Chapter 10: Discovery

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Her face was so sad I couldn't help feeling sympathy. When I first saw Michelle, I thought she was hot. That's why I teamed up with her but I quickly realized my mistake and I friendzoned her hard. Her personality was so freaking irritating I needed a break. Arika gave off a different vibe. She seemed like a free spirited horse tamed and broken by the hardships she had faced and seen. I was determined to get to know her better.

"Well, could you tell me about him?" I hoped this would make her feel better but I immediately regret my decision after I catch the sudden tenseness that seems to take over her body.

"Uh, well he had brown hair and gorgeous blue eyes. He was kind and witty and resourceful," Her voice was cracks and she stops talking. Her hands are balled into fists as she put on a strong face before walking ahead of me.

"Hey wait up. I could tell you something about me," No response, she just keeps walking.

"Okay well let's see. I am a junior in highschool, captain of the basketball team. I have never kissed a girl," This gets her attention as she halts, gaping at me.

"Well that's the most interesting thing I have heard all day," She mutters.

"Yeah, weird right. Thing is I had dated around so much. I was stupid so I dated all the hot girls but none of them had any substance. They were all so bland! I got bored and never had a relationship longer than 3 weeks. Except with this one girl," I say wistfully as memories hit me like a wave.

"What happened with her?" Arika asks, finally curious.

"That girl lasted 3 weeks and one day. What a record," I hear chuckling from Arika, even her laughter sadder than most, like a melancholy tune . The sun had begun to rise which meant it was time to stop and make camp soon.

"Do you know where we're headed?" I ask Arika, her head down, shoulders constantly slumped.

"Don't know, don't care," She says shortly, her voice sounding lost. Grief had really hit her hard. I really do wonder what she was like before all this had happened, how she really was under this shell that she put up to try and protect herself. I decided to go talk to Bri.

"Hey, do you know where we're going?"

"We're going to Sacramento. Seems like the most likely place for the government to be. We'll have plenty of food that we can salvage from these ruined houses." replies Jake, gesturing to the debris around us. Jake was always protective of his girlfriend and I admired their deep relationship . I had always envied the couples who had dated for years in high school.

"I'm just wondering, do you guys happen to know what Arika was like before whoever her magical boyfriend was died?"

"Why do you care?" snickered Jake. He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Oh no no, I am just curious that's all I swear," My cheeks redden unconsciously.

"Whatever you say," Jake clearly didn't believe me.

"She was strong, one of the strongest people I had met in a while. She was also friendly and thoughtful. And the way Calvin looked at her was what every girl would ever want. He brought out the best in her and they were unstoppable together. But then again, we had only known them for a couple of days," Bri said, her face despairing for her friend. Calvin, so that was his name. He sounded perfect, everything I wanted to be. I glanced at Arika. Her wavy hair flowed in the wind. I remembered her face when she laughed, how bright and pretty it was and in that moment, I think I could see what Calvin had seen. And I knew I wanted to make her laugh again. We made sudden eye contact, and I rapidly turned away, realizing I had been staring.

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