XiuChen | Fanboy 2

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Chen's hair whips wildly in the wind and his mind clouds with worry and fear.

He instinctively runs in the direction of the hospital.


"Bro, I think it happened after you shouted at him." Chanyeol states, looking at Chen. "If I'm not wrong, after you scolded him, he just ran out of the school gate and when he was running past the road, this car crashed into him."


Chen picks up his speed as the hospital comes into view. He doesn't know why he's so worried, so concerned. Xiumin is so annoying, and he can't stand him, so why is he feeling like this?

Chen runs into the hospital, causing a public disturbance, but he doesn't give a shit.

Wait, actually he kinda does. He's here for Xiumin, not a lawsuit.

So he slows down, trying to be considerate. (Keyword: Trying)

And he runs up to the reception desk, quickly asking about Xiumin. The woman there then directs him to Room 103.

He hurriedly thanks her, ignoring her ogling eyes staring at him hungrily.

All that's on his mind is Xiumin, Xiumin, Xiumin.

And so he barges into Room 103, gasping as he sees him.

He has tubes and wires connected to him everywhere and he's lying on the bed, his face deathly pale.

Chen walks slowly to his side, inspecting Xiumin.

Seeing him so bruised and injured makes him clench his fists and grit his teeth.

Had he caused all this?

Overwhelmed by the situation and the weighing guilt, Chen leaves his side to sit by the waiting seats outside the room.

He buries his face in his hands, sighing loudly. Pictures of Xiumin's sweet smile and chipmunk cheeks flash in his mind, causing him to feel worse.

Xiumin was so pure and innocent, and he had publicly embarrassed him and caused him to end up this state.

And so Chen returns to his side, staring at Xiumin's peaceful expression.

He looked so calm and blissful despite being in the bed of a hospital, with several tubes connected to him.

And Chen is there when Xiumin's heartbeat suddenly spikes, and doctors and nurses pile in, politely asking him to leave.

Although extremely reluctant, Chen still leaves the room, and he waits for about half and hour until the doctors and nurses leave.

He rushes back in quickly, worried about Xiumin.

And he's awake, staring at him.

Chen runs to his side, grabbing his small hand gently in his own.

"Xiumin! Are you okay? I'm sorry, I- I didn't mean to-"

But Xiumin cuts him off, pulling back his own hand harshly.

"Who are you?"



Chen's heart stops and he thinks he might need to replace Xiumin on that bed.

"You.. You don't recognize me?" he asks, his voice soft and slightly hurt.

Chen then shakes his head and makes his way out sadly. He can't believe Xiumin forgot him. Why does it hurt so much?

"Wait! No! Chen wait!" Xiumin suddenly exclaims, and Chen turns around quickly, confused. Didn't he forget him?

Xiumin tries to sit up and reach for Chen but a sharp pain stabs his side and he cries out. Chen rushes over to his side, going to help him out.

When Xiumin finally settles down comfortably, he explains that he was just joking, and this warm wave of comfort and relief washes over Chen.

But it's replaced by a sharp stabbing pain of guilt and regret.

"Look, Xiumin.. I- I didn't mean to shout at you like that, and uh, in fact, I don't really mind you following me. You- you can, I guess. No, actually you can be my friend and just walk with me."

Chen stutters out, and Xiumin looks at him with his mouth agape and slight hurt adorning his features.

"D- Did you just friendzone me?" he gasps in shock, and Chen quickly shakes his head. "What? No! I- I just-"

Xiumin giggles lightly and he gently smacks Chen's arm. "I was just joking, chill."

And at that moment, Chen can't help but see his beauty through his injuries.

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