Chapter 11

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I walked into the bathroom and took out three tests. I, well ya know, peed on them( no not at the same time weirdos) and waited for the results. One they showed up, I didn't know how I felt. All three were the same. Walking out and looked at jack. He stood .

"Well.....?" He said.


















"Negative.... all three." I say and smile at jack. I would love to have a kid with him, just not right now. I can barely handle jack, I can't imagine trying to take care of a miniature him! Jack sighed and I wasn't sure if it was as high of relief, or disappointment. He walked up to me and pulled me into his arms.

"I love you Elsa. I love you more than you can ever know." My breath hitches. Did he just say? Does he really...? I know we both audited to starting to fall for each other, but... now he's saying he really does.

"I-I.... I love you too jack!" I say and smile into his chest. Taking a deep breath I pull away from jack.

"What are we gonna do now?" I ask him. I have no idea what I wanna do. Do I go to collage? Stick with the job I have and don't try to get something bigger and better? I really don't know. I'm hoping Jack will be able to help me.

"I don't know.... I've been thinking about collage."he says looking at me.

"Me too."

"Well, we'll figure it out... together." He says taking my hand. I look down at out hands. His fingers are intertwined with mine. I decided to turn whatever this was into a fun situation. I might not know what I wanna do.... but that doesn't mean I can't have fun now.

"Wanna make out on your couch?" I ask in all seriousness. He smirks and pulls my lips to his.

"I thought you'd be ever ask." He says and we fall over onto his couch.

Time skip! Anna's POV

I am so excited that Jelsa is now up and running. I have been waiting forever for those two to get together. And I don't think I'm alone in that. After the two of them left, everybody else did too shortly after. I kissed Hans and waved goodbye. I'll stop bye his house later. I walked back into the house and grabbed my phone. Flopping down on the couch I saw I had a text.

Text convo.

You might wanna get out of this relationship.

That's all it said. But then a picture popped up and tears filled my eyes. No!

I got up quickly put on my shoes and ran outside

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I got up quickly put on my shoes and ran outside. I don't have a car and Elsa isn't here. Oh well. Hans neighborhood was right next to ours so I calm ruin there. I started off walking slowly... and then I started run as the tears came faster.

"Ooof!" I fell down hard to the ground and rubbed my head. I looked up to see a cute dirty blond guy. All of a sudden a dog jumped up onto my lap and started to lick me. I screamed and laughed as I let the dog.

"Sven! Get off her!" The man yelled yanking on the dogs leash. (Did I spell that right?) I laughed and looked up at the man.

"I am so sorry are you ok?" He asked giving me his hand. I took it and he hoisted me back up to my feet.

"Yeah I'm fine, I should've been watching where I was going." I say brushing off.

"Are you ok? It looks like you've been crying." I quickly look down and wipe the tears from my eyes.

"Yeah I'm fine, it's just...well my boyfriend may or may not be cheating on me so I'm going to his house to see." Why am I telling this to a total stranger!

"I am so sorry. Who's idiotic enough to cheat on such a beautiful woman!?" I blushed.

"Oh I'm sorry, my name is Anna, Anna winters." I said and held out my hand.

"Kristoff walker."( idk I just went with something...😉) he took my hand and shook. "So where dies this jackass live?" He asks and I can't help but laugh.

"Over in BridgeHamton." I say pointing to the direction the neighborhood is in. He gives me a confused look.

"And you're walking?" Oh yeah... that.

"Ummm yeah. My sister took the car and I couldn't wait so I decided to walk. It's not that far." He shook his head.

"It may not be that far but it's still dangerous. Come on I'll drive you." He says turning around and starting to walk. I run up to him, as we walk Side by side I say,

"You don't have to really I'll be fine."

"I do, you could get hurt or even killed. We have some crazy drivers." He walks up a driveway and then to a blue old looking pickup truck. He opens the door and gets in. I walk up and get in the passenger seat. Sven, the dogs hops into

Kristoff's lap and then into the backseat. He starts. The car and we are off.

Jack's P.O.V

Elsa flopped down next to me on the bed. We were breathing heavily. I guess our make out session ended up with us ya know... making our way upstairs to my bedroom. She laughed and I looked over at her.

"You realize this is the third time we've had sex in the last 24 hours don't you?" She looks over at me and we both bust out laughing. I move so that I'm laying on my side and I start to rub my hand up and down her arm. She closes her eyes and catches her breath.

"If we keep this up we might actually end up pregnant" Her eyes pop open and turns to look at me. All I do is laugh and kiss her. She moves up on top of me and we kiss more deeply. I pause and look at her.

"One more round?" I ask and she smirks.

"Why the hell not." And with that... we make it 4 times.

Anna's. POV

Kristoff pulls up into hand driveway and parks the car. I thank him and poet out of the car. I start to get nervous as I walk up and knock on Hans front door. 1 minute later I knock again. 3 minutes pass and the door opens. Hand is wearing pants but no shirt.

"Hey babe. What are you doing here?"he sounds breathless.

"First of all your fly is down, second don't call me babe, and third!" I punch him in the face as hard as I can. He falls backwards. I smile proudly as I see that I've knocked him out. A tiny brunette walks out from his room in a robe. She covers her mouth and runs over to him.

"Hans! What happened?" She asks looking up at me.

"Hell if I care you hoe!" She looks shocked but then something dawn on her.

"You're the girlfriend." She said slowly nodding her head in understanding

"No, I'm the ex girlfriend. He's all yours now." I say and turn around I walk back to the old truck and get in.

"Did you have fun?" Kristoff asks and laughs. I nod my head a crack my knuckles.

"More than you can imagine." I smile widely feeling very proud."you wanna come back to my place?" I ask. Why did I do that? I barely even know this guy!
"Umm sure I guess." He says. And we drive off back home.

Authors Note:
Heeeeyyy guyysss. Sorry this chapter sucks! Also yes, no jelsa babies😔I'm sorry. I kinda figured that was to much of cliche ya know? Anyways hope you all liked this chapter I'll be working on the next soon!

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