Chapter 1: Earthquake

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I wake to a dry throat. I am used to it now, a constant reminder of the lack of freshwater this planet has left. I sigh and get up from my dusty bed to put on my dusty school uniform, a plain red shirt with a black, knee length skirt. Our school gives us darker colors so the dirt from the dry world won't appear so easily. My family doesn't have the luxury to wash our clothes whenever we want to. I pull on my clothes and head downstairs.

My mom is out dropping my little brother off at his school and my dad has already headed out to work. I am used to being alone in the morning although sometimes I am sad to not being able to see my family the whole day. However, I do like being alone at times to sort through my thoughts. This morning was different. I was too thirsty to think as I rush to grab my water bottle and filled it up from the gallon jug that our family can drink per day. One gallon per day for four people isn't too bad if you don't count the headaches and fatigue. I took a sip out of my bottle, drinking sparingly, quenching my perpetual thirst temporarily. I munched on a granola bar as I finished some last minute history homework. Despite my procrastination, I was quite a good student. I excelled in math but what I really love is science. Whenever I learned about this planet, I felt closer to being able to solve this world's huge water problem. I hate history though. I was angered every time I learned about the luxury of the past, especially the carefree use of water. Did those fools ever think how wasting that much water on unnecessary things would affect future generations?

I haste through the final page of homework and glance at the clock. Shoot, I am late. Stuffing the papers into my black backpack, I rush out the door and see the familiar shape of my best friend waiting for me.

"Yo Clarissa!" I shout. Clarissa waves to me. I already felt my sour mood from this morning brightening. Ha, how ironic. Clarissa meant bright in latin. My name was Arika, named after a waterlily. I did like my name but I always thought it was cruel that I had to be named after a plant that thrived in the water when this planet had so little of it. At least, freshwater. We certainly had more than enough salt water. I caught up to her, barely out of breath.

"Ugh, wasn't the history homework annoying." I remarked. "I know right! Like no one cares who won the world war and what not!" She replies.

"Oh no here comes Michelle Helldigard." Michelle Hildegard was part of the rich girl squad in our school. They were your classic beauties. Blond hair, blue eyes, fair skin. They could eat whatever they wanted so they were healthier and dewier than everyone else. I hated it. We all did. I envied their beauty and looks. But not all of them were as annoying as Michelle. She was spoiled and bullied anyone who she thought of as an eyesore. One of them was me. Or I would like to say she tried to bully me. I stood up for a kid once and then she started on me. Michelle was jealous of my good grades and athleticism. At least that's what I told myself.

Clarissa and I veer further to the left to try to avoid her. Of course, it had never worked before and wasn't going to start miraculously working today. I roll my eyes

"Oh my EriCaw and ClaRice. Its great to see you guys again! You be looking dusty as ever though. You sure you guys are human, I mean honestly how could anyone ever think to go out looking like that. Well see you guys around," She remarked in a sickly sweet voice. Before I even knew what I was doing, I snap back.

"Says the one with wheat as an excuse of hair. And no guy will ever like you because of your rotten personality. Oh and it's Arika and Clarissa!" Clarissa is tugging at my sleeve.

"Okay that's enough," she says quietly. The face on Michelle was priceless. I turn around, feeling a little more satisfied. We finally arrive at school and we part ways. Out of the corner of my eye, I see him. A refreshing sight to my dull life. Our eyes meet. His eyes are a breath taking blue, flecked with gold. His dark locks sway around his face as he walks by. I feel my heart racing as I look at him. The moment is over as I pull my eyes away. I shake my head. What is wrong with you?! You remember what happened in middle school when you fell for that guy. Geez Arika, I thought you learned your lesson. The bell rings as I rush off to English.

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