Jaxon Carter Frost

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If you dont like to read about birth and all that jazz You might want to skip a few paragraphs. I'll let you know when they come up.

Jacks pov

Elsa is in labor. FUCKING LABOR!!! What do I do! Its been two hours since we got to the hospital and the nurses are coming in and out of the room constantly. I'm holding Elsa's hand while sitting in a chair next to her bed. She's having..What was it? Contractions I think, Every three to five minutes now. I hate seeing her in this much pain. But, it will all be worth it soon. At least, that's what I keep telling her to try and calm her down. I'm the only one she's letting in the room right now. She doesn't want any of our friends and family to see her like this.

"Jack! Ahhh!! I-Its another contraction!" Elsa screams and crushes my hand. I stand up and lean over her.

"Hey its ok. Breath, just breath. It'll be over in just a sec hold on ok?" I say and she nods her head while wincing in pain. I hate that I cant do anything for her. A few minutes later shes asleep again. I sit back down and pick up the book I'm reading to the baby. I'm reading The Hobbit. It's always been one of my favorites.  I use to read it to my sisters all the time. Might as well continue the tradition. 

2 Hours later


"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Elsa screams as the nurses are telling her to push. She is crushing my hand and I might end up with a few broken fingers. But it's worth it.

"Two more pushes you got it Elsa! Its ok just breath and push hes almost out." The nurse says and Elsa takes a few deep breaths before continuing to push. Tears are streaming down her face and she looks like shes about to die. And yet, there is still just a hint of a smile on her face. 


"He's out!" The other nurse yells and Elsa collapses on the bed. Shes panting hard and she looks up at me. I smile at her and lean down to kiss her. My lips meet hers and I start to feel the tears coming down my own cheeks. When we pull apart the nurse calls me over. Elsa nods her head when I look down at her. As I let go of her hand, I walk over to the nurses. There he is. Thats my kid. That's my...son...

"Sir? Would you like to cut the umbilical cord?" The nurse asks. I nod my head and she hands me some scissors. I cut the cord and then move out of the way as they clean all the blood and stuff of of him. I go up to his head, making sure that I'm out of the way, and look down at him. He is screaming his little head off and its adorable.

"Hey Jaxon." I say and he stops crying. His little hand reaches up and takes my finger. I start to cry again ad his little hand raps around my big finger. The nurses weigh him and see how long he is. After that, they bundle him up in a blanket, and hand him to me. I walk back over to Elsa and slowly place him in her arms. She cries while slowly rocking him. Then, she started to sing. I recognized it as the song she told me her mother use to sing to her and Anna all the time when they were little.

(Baby Mine from Dumbo. Cover by: Anna Toth)

Song from DumboBaby mine, don't you cryBaby mine, dry your eyes

Rest your head close to my heart

Never to part, baby of mine

Little one when you playDon't you mind what they sayLet those eyes sparkle and shineNever a tear, baby of mineIf they knew sweet little you

They'd end up loving you tooAll those same people who scold youWhat they'd give just forThe right to hold you

From your head to your toesYou're so sweet, goodness knowsYou are so precious to meSweet as can be, baby of mine

"We did it Jack. He's here." Elsa said looking up at me.

"We did. But it was mostly you." I say and Elsa laughs lightly. I lean down and kiss her gently before pulling back and looking over her. She looks exhausted.

"That's because I am. And you obviously are too if you are saying things out loud that were meant to be in your head." Elsa says and laughs at me. I really did think she had read my mind for a second.

"Well, is there anything I can do for you?" I ask and she nods.

"Yeah, could you go get everyone and bring them in. and by everyone, I mean family. Having friends and family would just be to much for me right now." She says and I nod.

"I'll be right back then." I say and walk out the door. I walk down to the waiting room which is by the front of the hospital. When I walk through the doors everyone stands up.

"Is he here!? Can we see him?!" Alexa says and I laugh. 

"Yeah you can see him mo- umm I mean Alexa... sorry." i say and look down. I then feel her arms rap around me.

"About damn time! just call me mom! And Michael dad!" She says and pulls away. I nod.

"Right ok then. Elsa says family can come into see him now, and friends later. She doesn't want the room to be crowded." i say and everyone nods. I then lead Anna, Mom, Dad, and Allison to the room. "He's sleeping and she's clingy so be careful.' I warn them and they all laugh quietly but nod. 

"Well, here he is. Jaxon Carter Frost." I say and everyone crowds around the bed. Welcome little guy. Its amazing to finally meet you.

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I did not do this pic

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AN: Hey guys. Sorry this is so short. Also sorry for any grammar errors and stuff. but... 

BAAAAAAAAABBBBBBBBBBYYYYYYYYY!!!!!  Ahem. sorry about that. Anyways, hope you liked this chapter. I did have some other things in this chapter but er and i don't feel like rewriting it. Sorry. anyways next chapter We should be up to 500 reads! which means there will be a new fact about me. yay. ok that's it 


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