Chapter 31: Still A Mystery

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Our fancy, electric car pulls up to the cozy hotel, if not a little rundown. I marvel at the smoothness of the vehicle and the plush seats. Never would I have dreamed ever riding a vehicle like this.

    "You know, this car isn't even my best one. But then again, anything will impress you," Axel snorts as he pulls into the foreign parking lot. I shoot him a glare, my whole body still sore from the surgery. However, I feel ten times stronger than ever before, like a brand new person. I still have to thank whoever donated their bone marrow to me...

"What the hell is this piece of crap of a hotel room?" Axel complains loudly. The receptionist huffs in irritation at us and I pretend to study the paint peeling off the walls. The old me would've found it quite luxurious compared to the crowded hostels my family lived in when we did ever go on a small trip, which was once in my life when the perpetual drought was particularly devastating. I try to forget that year in my childhood, the memories already foggy. However, I do feel my heart sink as I see the tiny bed that is next to the lamp and table, the only other pieces of furniture in sight. A queasy feeling fills my stomach.

    "Sorry, spoiled rich boy, but we're here on a mission to stop America from gaining control of the labs, not to sightsee. Suck it up," I drop my bag on the table, feeling nervous about having to spend the next two days in the same room with Axel.

    "Where am I supposed to shower?" Axel wails like a little kid who got his candy stolen.

    "It's called public restrooms," I sigh. Welcome to reality, I mutter under my breath.

    "Don't think I didn't hear that," I ignore him, unpacking my few belongings and claiming the right side of the bed.

    "Cross onto my side of the bed and I cut off your arm," I say dead serious. The times of jokes were over; I had no interest nor energy left to banter with Axel and play his little games.

    "Sure thing, your highness," I roll my eyes, unable to keep a grin off my face. Axel plops onto the bed, taking up the whole thing. I smack all of his limbs that were already invading my space.

    "Okay, okay, I'll stay on the left side. Anyways, I've already informed the labs that the United States are coming so they'll have more than enough time to prep their defense. Tomorrow, while you get Scarlett, I'll pick off any remaining troops. Piece of cake. Then, we can all do some sightseeing," Axel picks at his fingernails nonchalantly.

"You sure it's going to go that smoothly?" I half-mumble to myself, yawning

"Sure it will. I am Imperator for a reason after all," Axel says a little too cheerily. Rolling my eyes once again, I lay down next to him, exhausted from the red-eye flight. I eye the clock. Great, a whole three hours of sleep. I shut my eyes, turning my back to Axel. I feel a finger poke my back.

    "What did I say about crossing the line," I hear his snickers. Sometimes, I can't believe he's the person I'm depending on to save the world.

    "There are so many lines I can cross," He whispers in my ear, his warm breath sending electricity shooting down my spine. My eyes snap open, my heart thundering in my chest.

    "That's it. I am sleeping on the floor!" I snatch at my pillow and the blanket, but Axel's arm keeps them from budging.

    "Relax, it was a joke. I'll sleep on the floor," He sets his pillow on the floor and lays down his jacket.

    "Wait, it's okay, I'll sleep on the floor," I insist.

    "I won't be able to live with myself if your highness had to sleep on the floor. Plus, you'll probably complain so much that I'm not going to get any sleep anyways," He's already laying down. I notice the deep bags under his bloodshot eyes as they stare up at the ceiling.

    "Take the blanket then," I start pulling the heavy cover off the bed.

    "It's fine," His eyes are already sealed shut. I wait for his breathing to even out before laying the blanket on top of him. I smile to myself, his face so much younger when he wasn't faced with his enormous responsibilities. I get up, ready to go back to bed when I feel a hand around the collar of my black suit. I freeze, my eyes meeting those blue ones. I bite back a gasp of surprise. I swear he was asleep seconds ago!

    Axel pulls me closer until our faces are inches apart, our breaths greeting one another. I am too shocked to draw away. I see his throat bob as he swallows. Unconsciously, I feel myself drawing closer, wanting to see how his lips would feel on mine, just once.

Abruptly, Axel turns his head and lets go of my collar, my face now centimeters away from his jaw. Disappointment fills me. What were you expecting anyway? I scold myself for falling into his web again.

    "You should really get some sleep. We only have two hours until we have to leave," Axel says quietly, his back now towards me. I don't respond, scowling furiously, as I stomp back to bed. I try to catch my breath, my heart still pounding, perhaps from the shock or the hurt, I wouldn't know. I don't get a wink of sleep for the rest of the night.

    Axel and I don't exchange a word about last night's awkward events as we prepare our weapons for the journey. I roll out my neck and stretch my arms and legs, warming up my body for the physical ordeal that lay ahead.

    "Arika, what was that last night?" Axel mutters as I avoid his piercing gaze. The audacity of this boy! I pretend like I didn't hear him and continue strapping on my favorite pair of throwing knives.

    "Nevermind!" Axel snaps.

    "Remind me, who's on their period again?" I think back to the period joke he made when I was half dead in the grass meadow.

    "Seriously! This isn't a time for jokes," His tone is bitter and harsh, taking me by genuine astonishment.

    "You are such a hypocrite. You're always the one doing your stupid antics at the worst moments! I can't believe you sometimes!"

    "You can't believe me! You let my twin die," Something breaks within me and Axel knows he's made a mistake, tampering with something he doesn't understand. But he does understand: you did let him die. I curl then uncurl my fingers, knuckles whitening as memories that will haunt me forever come flooding in.

    "Arika, that's not what I meant! I shouldn't have said that-"

    "I hate you. One minute I want to kiss you, another I want to punch you! I don't understand you at all!" I am breathing hard by now. Why is he always like this?

    "You don't know me, Arika!" I see so many emotions clouding his eyes, and I know he is still a mystery, a code for me to crack. Axel is like a minefield, one wrong move seems to set him off.

    "Maybe, I don't want to know you," I walk away, pulling my mask over my face, not wanting him to see the tears threatening my composure.

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