Chapter 32: Blackmail

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I drum my fingers restlessly on the car seat, trying to escape the oppressive silence in the car. Stupid, stupid! I had almost lost control last night and caved in, which seems to be a recurring pattern around Arika.

Distance yourself, you idiot! Do you want to go through that again! A voice screams through my head.

But you can't stay alone forever. Wouldn't that be such a sad life? A whisper resonates through my skull.

Don't be selfish! I lean my head back against the headrest and shut my eyes, attempting, but unable to sort through my thoughts. A light headache forms at the base of my skull.

"Nice weather today," I say as I watch the raindrops scatter on the window. All I get is a scoff from the Arika and a grunt from the driver. I sigh.

The United Kingdoms was one of Aquaria's strongest research bases and in return for their intel, we granted them rain and protection from the other major powerhouses whose countries citizens hadn't all died off yet or weren't on the verge of it. The UK was one of the only countries that remained in Europe, the rest long gone or having migrated to places with more water.

We drive under a bridge into a tunnel before taking an exit on an obscure path. I had visited the lab countless times so I was prepared for the sudden hole that appeared in the dirt path.

"What the hell..." Arika mutters in the back, almost inaudible. I smirk. I force the image of those lips that were inches away from mine just hours ago out of my mind.

The car screeches to a stop, the seat belt the only thing keeping me from ramming into the dashboard. I feel the thump of Arika crashing into the back of my seat.

"What is going on?!" I shout in alarm. My eyes widen in horror as I see an American Marine hold a knife to Scarlett's throat, droplets of blood running down her neck already as they bar our way towards the entrance of the lab. My blood boils as I yank my door open, but Arika beats me to it.

"You little bastard! Let her go right now!" She draws her favorite throwing knife and I see the way she grips it, the confidence behind her deadly aim.

"I wouldn't be talking right now, you traitor. Are you this man's little lap dog now, at his beck and call?" The soldier jeers at her and I step forward, snarling. Arika lifts her hand, a gesture telling me to back off.

"Hah! I am nobody's dog. I do what I want. And I want you to let her go," Icy calm spreads through her voice and though I see that slight tremble in her hand, for the first time in my life, I am awed by her presence.

"Get me all the information in the lab, then I'll let her go," Arika whips around to face me and before I know what has come over me, my hands are behind my back and I feel a cold blade on my throat.

"I wouldn't struggle if I were you," Her warm breath whispers in my ear. Delayed shock courses through me. Is she really going to kill me? Am I nothing to her? My heart almost breaks at the thought..

"Did I forget to mention the only way you can get into the lab is using this man? So if I were you, I'd let her go before I kill him and destroy his pretty little, face," I almost laugh at her cunning, her ingenuity. You don't need facial ID to get into the lab. But, a person for a person is the only way both can come out alive.

I see the blade loosen on Scarlett's neck and I know he has fallen into Arika's fatal trap. Scarlett escapes his grip and Arika thuds the blade into the man's chest.

"You enjoyed that way too much, didn't you?" Arika feigns an innocent look.

"Having the most powerful man on earth trembling in my arms knowing I could end him any second, of course I wouldn't enjoy that. Why would anyone?" I chuckle.

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