Chapter 38: The Shadow

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"Wake up. Ew, you stink," I am shaken awake from my slumber, my head pounding in constant dehydration. I rub my eyes.

    "What the hell do you want Scarlett? You know this is my break and I didn't get any sleep last night thanks to you," I yawn, stretching out my sore limbs. I wait for her response, but none comes. I finally open my eyes.

And I see two people, each with equally stunned expressions, although Scarlett's look could probably scare off most grown men. I chuckle nervously, clearing my throat.

    "Right, ignore what I just said. Scarlett, please explain who the heck you just brought into our room," I try to not act embarrassed, despite the fact that Scarlett's flustered face probably matched mine.

    "This person is supposed to know the whereabouts of Arika," Suddenly, all the suffering, the torture, the utter humiliation seemed worth it. My heart thunders in my chest. The blond girl with blue orbs like mine continues to eye me with disbelief. She finally opens her mouth.

    "You look exactly like Calvin" Ice seeps into me, freezing my limbs, my voice in my throat.

    "You knew him too?"

    "Of course I did. And you are supposed to be his twin who also happens to be the ruler of my country's enemy. So you should feel lucky that the only thing keeping me from slitting your throats is the fact that you know something about Arika,"

    "Scarlett, didn't you say she was the one who was going to tell us information?" She shrugs, picking at her nails. I sigh.

    "I admit, I was the one who convinced Arika to join my side first. But my side is the right side. Arika is not the kind of girl to just be coaxed into a decision and you know that. She has her own beliefs and she chose to believe in me. And now, she has been captured by the same country you are fighting for and it's my fault. I take full responsibility. So please, you can trust us, at least until we get Arika back, " I beg. I need your help. My hands grip the handlebars of my cot.

    "Guam is an island off the western coast in the Pacific Ocean. Only one ship goes in and out of the island, the Shadow. I can sneak you on because I am a regular on the boat, but once we get there..." Her grim expression did the rest of the talking.

    "I don't care what happens. I just need to get there," The desperation in my voice thickens it to a croak. Bri nods, patting me reassuringly on the shoulder.

    "I promise we'll get Arika back," Her smile is a determined one.

    I bite back a grunt of pain as my head rams into the roof of the wooden crate. Scarlett and I are smushed together, positioned like jigsaw pieces so we could fit into the standard cargo box. I could make out a harbor through the cracks of our confinement. The smell of the sea calls to me, reminding me of its power and its beauty. I hear Bri talking to a man.

    "I need to see your slip and ID," Bri pulls out two slips of paper from her many pockets.

    "This mission was supposed to be completed yesterday! You can't come on," My heart lurches. Scarlett squeezes my hand.

    "Unless you want your ass handed to you by the general, I would suggest you let me on. This is a top-secret mission and we all know what happens to those who can't keep a secret," The man narrows his eyes, fear finally bending his will.

    "I want my stuff in my room before I step in it," She doesn't look back as the man reluctantly lets her onto the walkway towards the Shadow, who loomed ominously over us. It sure does match its name.

    We are plopped roughly onto a cart before rolled up to the room. It takes every fiber in us to stay silent, sweat dripping down our foreheads. At one point, the crew rolls us onto our side, Scarlett's body crushing mine. I close my eyes, trying to focus on anything else but the pretty girl on top of me.

    We are finally left alone in Bri's unlit quarters. We wait for the thudding of footsteps to fade away before we upright our box once again. Even in the dark, I can feel the heat between us, the red tinting her face. We don't dare say a word, choosing to share a kiss instead. How come it took me this long to be with her? I ignore the voice that whispers in response in my head.

    I am startled by the blinding light that comes on in the room.

    "Okay, lovebirds, as much as it probably pains you to be stuck in a tight, cramped space together, it's time to get out. I brought lunch," She holds three wrapped packages. Scarlett crawls out first and I follow suit, the air hitting me a cool breeze. Sweat soaks my shirt.

"Welcome to the Shadow where we'll be spending the next 2 weeks figuring out if Arika is even alive and how the hell to bust her out,"

"All that matters is that we made it. I smile broadly.

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