HunHan | Crown Prince

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Summary: Luhan goes missing so Sehun goes searching for him. Olden Era!au

Sehun worriedly goes to the royal stable, saddling up his horse. "Hey buddy, we're going out for a ride." His horse whinnies happily, nuzzling his nose into Sehun's palm.

Luhan had gone missing in the morning and Sehun was extremely worried, so he decided to go out by the country side to find the boy. He was a Prince, and although most would mistake him for being highly targeted, the countrymen were actually really nice, and they respected him.

Therefore his father, the King, deemed it okay for him to go out by himself without guards. Hopping on his loyal horse's back, he rode out to the country in search of the boy.

He's searched past all the street side stalls and doesn't see a trace of him. He's starting to lose hope. Maybe he should assign guards to search the entire country.

But suddenly, he stops his horse. He gets off his horse's back and tells him to stay. Then he walks back slightly to two Royal Guards. They're holding someone who's in chains between them, and Sehun clears his throat. They look up, eyes widening.

They quickly get onto their knees, fiercely tugging down what appears to be a prisoner. "Bow, you brat." One hisses loudly. Sehun's eyebrows furrow slightly.

"Release the prisoner." He orders, and the guards stutter in protest, but decide to back off. The prisoner, now recognizable as a young man, collapses slightly, his knees barely holding him. He hangs his head, not looking at Sehun.

"Look at me." Sehun commands, frowning slightly at the familiarity of the figure. His tone about to get sterner, but he realizes the prisoner is probably too weak to lift his head. Understandingly, he gently tilts the man's face up with a finger under his chin.

Upon seeing his face, Sehun's hand drops down quickly. Then his arms move to wrap around the person's body and he peppers him with small kisses. He releases the person from the hug, whispering "Luhan.." The guards gulp seeing how much affection the Prince is showing someone they mistreated right before his eyes.

He turns to a side. "Release. Him." He snarls fiercely to the guards. They scramble over, unlocking the chains and moving back slightly. Sehun gently picks up Luhan, who's looking up at him with a tired smile. He places him on his horse's back first, before approaching the guards.

"Explain." He commands, his voice hard with hatred. "W-we were commanded to do it! We- She.. She said to throw him in- into the dungeon, and said to let him rot to death there!" one guard stammers.

"Who's this 'She'?" Sehun asks. "I- She told us not to tell anybody.." They reply. At this, Sehun's eyes narrow. "Are you going to obey her or your own Crown Prince? I can have you execu-" "Lady Taeyeon, Your Highness!" One blurts out, fearful for his life.

Sehun growls, thinking about the woman and her cunningly deceptive smile. She always made sure her image wasn't tainted, and longed shamelessly after him. But she didn't really love him, she was after his title and money. She hid her disgusting personality behind a fake smile.

He dismisses the guards ("Don't think I'm going to let you off for mistreating my Luhan. And you better return to the castle or I will have my men hunt you down and kill you on the spot.") and returns to his lover's side. Luhan looks worn out and weak, and Sehun gets onto the horse quickly. Then he hurries back to the palace.

There, he gently lays Luhan down on his bed, demanding for the royal physician. The kind old man knows Luhan and Sehun entrusts the boy to him while he goes to settle some matters.

He goes to his father, who welcomes him over with open arms. Then, Sehun tells him everything. His father knows about both of them, and about how pleasant Luhan is, so he is very accepting to Luhan. He's enraged about Taeyeon's actions, and ensures Sehun that he will the deal the right punishment for her before telling him to accompany his lover.

Sehun nods, thanking his father before he dashes off to return to his lover's side. The physician leaves after Sehun reaches, and Sehun thanks him. Color has already returned to Luhan's cheeks and he looks more vibrant although he's still exhausted.

Sehun then changes and moves to lie down beside Luhan. He smiles at him lovingly, moving to tuck some of his stray hairs behind his ear. He gently presses his lips against Luhan's, smiling as he feels Luhan kiss back. Then, he snakes him arms around his lover's waist and pulls his body closer to his, hugging him tightly as they both fall asleep together.


Hehe this is payment for the angst earlier..  By the way, head over and comment some questions in the 'GET TO KNOW YOUR AUTHOR (?)' chapter and I'll select some to answer!

Oki baii

-ᴍᴏᴄʜɪ <3

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