Chapter 20: Axel Mendez

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I wake up in a soft, billowy, white bed, something I haven't felt in what seemed like years. Morning sun floods in from a nearby window, bouncing off surfaces in whimsical ways in front of my eyes. I could stay here forever...

"And she finally awakens from her beauty sleep," I jump, startled at the unfamiliar yet familiar voice that I had no idea was present in my room. Squinting against the sun, I see him. Everything about him looks so familiar, so real. He's tanner than I remember, more muscular. Tears well up in my eyes. This cannot be real. I must be dreaming. I gasp as gentle, calloused fingers wipe away my tears.

"I must have a pretty big pimple on my face to make you cry like this," His laugh soothes my ears, just like how it did months ago.

"You knew my twin didn't you," His blue eyes twinkle in a heart-wrenching way, so alluring yet so heavy, like he carries the burden of the world. All the confusion that had clouded my mind vanishes in that moment.

"I once had a twin named Calvin Wilkerson. He came into the world a whole thirty five seconds before me," He chuckles wistfully, his eyes distant in a memory far away.

"We spent the first few years of life together. We were best friends, but Calvin was always the favorite. I had incredible memory so I can remember almost everything I ever see. And my parents loved us both but Calvin was always priority," His face darkens, the same weight I see on him dragging him down now more than ever.

"Apparently, things got hard for my family financially. They couldn't support Calvin and I. They wanted at least one of us to have a good life. So they gave me away. Ha, by giving me away means they left me outside in the hot desert as they packed up to start a new life. I bet they twisted Calvin's memory so he would never even knew I existed.," The bitterness in his voice was enough to make me flinch. No child deserves to feel this kind of abandonment. He clears his throat.

"Anyways, do you happen to know how Calvin is?" My heart stops in my chest. Memories hit me too hard. Tears fall freely down my face.

"Calvin is dead," A stunned silence seems to fill the air. I scrunch my hand over my chest, as if hoping it would keep my heart from crumbling into pieces.

"We fell in love as we fought for survival together after the earthquake struck. We had finally made it to the refugee camp and everything was going great. Then, bandits came and pillaged us, shooting at whoever they wanted." My voice cracks. Why is it still so painful after all of these months. I remember my father calling my name and the immense hurt that still eats away at me.

"He jumped in front of a bullet to save me. It was my fault he died," I look at the ground in shame, unable to face his twin.

"I am glad he passed to save the love of his life. I would've been disappointed if he didn't," His eyes are glassy but his smile is true. He turns away to give me the privacy I need.

Perhaps it is time to let go. My breathing evens out and my tears dry like the water on Earth.

"You know they were rich. And Calvin had a little sister named Ralene, who he cared for very much. I knew he knew something was missing in his life, I could feel it in his soul," I give him my best grin. A surprised look fills his handsome face, his eyebrows raised as piercing icy eyes examine me.

"Ralene, huh... I would have loved to meet the child they replaced me with. I hope she was treated better than me... Uh, sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Axel, Axel Mendez. That is my real name, not Wilkerson," Axel says it with such pride, eyes shining as he extends a hand. What am I doing, listening to my enemy's life story? Stupid, stupid! I back away quickly. I have to get out of here. He's going to kill me. I eye the strange glove lying on the metal stool behind him. I can still complete this mission.

"Sorry, do you know where the restroom is? Nature calls," I laugh uneasily. He nods and points his finger to his right, where a small tidy room is. And right next to it, is the exit.

Just a door away from my freedom.

I spring into action, darting at full speed towards the glove then the door, my adrenaline being unleashed.

I don't make it far at all. In a blink of an eye, Axel has me pinned against the door, my body painfully sandwiched between his body and the exit. I swallow nervously, trying to ignore the sensation of his lean body against mine. At last, he releases me as I sputter and cough, trying to regain the air in my lungs.

"You really think I would fall for that so easily. I know every trick in the book," Axel shakes his head in disdain.

"There's a reason I didn't kill you yet. I am the Prime Imperator of Aquaria. And I have an offer to make you,"

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