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Elsa's POV

The bell rang and I was sitting at my desk. The classroom was half full and more students were rushing in, determined to not be counted late. I waited about 5 minutes before closing the door and walking in front of the class.

"Alright, everyone. My name is Elsa Frost or as you will be calling me Mrs. Frost. I am a new teacher so, go easy on mine?" I ask the class laughs a bit.

"Ok, well should we do introductions or is that a.. 5th grader thing?" I ask and raise an eyebrow. A girl with red hair raises her hand and I point to her.

"Can we do the introduction? I don't mind." She says smiling.

"Well, class?" I scan the room and they all shrug. "Alright then, would you like to go first?" I ask the girl and she nods.

"Hi everyone, My name is Penny, I am 12 and my birthday is October 10th!" She says and sits down. I am sitting at my desk holding the attendance sheet. I scan through the list of students I have for my first-period class until I see her name. Putting a check next to it I go to the top and call out the name.

"Alright next we'll have... Wendy?" I say and look up. A girl with brown hair up in a ponytail stands up.

"I'm Wendy, I'm also 12, and my birthday is June 4th." She says and sits back down.

"Tarzan?" I call out as I put a check next to Wendy's name.

"My name is Tarzan I'm 11 and my birthday is July 5th!" A boy with brown hair yells and then sits back down. Everyone laughs at him as his hair falls into his face and tries to blow it out of the way. I chuckle at him continue down the list of names. Finally, we are done and I stand up again.

"Alright class, I-" I get cut off by a girl named Alice.

"Mrs. Frost? How old are you?" she asks and I smile at her.

"I am 23. My birthday is December 21st. Any other questions?" I ask and nobody speaks. "Ok then. I am your English teacher this year. We will be learning a bunch of stuff this year and I hope that I can make it fun for you. If you have questions about anything please let me know. Don't be embarrassed about not understanding something. Someone else may have the same question and are too scared to ask. So please, don't hesitate to ask. Got it?" I ask and they all nod. "Good. Now, this week will be easy, as its the first week. You will be getting your lockers on Wednesday, until then just keep your backpack with you as well as your belongings. Each class is about 45 minutes long and you will follow your schedule for classes. Homeroom is 15 minutes long every morning. During this time you can read, work on homework, talk QUIETLY, with your friends, go to the bathroom, etc. After the 15 minutes are up you are expected to be in class and then we will begin." I continue telling the class about how things will work this year and everything is going great. This should be easy! Well, should be.

"Mam'm?" Tarzan asks.


"I don't see recess anywhere on my schedule." He says and I nod.

"That would be because there is no recess. You might have some time to go outside during or after lunch, but that depends entirely on how you behave. You really won't even notice recess not being there." I say and he frowns.

"But I want to be able to go outside!" he yells and stands up. Oh boy. It would appear I have found the troublemaker of this class.

"Please sit back down and do not yell. I understand it is disappointing that there is no recess, but as I said you won't even notice." I say and he glares at me. "Sit down," I say and he does so. Good job Elsa. You kept your cool. Everything will be ok.

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