whip.

"Get back!" he yelled at them as they backed away.

He made them walk into a monster's mouth and when it looked at Branch, it just went back to sleep.

"Wow, Branch! That was amazing!" a voice said.

He turned around to see Poppy, just smiling.

"Poppy? How'd you escape the Bergen?" Branch asked.

"I unzipped the pouch from the inside and the others made me come back to get some help. But what were you protecting?" Poppy wondered.

"Oh no! Jamie!" he remembered.

Poppy gasped and they ran to the unconscious Troll. Branch checked her pulse, but didn't find one while Poppy watched with concern.

"Hang on!" Branch said.

He got a sharp stick and two lightning bugs. He cut the webbing off and used the bugs like defibrillators. He shocked her unconscious form and she jolted awake.

"Get back up again!" she sang.

That's when Poppy tackled her in a hug.

"Jamie! Oh my gosh! I'm so glad you're okay!" she said.

"Poppy! You escaped the Bergen!" Jamie remarked then asked, "How did you escape?"

"I unzipped myself from the inside and the others told me to come find help. Then I saw Branch protecting you and he brought you back," Poppy explained, helping her up.

Jamie looked at Branch, who blushed.

"Well Branch, you are right on time," Jamie said.

"Oh, right. Like you knew I was coming," Branch replied, putting the bugs down.

"Yes! I figured after the third hug time, getting eaten by a Bergen wouldn't seem so bad," Jamie explained.

"Did you get all the Trolls in his bunker?" Poppy wondered.

"Yep. I knew he wouldn't like it and there was only one way to avoid it: help me to rescue you guys," Jamie answered.

"Nice!" Poppy complemented.

"Thank you," Jamie bowed dramatically.

"And I figured there was no way you could do this by yourself. Guess we were both right," Branch responded with a smirk.

"Hmm. All right. Let's do this! Sooner we get to Bergen Town, sooner we can rescue everybody and make it home safely," Poppy remarked, leading the way.

"Wait, wait, wait. What's your plan?" Branch asked.

"I just told you. To rescue everyone and make it home safely," she repeated.

"Okay. That's not a plan. That's a wish list," he commented.

"Oh! I suppose you have a plan," Poppy responded.

"I do," Jamie said, raising her hand.

"Please, share with us," Branch urged.

Jamie cleared her throat and explained, "First, we get to the edge of Bergen Town without being spotted. Then, we get inside by sneaking through the old escape tunnels, which will then lead us to the Troll Tree, right before we get caught, and suffer a miserable death at the hands of a horrible, bloodthirsty Bergen!"

"Hold on a second, are you scrapbooking your sister's plan?" Branch asked as Poppy was on the ground, making a scrapbook.

"Uh-huh. Yeah. Almost...done!" Poppy finished.

It opened up and it showed them all saying, "We did it!" Then glitter squirted in Branch's face and Jamie tried to keep herself from bursting into a giggling fit.

"There will be no more," Branch started, squirted some glitter out of his nose, then finished, "scrapbooking."

"Sorry, sis, but I'm with Branch on this one," Jamie told her.

Poppy frowned, but shrugged and kept walking, just humming while Branch and Jamie walked a little ways in front of her.

"Do you have to sing?" Branch asked.

"I always sing when I'm in a good mood," Poppy answered.

"It's true," Jamie said.

"Do you have to be in a good mood?" Branch wondered.

"Why wouldn't I be? By this time tomorrow, I'll be with all our friends! Oh, I wonder what they're doing right now," Poppy replied.

"Probably being digested," Branch stated.

"Real reassuring," Jamie responded sarcastically.

"They're alive, Branch. I know it!" Poppy stated.

"You don't know anything, Poppy. You don't either, Jamie. And I can't wait to see the look on both of your faces when you realize the world isn't all cupcakes and rainbows. 'Cause it isn't. Bad things happen and there's nothing you can do about it," Branch explained and walked ahead of them.

Jamie was a little saddened again by what he said, but she knew that since Poppy was there, he had to do it this way because he doesn't want anyone to think less of her. But like she said, she doesn't care about that. He's such a great guy that she hated for others to not know that.

"Hey, I know it's not all cupcakes and rainbows. But I'd rather go through life thinking that it mostly is instead of being like you. You don't sing, you don't dance. So grey all the time! What happened to you?" Poppy remarked.

"Shh," Branch shushed her.

Poppy became a little nervous.

"A Bergen?" she asked.

"Maybe," Branch answered.

She looked around nervously until she heard Jamie giggling.

"Can you be that gullible?" she whispered.

Poppy then frowned.

"There's no Bergen, is there? You just said that so I'd stop talking," she stated.

"Maybe," Branch repeated.

Poppy shook her head in disapproval while Jamie just tried to contain her laughter.


A/N Branch saved Jamie and Poppy managed to escape the Bergen. Nice! What else will they experience?

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