Chapter 12: Bringing Back Trollstice

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In the throne room, King Gristle just sat on his throne sadly as he pet Barnabus while Bridget vacuumed the floor.

"Oh, Barnabus. You're my only friend in this whole miserable world. Dad was right. I'll never ever, never ever, never be happy. Never," Gristle complained.

"Never say never," the chef's voice echoed.

They all looked around until the chef Bergen appeared from behind a plant. As she approached the king, the guards had their spears at the ready while Barnabus growled.

"Chad. Todd," Chef greeted the guards then removed her cape.

"Chef, where did you come from? My father banished you 20 years ago. Have you been standing behind that plant this whole time?" Gristle wondered.

"If only, sire. No. I've been out in the wilderness, thinking of nothing but how I let you down. If only there was some way I could make you feel better," Chef answered.

"Well, fat chance! The only way I'll ever be happy is by eating a Troll and that ain't gonna happen, thanks to you," Gristle remarked with a pout.

"Ah, but it just might. Thanks to me," Chef said and unzipped her pouch.

The Trolls who were kidnapped emerged from the pouch and harmonized. The Bergens gasped at the sight.

"You found the Trolls," Gristle replied, reaching for them.

Chef smacked his hand, making Gristle yelp, the guards and Bridget gasp, and the Trolls to hide in the pouch.

"So this means I might actually get to be happy!" Gristle said excitedly.

"That's right. Of course, everyone else in Bergen Town will still be miserable, but that's not your concern," Chef pointed out, zipping  the pouch back up.

"I am their king, so maybe it kinda is," Gristle said.

"What exactly are you proposing? Bringing back Trollstice? For everyone?" Chef wondered.

Gristle thought about it for a minute then said, "Yes! That's exactly what I'm proposing."

"Great idea, sire. Absolutely brilliant. Aren't you smart?" Chef bragged.

"I guess I am," Gristle shrugged.

"And I, your loyal Chef, will be right behind you. Holding a knife," Chef remarked, mumbling the last part.

"What's that?" Gristle asked.

"Holding a knife, a spoon, a ladle. I'm your chef, after all!" Chef smiled.

"Yeah, you sure are!" Gristle replied.

The chef smirked and was sent to the kitchen to get to work.

"I'm back!" she remarked then asked Bridget, "You, scullery maid, what's your name?"

"Uh, Bridget," Bridget answered.

"Congratulations, Idget. You work for me now. So you take those dishes downstairs and you start scrubbing," Chef ordered.

"Yes, Chef. Thank you, Chef," Bridget said, taking the huge piles of dirty dishes away.

Chef unzipped the pouch, threw the Trolls in a cage, and locked it.

"Shh. Don't cry, Mr. Dinkles. Shh! Guys, Mr. Dinkles is really freaking out!" Biggie exclaimed.

Mr. Dinkles just squeaked.

"Whoa, whoa! Everyone, we must all remain calm. Comb," Creek assured then hummed the last word as he combed his hair.

"That's right. A calm Troll is a tasty Troll. And you are a key ingredient in my recipe for success. You see, he who controls the Trolls controls the Kingdom. And I am that 'he!'" Chef explained.

"You're a dude?" Cooper asked.

Chef pulled out a knife, cut up a lemon, squeezed some juice in Cooper's eyes making his squeal, and put the knife in a holster on her leg, making Biggie cover Mr. Dinkles' eyes.

"By this time tomorrow, I'll be queen and all of Bergen Town will get exactly what they deserve. True happiness!" Chef yelled and laughed evilly.

The Trolls shuddered, not knowing what would happen next.


A/N Trollstice is coming back to Bergen Town, but for how long?

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