Chapter 57: Trapped

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Arika slips on the unconscious man's uniform, her nose wrinkling in that way of hers. I swallow nervously. So many things could go wrong with this plan. She finishes pulling on the pants, which sagged heavily and she did everything in her power to keep them up. I snort, earning me a pointed glare.

"Now for the fun part." The mischievous flash in Arika's autumn eyes is enough for my insides to turn. She pulls out the rope dramatically, snapping it taut.

"Tie me up, baby." I wink playfully. We were well enough into the forest that no one could hear us.

"If you say that again, I am going to puke then rip your tongue out."

"Why don't you rip my tongue out then puke. I don't want your vomit to be the last thing I see before the all-consuming pain takes me away. Might as well do it when I am unconscious."

"Oh, shut up." Arika gently knots the rope loosely around my scarred wrists, tucking her hair behind her ear. But I find her loosely tracing the scars, her touch like a phantom in the night.

"Where are these from?" She whispers so quietly I have to lean in to hear.

"Being Imperator can be hard." I let her keep tracing those scars, reminders of how vulnerable even I could be.

"Don't ever cut yourself again." Chills run down my spine as I stare into those eyes, all their love directed towards me. Suddenly, every piece of me aches.

"Okay?" I don't respond, for I cannot. Because I knew if I lost this girl, nothing would hold me back from destroying this world and myself. I clasp her hand tightly.

"Only if you are mine. And no one else's." We gaze into one another, rebuilding that connection we had before until I could feel every part of Arika light up, the red in her cheeks and lips blooming. Her eyes are embers that glow until she is pulsing with life.

"Okay." With the last knot, she pushes herself up and begins dragging me toward the camp.

"Could you be any gentler?" I spit through my gag.

"If this plan doesn't work, I will kill you. So don't die." Fierce determination touches her voice and I find myself nodding. The camp looms into sight and I check my watch. If all is going as planned, the troops should be here in fifteen minutes. I tug on Arika's already falling pants to get her attention. She lowers her head in irritation.


"Stay safe." I murmur into her ear, inhaling that comforting scent of vanilla and that hint of jasmine. It could be the last time...

Don't worry about me. Her eyes still shown from before.

"Hey! I caught the Imperator. Where should I take this dumbass?" I keep my head lowered, biting back a chuckle. I see a couple of boots approach her and her grip on me tenses. Only the slight tremble in her hand gave away her nerves.

"You wanna tell me how you caught him. It's not every day that a soldier comes waltzing in with the most important man on this continent, perhaps this world like she has just caught a fish." A female voice, confident and vicious, addresses Arika. I check my watch. Ten more minutes. A rough, calloused hand lifts my chin up and I put on my angriest mask.

The woman had midnight black hair that lay on a tight, high pony upon the top of her head. She had a more delicate frame than expected and compared to the giant man that stood to her right, she is nothing. But it is that wrath that lived inside of her, devouring her lifeless, inky orbs. Few could send a wave of fear through me, but she did. So this is the woman who dares defy me.

"It really is him." The woman breathes in disbelief. Her razor sharp nails dig into my jaw until a single stream of blood trickles down my chin onto my shirt. I don't dare glance at Arika. Two more minutes.

"Take her away. She is not with us." Something inside of me snaps. I cannot lose her again, cannot lose her again!

"No! Don't you dare touch her." How did she know? The giant man takes a step towards Arika whose hand is slowly inching into the dagger hidden in her back pocket. I desperately find her eyes and in them, I see a reflection of my despair and defeat.

Run! Get out of here!

I can't leave you.

"You are more foolish than I thought. Falling right into our trap. You see, I wanted you to find us. We were going to capture the girl that you loved as leverage for you to tell us all your secrets, all of your plans. But it seems like you brought her right to us, your lust for her so strong it overcame your senses. It is why I forbid myself to love, to feel because you never know when it will be used against you." My stomach sinks into a hopeless pit as the woman cracks a smirk of triumph, the only emotion she seemed capable of.

"And that girl you sent to retrieve your army." I flinch at that terrifying sound as they plop Bri's unconscious body on the ground. I check my watch a final time. They were supposed to be here two minutes ago. That sinking feeling never stopped and I feel like I am falling into an endless void.

"It ends here for you, dear Imperator."

No one is coming for us. And it is all my fault. 

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