Chapter 4: The Party

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All the Trolls were having fun at the party. Jamie stood on a high mushroom, overlooking all the Trolls. She noticed Branch on the other side, just shaking his head with another pile of sticks in his arms. He looked to see Jamie. She waved at him and he returned it. He let her know he had to get back to his bunker and she nodded in understanding. He left and she saw Poppy jumping like crazy.

"More glitter!" she shouted.

Trolls pulled ropes, making flowers shoot beams of glitter into the sky.

"Turn it up!" she yelled.

The lights were so bright it would knock some of the Trolls back. It traveled through the forest to where the Bergen chef was. She felt the slight breeze, grabbed her telescope, and positioned it from where the breeze came from.

"I can't hear you!" Poppy hollered.

More fireworks exploded in the shape of a Troll. The chef smirked.

"Trolls," she remarked.

Back at the party, Jamie joined Poppy and Cooper as King Peppy walked on the mushroom.

"Okay, everyone. I just want to take a moment and get a little real," Poppy announced, getting the crowd to quiet down.

"Poppy! Jamie! They're my friends! I know them!" Biggie exclaimed then was shushed by the others.

"I'd like to take a second to celebrate our king, our father, who 20 years ago this night saved all of us from those dreaded--" Poppy announced then was cut off by loud thumping.

It continued as everyone saw what was making the noises.

"Bergens," King Peppy finished for his oldest daughter.

Then Chef just smirked at how scared the Trolls were.

"Gotcha," she said.

This made Cooper poop cupcakes, making the Bergen just look confused.

"Uh...Cupcake?" Poppy offered nervously.

Chef smiled dangerously and unzipped her pouch. Poppy dropped the cupcakes.

"Run!" Jamie yelled.

The Trolls ran everywhere to get away from the Bergen. Chef managed to snag Guy Diamond and DJ first.

"Poppy, Jamie, help!" a Troll called to the princesses.

"Mr. Dinkles? Has anybody seen Mr. Dinkles?" Biggie asked frantically.

But Mr. Dinkles was on his back. Then Chef got them and Fuzzbert.

"Biggie!" Poppy yelled then signaled to the other Trolls, "Blend in!"

"Blend in! Blend in!" Jamie added.

The other Trolls ran into the grass or in the trees to blend in so it would be difficult for the Bergen to spot them. Then they saw Smidge about to be taken.

"Run, Smidge!" Poppy shouted.

"Oh, my gah!" Smidge exclaimed before she was stuffed in the pouch along with Satin and Chenille.

"Poppy, Jamie, help!" the kid Trolls called.

"Hurry! Go! Go! Go!" Jamie and Poppy urged as they all disguised their hair like grass.

All except Cooper.

"Phew...Whoa!" he exclaimed when he was taken.

"Cooper!" Jamie and Poppy yelled.

"Everyone, minimize your auras!" Creek yelled then he was taken.

"Creek!" Jamie yelled.

Then both she and Poppy used their hair to let Creek grab, which he did.

"No! Poppy! Jamie!" he yelled.

"Hold on," Poppy said as they struggled to pull him back.

Then he slipped out of Jamie's grip and Poppy was pulled with Creek.

"Jamie! No!" they screamed then were stuffed in the pouch.

"Creek! Poppy!" Jamie stated.

Chef continued to look until she felt King Peppy hit her big toe with his staff.

"Bad Bergen! Bad, bad Bergen. Bad, bad Bergen!" he yelled as she reached to grab him.

"Dad!" Jamie shouted and ran to him.

She jumped up, kicked the Bergen in the face, got her dad, and they hid under a mushroom. She draped her hair over them and it was disguised as moss as Chef looked under there to see the moss. She got up and looked at what was left of the village.

"Thanks for throwing the biggest, the loudest," she started.

"The craziest party ever," Cooper finished then she stuffed him back in the pouch and zipped it up.

Once Chef left, Jamie lifted her hair and looked around. The village was in ruins and she felt bad she couldn't save the Trolls that were taken. Branch was right; a Bergen would attack.

The other Trolls came out and looked at Jamie for answers.

"Is it coming back?" one Troll asked.

"What are we gonna do now?" another wondered.

"We have to find a new home. Everyone, hurry. We have to leave before the Bergens come back," King Peppy instructed.

This shocked Jamie. After what he stood for 20 years ago and Poppy getting kidnapped, he wants to run away.

"We have to rescue them," she said.

"No, Jamie, we have to run," he told her then said to the others, "Now, let's go, everyone. Come on!"

"What about 'No Troll left behind?' Not to mention that one of the Trolls the Bergen took was Poppy," Jamie pointed out, stopping King Peppy.

"I'm sorry, Jamie. That was a long time ago. And I'm not the king I once was," King Peppy said.

"Then I'll go. I'll go and save them," she remarked.

"No, Jamie. It's too dangerous," he declined.

"I have to at least try," Jamie said.

"No. You can't go to Bergen Town by yourself. It's impossible," King Peppy stated.

Then Jamie thought that if she couldn't go by herself, she'd get help. She immediately went to Branch's.


A/N They were attacked and Jamie's about to ask Branch for help. Will he do it?

Trolls Part 1 (Branch X Jamie)Where stories live. Discover now