Chapter 24

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Last night was amazing! We stayed at the restaurant for hours just talking about whatever happened to come up. After that, we all went to my house and we stayed up till 2:30 am. I was going to stay up latter, but Jack told me I needed sleep for the baby, and because I have work. Everyone had left and we went to bed. Right now, its 3:00 in the afternoon. My shift starts at 4:30 and goes to 8:30. I may have told my boss I was pregnant, and he decided to reduce my hours a bit. Jack and I have been watching movies all day, I think we've gone through 8 bags of popcorn. At the moment, we were watching Aladdin.

"I love genie." I said and Jack nodded.

"Yeah me too. Want more popcorn?" He asked me. I shook my head.

"No, I've already had way to much. I'm suppose to be eating healthy." He nodded and got up to go put the bowel of popcorn in the sink. He came back a few minutes later with a bag of grapes. Green. Those are may favorite. I smiled at him gratefully and placed the bag between us.

"Tank you!" I said with a couple grapes in my mouth. Jack laughed at me. We finished the movie a few minutes later and I turned off the t.v.

"Soooo, when will we start moving your stuff in?" I asked as I turned to face him. He gave me a look. I couldn't read it. He then laughed at me.

"I will be moving my stuff in when you leave for work." He said. I frowned.

"But then I won't be here to help." I said. He nodded his head.

"Yeah, you're not suppose to be lifting heavy things because of the little one." He said lightly poking my stomach. "And I'll be fine! I invited over Hiccup, Eugene and Kristof. I won't be alone, I'll have help. Don't worry." He said and got up from the couch. I sighed and got up as well. It was now 3:30 and I headed up stairs to get ready for work.

"You still have an hour ya know." Jack said from behind me.

"I know I just thought I would get there early. Josh (boss) wanted me to do some training for something I haven't done before. I figured it would be best to get there early so he could do that." I said and turned to jack as I put on my work shirt. He frowned slightly.

"You trust him?" I nodded and walked up to jack. I kissed him lightly.

"You have nothing to worry about. He wouldn't do anything to me." Jack shook his head.

"That's not what I'm worried about. This josh guy seems to be awfully nice to you. I think he might have a thing for you." He said. I kissed him again.

"He has a girlfriend, for one. And also, I'm pregnant! He better be nice to me or I'll go all crazy Oregon woman on him!" I said. Jack laughed at me. I saw that he was now feeling better about the situation. "Besides, even if he does have a thing for me, I'm I love with you. Nothing and no one will come between you and I. I have absolutely no interest in him." I said. Jack smiled at me.

"Ok. Now I feewl better" He said in a childish voice. I laughed at him.

"I should get going now. I love you, have fun with the boys. Make sure you actually get some work done!" I yelled as I headed down the stairs.

"I'll try my best!" He called back. I walked out the door and to my car. As I drove off to work, I started thinking. He couldn't possibly like me. Right?

At Elsa's job

At Elsa's job

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