Back to school

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Jacks POV3weeks laterToday was Monday October 30, 2017

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Jacks POV
3weeks later
Today was Monday October 30, 2017. Elsa and I were going back to school today. We pretty much had the same classes except for a few things. We had both made some new friends. I was glad Elsa wasn't getting judged or anything, at least not out loud. Her new friends were really nice and they protected her.
"You ready!" She asked excitedly.
"Yup! Ya know, a few weeks ago you were not this excited about going back." I said as we got in the car. She rolled her eyes at me.
"Yeah I know. But I'm excited to see Sky! And Addy!" (My own characters) she said happily. I smiled at her as we drove off to school. It was about 20 minutes away from where we live. Classes started in an hour so we plenty of time.
At school
"Ahhhhhh Addddyyyyyy!" Elsa screamed and ran, Well waddled, over to Adelaide. Addy, saw her and she screamed as well.
"Elssssiiiii! It's been forever!" She screamed as she hugged Elsa. "How the little one? Do we know what it is yet?" She asked and bent down to Elsa's baby bump. "Hello little one! It's your aunty addy!" She said and rubbed the bump.
"We do know what it is!" Addy looked up quickly and then stumbled as she got back up.
"Welllll!!??!?" She said. Elsa grabbed my hand in hers and smiled.
"It's a boy!" She said excitedly. Addy covered her mouth and screamed into it.
"This is great! Ahhhh I'm so excited! We need to go shopping for cute little boys Clothes!"
"We should indeed! Where's sky have you seen her yet?" Elsa said. Adelaide put a hand over her mouth and thought.
"Ummm no I haven't seen her yet. She should be here though! Let's go look we still have 30 minutes till classes start."
She said and dragged Elsa who then dragged me as we were still holding hands. I stopped and the girls were pulled back slightly.
"I'm gonna find the guys, tell Sky I say hi. Love you see you in class." I say and kiss Elsa.
"Alright see you in class!" Elsa says and waves goodbye as she begins to be dragged once more by the little brunette.
I started walking to the spot where the boys and I normally meet up. I walk over to a tree on campus and see the boys. Kaleb, our cute little nerd with black hair, was sitting under the tree looking at his phone. Grayson, the cool brown haired guy, was leaning against the tree checking out girls. I walked up to them and they both looked at me.
"Jack! What's up man it's been a bit!" Gray said coming up to bro hug me. (😂😂😂)
"Nothing much. Elsa and I know the gender of the baby! But other than that nothing." Kaleb stood up quickly.
"What is it!" He said putting away his phone. I smirk at the two as they look at me with anticipation.
"It's a boy." I say and they both flip out.
"Yesssss!! A little guy to play football with! Nice going dude!" Gray said slapping my back. I laugh at him.
"Congrats jack! How's Elsa doing?" Kaleb asks.
"Yeah how does she feel about the little one being a boy?" I smile at how much they are about Elsa. Adelaide, Skylar, Kaleb, Grayson, Elsa and I, were all like a family now. Elsa and I were kinda the parents of the group.
"She doing fine and she's really excited about it being a boy. That's what she thought it was gonna be so she's happy." I say and smile at how she cried with joy when we saw our son for the first time.
"That's great. I'm assuming she got attacked by the girls?" Kaleb said. I laughed again.
"Oh yeah. Sky actually wasn't there yet so they went to go look for her. But addy almost blew up while screaming into her hand." We all laughed. "We should probably get to class now. See you guys at lunch! Pizza Hut?" I ask as I start to walk away. They both nodded.
"Yup! See you then!" Grayson said. With that, I walked off to go find Elsa.
Time skip!
But first! Here are the new peeps in the story. All my own characters that I made up like, just now😂
First we have Addy! Or Adelaide

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