Chapter 33: Thorn In Our Side

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I slowly open my eyes, squinting as fat globs of water roll down my cheeks. I could taste the familiar tang of blood in my mouth. The throbbing in my head is crippling, fogging up my mind and my senses. I take a couple of deep breaths, attempting to clear it.

The last thing I remembered was a soldier taking out a grenade and bombing the place before everything went dark. The explosion! Where were Axel and Arika? Abruptly, I sit up, groaning at the unending pain, as I survey the empty lot. And I see Axel's limp body. He can't be dead, he will not be dead, I refuse to believe he is dead! I scramble up from my bloody spot on the concrete and scurry towards him, despite all the screams and protests from my body.

I turn his body over and I almost scream at his open eyes. The blue hue of his orbs is so much more faded than I recall. I can visibly see his chest moving up and down and feel his pulse. I know he is alive so why...

"Axel! Snap out of it! What is wrong with you?" My voice comes out hoarse and desperate. He finally fixes his eyes on me and the utter defeat and sorrow in them are enough for me to stop my next wave of questions. I drop down to my knees, my hand covering his. Axel doesn't even register the contact.

"Talk to me, please," I beg.

"I lost her," is all he manages. Oh god, oh god. Slowly, I piece together the fallen pieces. I press my hand to my mouth, suppressing a sob. If only I hadn't passed out, if only!

You can't dwell on the past. All we can do in this world is move forward. A voice rings in my head. Axel's voice. That day I wanted to die, he saved my life with those exact words.

"You can't dwell on what you couldn't control. All we can do is move forward and try and get her back. And we will, I know we will," I tighten my grip around his hand.

"Scarlett, no matter what I do, I can never keep a girl. How can I move forward when the thought of their faces, her  face haunts me every day?!" His lost eyes stare up at the sky, as if searching for something to hold onto. What could have happened between him and this girl to leave him with so much emotional baggage?

"You still have me, don't you," Axel's eyes finally meet mine and I see the soul of a shattered, defeated boy shouldering the worries and visions of the world he loves.

"Not for long, knowing me,"

"Don't say that! I am not going anywhere!" He lays still on the ground again and I shiver in the cold rain, soaked to the bone. I sigh.

"I know how it feels, trust me. My past haunts me every hour of the day and I just think of a thorn in my side, nothing more. Me and you, we aren't like everyone else. We are better than this! Get the hell up and face your problems head on! We will get her back!" Still no sign of Axel moving from his puddle on the ground.

"Dammit, Axel!" I slap him across the face, unleashing all of my built up annoyance. He cannot just give up like this! This is not the Axel I know. Satisfaction fills me as I see the look of pure shock on his face, the scarlet imprint of my hand fading.

"Ouch. You pack a hard punch," The Axel I know resurfaces, the light of determination back in his azure eyes. Abruptly, he sits up, hissing in agony as he grabs at his right arm.

"Are you alright?" My heart pounds in my chest. He better not pass out again. I made a note to myself to scold Axel later, when we weren't dripping from head to toe, for letting his health deteriorate like that.

A rush of exhilaration jolts through me as I see that familiar expression on Axel's striking face, his jaw set in that particular way of his when the gears in his brain are working hard. I almost say the next phrase for him.

"I have a crazy, stupid, dumb as hell plan," 

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