So Scared, So Nervous

Start from the beginning

Lachlan: "Ben come here."

I pulled him closer to me and wrapped my arm around his shoulders, he was only a few inches shorter than I was but it was still cute being able to wrap my arms around him. What worried me was one hand lifting up to grip my arm and the other going around my waist. He never grabs me around the waist because he doesn't want to out me just yet. Even though I don't care. But still, it's weird I noticed that.

Lachlan: "Breathe OK?"

Ben: "I am breathing."

Lachlan: "No, you aren't. You are tense as shit, scared as fuck. Do they hurt you? Do they touch you?"

Ben: "What? Lachlan fuck no, they don't and wouldn't ever do something like that to me."

Lachlan: "Then what are you so afraid of?"

Ben: "N-nothing."

Thats a lie, that's a massive lie, does he perhaps not live with the people he said he was, or maybe he has another guy on the side and is trying to not make me suspicious. Why would he have another guy though? What if I'm the side hoe?

Lachlan: "Are you cheating on me?"

I felt him stop dead in his tracks and look straight up at me, before he turned and punched my arm slightly.

Ben: "Don't ever accuse me of doing something so fucking disgusting."

Lachlan: "I'm just, worried about you? Scared a little. Why are you so nervous? Here we need to get this one right?"

As I took a turn to get our ferry tickets, I could feel him literally shaking now, the guy behind the window kept looking at Ben but he just nodded his head Furiously, the man fairly reluctantly handed over the tickets, which kind of scared me the most.

Lachlan: "Why was he so hesitant to give us tickets?"

Ben: "Please stop asking so many questions."

As we took a seat on the bench, waiting for the ferry to arrive, I felt my small boy damn near climb onto my lap. In plain view of everyone around.

Lachlan: "Come here."

I wrapped my arms around him and felt him shivering, actually shaking in fear, though I think now I have a feeling of why he's so scared.

Lachlan: "It's the water isn't it?"

I heard him make some incomprehensible sound, signaling to me that I was right. The one thing that worried me though, was that he regularly needed to ferry it to get to work though, getting across the water every day?

Lachlan: "You cross the water every day though, gotta take the ferry to work though right?"

He shook his head which confused me how else could he still get to work without being late?

Lachlan: "Come on mate it's here."

I felt him shaking and he could barely move, so I had to move him myself. I picked him up slightly and placed him back on the ground, my arms not leaving him the entire time as the boat pulled in, they started letting people off and I could see some of the people giving my boy some weird looks... Fuck you Cunts.

Lachlan: "Come on mate."

As I practically lead him on board, I took him up stairs immediately, we wouldn't be as close to the water there and if anything happened we would be the first ones in a relatively safer place. As I took my seat, Ben standing precariously over me, I let out a deep sigh as he took the seat next to me, but his hands over his ears and his head in my lap. I let my hand rest lightly on his head as he whimpered and cried. I didn't realise he was so scared, had I have realized I would have done something else. But he's still a rational person, he knows this is the fastest way by a long shot. Saving at least half an hour to an hour.

Lachlan: "You will be fine love, trust me."

I saw him look up at me, his eyes puffy and large in fear, he was shaking horribly as I pulled him onto my lap again, this time facing each other. I wiped away his tears as they fell, held him close to me as he whimpered and let out small shrieks whenever the water got choppy.

Lachlan: "It's almost over mate, just a little longer and we will be on dry ground. We can take a taxi back to my hotel room how about that?"

I felt him nod into my shoulder, this beautiful amazing young man. I took my phone out and took a photo of us, right as I kissed him, right on his lips. His head went back down as I uploaded it to Twitter and my Instagram.

@LachlanYT: "Fears can hit anywhere at any time. No matter what, I'm always going to love this man and I don't care what anyone says. Two fears are being fought today. And while I can fight mine, his battles are just beginning. God help anyone who gives him shit for this."

Thank fuck for 280 characters.

@MrWoofless: "You two are adorable."

@TBNRfrags: "Called it!"

@Bajancanadian: "*Gives shit.*"

@LachlanYT: "I should kick your ass."

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