I gathered up my things walking down the three steps to turn in my test. I sluggishly walked towards Mr. Darden's desk feeling a pit of despair in my stomach. He held his hand out for my test as I placed it into his hand.

"Nice to see you decided to come to class today." He smiled, sitting the paper down on the full stack.

"I always come to class." I respond, clutching my bag loop over my arm.

"You miss one day and come back to a test." He laughed. "I just hope one of your friends told you about it and you studied."

"Mm." I shrugged. "Math has never been my favorite subject."

He sits back turning to the side in his seat. "Well you know you need the credit to pass. I suggest getting a tutor. I won't be cliché and assign you someone that's very high school. You're an adult and you can choose your own if you should so choose. I highly recommend it if you want to pass." He explained focusing his attention to his phone.

I smile fraudulently and place my sunglasses over my eyes. "I'll manage. See you next Friday." I exit the class into the corridor. Some people were standing around socializing, and some were going to their next class. I exit through the double doors to cross the field to my next Afternoon class. I feel my bag suddenly become lighter as I am walking.

I turn around seeing all of my things on the ground. Taking the book-bag off and searching for the cause of the rip. The whole bottom of my bag ripped open. I looked up to the sky sighing irritably. I am in no mood for this shit. I bend down to pick up my stuff. The bell sounds off again as the last few people shuffle past. I lay my bag sideways putting my things back in.

"You need some help?" Someone squats down beginning to grab things.

"No I'm g..." I look up seeing Emon focused on picking up my things. He hands me the remainder of what was left as I put it in my bag. He stands up and holds out his hand. I rise to my feet on my own holding my bag to my chest. "Thank you for that." I say as he nods. We both stand there in silence awkwardly.

"Thanks again." I say turning to get away from this uncomfortable moment between us.

*Emon Ricciardi*

"Hey wait up!" I call after Tristian as he walks off. I jog up behind him once he stops walking. "Where are you on your way to?" I ask not knowing how Dude will respond. I don't even want to think about how gay that shit just sounded.

He scratched the top his head shifting his bag in his arms. "I was going to wait near my next class, and just study a bit."

"When does it start?" I question.

"At five." He responds.

"Well since you got a little time. Join me and get something to eat from the cafè." I suggest. He looked at me questionably. I guess he was trying to determine if it's be worth the trouble and the risk. "Come on bro... it's the least you could do for someone that got you home safe." I say as his eyebrow raised.

"That was you?" He questions and I respond simply with a nod. "I guess I could go for a bite." He says. "Let's do it." I step to the side allowing him too walk past me.

After a short walk through campus we arrive at the Cafè. We both enter through the doors. He was occupied on his phone, and I was busy looking at the fine girls passing by. "How you doing?" I asked one of the girls flirtatiously as we passed.

"Huh?" He asked clicking away on his phone.

"I wasn't talking to you bro." I laugh lightly.

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