Chapter 1

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Elsa was a very introverted person. She pretty much hates everyone except her sister. She always kept to herself, never talking to anyone, just going to her classes and staying out of the way. She wasn't always like this though. She use to be fun and outgoing, lively, full of energy. She would go out and play with Anna. They would play in the snow or just the sun, even the rain. But that time came to an end when their parents died. It ruined everything for her, including the thing she loved most. Snow. Her parents went out to dinner one night, promising the girls they would be back. But they never did come back.

I was not looking forward to these next few weeks. Anna and I had to move yet again because I lost my job. When my parents died we were taking into a foster home. I found a few things I could do to start earning money. I would walk dogs, house sit, babysit. This started to add up and I had saved a lot of money. Once I was eighteen I got a full on job and bought a small apartment for Anna and I. We moved out and things were ok. I still avoided her most of the time, she looked just my father. I still remember that awful day. My routine was pretty simple; school, work, home, dinner, sleep. That was pretty much it. By this time, I had saved up a lot of money, but I was always getting fired! Something about scarring the Customers? I don't know. I guess the way I was, closed off and quiet, was odd to people and I gave them a bad feeling. Anyways, I just lost my job again and now we are moving to South Carolina. At the moment we live in New York so it's gonna be a long drive. But I did find a very promising job and hopefully this will work out and I won't get fired again. Taking care of Anna working and school has Been absolute hell for the past few years. I'm just hoping everything will pay off.

Authors note: hello! I am not sure if any one will read this, but it would be amazing if you did! This is my first story I have ever done for people to see. Just to let you know I probably won't update to often but when I do it will be more than one chapter. Also, I don't think there will be anything besides a make out scene that is written in detail. If you really want you know... the dirty stuff than I possibly could but I won't unless you ask for it. I kinda get embarrassed about that sort of thing. One more thing, something might not make sense and seem completely random but I promise they will show up later in the story. I just have to mention them now so it makes sense for flashbacks and stuff. Sooo I think that's it! Please enjoy!!!

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