Chapter 1: Escaping Bergen Town and the 20th Anniversary

Start from the beginning

Gristle snatched what he thought were the two Trolls.

"Please make me happy, Princess Poppy and Princess Jamie," he begged then stuffed them in his mouth.

"What are you feeling?" Chef asked.

He swished them around in his mouth until he spit them out in disgust.

"Those are rotten!" Gristle complained.

Chef picked them up to see they were dolls. She was able to remove the pink and brown hair from both of them and Gristle knocked on them to see they were hard.

"They're fake?" Chef questioned.

"Fake?" the Bergens added.

"Fake?" the king demanded.

Chef kicked the tree as more dolls fell out of the tree.

"They're gone?" Gristle asked in shock.

"Where are they?" the king remarked angrily.

"Don't worry, sire. We'll find them," Che assured.

She got the guards to lay their heads on the ground to hear and Gristle did the same.

"I think I hear something!" Gristle said.

Meanwhile underground, the Trolls were escaping as they passed Poppy and Jamie to King Peppy.

"Ah! There're my princesses," he said as he held them in his arms.

"Da-da," the two of them giggled.

"King Peppy, some of the others can't keep up," one Troll informed.

"No Troll left behind!" King Peppy yelled as he went to help them.

He put his daughters in his hair, took off his cape, and laid it on a puddle for Trolls to cross.

"Thank you, King Peppy!" they said.

He did the same with his shirt.

"Thank you, King Peppy!" more thanked.

"Thank you!" another Troll added as he laid his socks down.

Then he lifted a boulder in his underwear.

"Thank you, King Peppy," more Trolls thanked.

"No Troll left behind!" King Peppy shouted.

As they ran, shovels and pick axes pierced the ground while the Bergens searched for them.

"Daddy, where are they?" Gristle asked.

"Don't just stand there! Make my son happy!" the Bergen king commanded.

"He will be happy!" Chef growled then hit the ground with a pick ax.

King Peppy carried more Trolls as the pick axes and shovels came down. Then a pick ax got him by the underwear and just before a shovel could block the path, he threw them past it. They rolled until they made it to the other Trolls. One of them limped to the edge of the tunnel to see where their king was.

"I don't think King Peppy made it," he said.

The others gasped until they saw an outline of a Troll come toward them.

"When I say no Troll left behind...I mean, no Troll left behind!" King Peppy yelled, completely naked.

The others cheered.

"King Peppy, where's Princess Poppy and Princess Jamie?" one troll asked.

"Don't worry. They're safe," King Peppy assured, taking his daughters out of his hair.

"No Troll left behind!" they remarked.

"Aww!" the Trolls responded.

"But we'll be a lot safer the further we get from Bergen Town. Go, go! Hurry!" King Peppy urged and they left.

Once they left, the Bergens carried Chef toward the exit.

"That's right! Take her away! Get her out of my sight! She is hereby banished from Bergen Town forever," the Bergen king remarked.

"We can all be happy again. I'll find the Trolls!" she assured, was tossed out, then growled, "And shove them down your ungrateful throats."

Gristle looked at the now gloomy Bergen Town and went to his dad as he walked past Bridget, who was mopping the floor.

"But, Daddy, I never got to eat a Troll. What's gonna make me happy now?" Gristle asked.

Bridget looked at him with hope.

"Come here, son," the king said, rested him on his lap, then answered, "Nothing. Absolutely nothing. You will never, ever, ever, ever be happy."

"Never?" Gristle wondered sadly.

"Ever," the king remarked.

Gristle frowned and Bridget sighed sadly as she left the room.

Meanwhile, the Trolls found the place where they would live.

"Here! Right here!" King Peppy announced, stuck his torch in the mushroom, and continued, "This is where we will rebuild our civilization. It has everything we need. Fresh air, clean water, and sweet acoustics."

Poppy and Jamie pulled out their cowbells and hit them on the beat. The Trolls danced and sung to the beat.

"Ba de ya Say do you remember
Ba de ya Dancing in September
Ba de ya Never was a cloudy day"

Back to Present

"Twenty years ago today, King Peppy made us safe," Poppy read.

"And now every Troll is free to be happy and live in perfect," Jamie began then sang, "Harmony."

"Harmony," Poppy sang in a different octave.

"Harmony," one of the children did the same.

"Harmony," as did another.

"And that's why we hug every hour," another child finished.

"Yep," Poppy and Jamie answered as Poppy closed the book.

"I wish it was every half hour," one of the kids replied.

"So do I. But that wouldn't leave much time for singing and dancing, now would it?" Poppy said.

"Princess Poppy, Princess Jamie, do the Bergens still want to eat us?" another child asked.

"You bet!" Poppy answered, making the children gasp.

"But just because it's the only way they'll ever be happy," Jamie assured.

One of the kids licked his arm and remarked, "Oh, no. I do taste delicious."

"Isn't there anything else to make them happy?" another asked.

"Ooh. What about having birthday parties?" a third suggested.

"Or slumber parties?" a fourth added.

"Or staring at your parents while they sleep," a fifth suggested, making them cringe.

"But I don't want to be food," the second said.

"Don't worry. No Troll ever will be," Poppy assured.

"And that's why we're celebrating with the biggest party ever," Jamie said.

"Everybody's gonna be there," Poppy added.

"Everybody?" the fifth troll said from Poppy's hair.

"Everybody," the princesses said like him, took out their cowbells, and hit them on the beat.


A/N This party is going to be crazy!

Trolls Part 1 (Branch X Jamie)Where stories live. Discover now