Chapter 25

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Sorry it's blurry😑Five weeks later

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Sorry it's blurry😑
Five weeks later.
Jacks POV
Today we were going to the doctors. He said that we should be able to hear the babies heartbeat now. I'm honestly really excited.  I mean, this is just making everything even more.. I don't know, real? I think I haven't really realized what's going on. Sure I know Elsa's pregnant, but it doesn't seem real. It feels like I'll just wake from this crazy dream and none of this would have actually happened.
"Jack you ready?" I heard Elsa's voice. "Jack?" I'm just so buys thinking about everything, that I'm kinda ignoring Elsa.
"Jackson Frost!" She yelled, I jumped back and looked at her. She gave me a slightly irritated look. Her arms were crossed and she was tapping her foot.
"Sorry, lost in thought." I said. She licked her lips and nodded.
"Well,we need to go or we're gonna be ,ate for the appointment. Do you want to hear your child's heartbeat or not?" God, hormones are a bitch.
"Yeah sooorrryyyy. Let's go snowflake." I said extending my hand. She uncrossed her arms and took it. We walked out the door and to the car. As I opened the door for her she kissed my cheek and sat down. I b lushed slightly and went around the car to the drivers side.
At the doctors.
"Elsa and Jack?" We heard the nurse say. I got up and gave Elsa my hand again, helping her up. She had just the tiniest bit of a bump now. It looked more like she ate to much then a baby bump. She took my hand and we walked to the room. A few minutes later the doctor walked in and greeted us.
"Good morning you two!"  Dr. David said. "How are you feeling Elsa?" He asked.
"Pretty good. I haven't had morning sickness the last few days so that's nice. So, other than that everything has been the same." She said. Doc nodded.
"Good! I'm glad to hear it." He said with a smile."so, are you two ready to hear the heartbeat?" He asked. Both Elsa and I nodded quickly and excitedly. "Alright then. Elsa dear, if you could lay down on the bed for me, I'll get the machine ready."
(Just a heads up, I'm not entirely sure how this works. I think you use the thingy for the ultrasound to hear the heartbeat as well but I'm not to sure. I don't remember how it went when my mom was pregnant with my brother. I was more caught up with hearing the heartbeat than how we were listening to it.)
The doctor out some tell on Elsa's belly and then took a weird wand thingy and placed it on her. I was standing next to her, holding her hand. We soon heard a very fast beating sound. It was the heartbeat. This is real.... this is happening... I smiled. I think it's the biggest smile I have ever had on my face. Elsa's free hand went up to her mouth and I could tell she was crying. She also had a huge smile on her face that was covered by her hand as she tried to contain her crying. Pure tears of joy slipped down her face as we heard the rapidly beating heart of our unborn child. I felt my own tears slip down my face. Elsa squeezed my hand tightly and I did the same. This was our baby.... I leaned down and out a hand on her belly.
"Hello, we can't wait to meet you." I said. This was amazing..... Hello little one.
Time skip.
Elsa's POV
We were leaving the doctors and heading back home. Two weeks ago, jack and the boys had finally moved Jacks stuff in. We had worked out what things of mine were being replaced with his, what was being added, stuff like that.  The house looked great! Jack had done some paper work and put Merida and Hiccups name on the house. ( not sure how this stuff works) they had moved in and were grateful for the gift. They had been talking about moving somewhere else and jack didn't want to sell the house to some random stranger, as it still meant a lot to him.
"That was amazing." Jack said and grabbed my hand.
"It really was. His little heart was beating so fast!" I said and smiled.
"His? We still don't know the gender ya know." Jack said.
"Yes I k ow that,"I said and out a hand on my belly. "But I think it's a boy." Jack nodded.
"Well, I think it's a girl." He said. I laughed.
"What if it's both!" I said. Jack inhaled sharply. It just made me laugh more.
"Dear god I can't imagine that. Two little hellions, running around. That would be a handful." He said.
"Yeah, but there was only one heartbeat so I highly doubt that we are having twins." I said. He nodded and smiled.
"Do you have work tomorrow?" He asked as we pulled into our driveway. I nodded.
"yeah I have to go in at 1:30 and my shift ends at 6:30" jack outed as we got out of the car.
"But that's so long without you! I don't think I'll be able to survive." He said and dramatic ly fell to the floor as we walked inside. I laughed at him.
"Get up you doofus. You'll be just fine. You can even lick me up if you really want to." I said. He got up quickly and grinned.
"Really!" He said like a little kid who was being told he could have ice cream. I kissed him gently,
"Really." I said. He smiled and pulled me back in for another kiss. I dropped my bag on the table and he the keys. He led me upstairs and flopped me down on the bed. I moaned as he started to kiss my neck. Suddenly he stopped and sat up. I have him a confused look. He grinned evilly and grabbed the remote for the t.v. I glared at him.
"You tease!" I yelled at him. He laughed at me.
"I couldn't help it. What do you wanna watch?" He asked me. You on top of me naked. I thought.
"I don't know. You pick." I said getting up to a sitting position myself.
"Well aren't you helpful." He aid sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and leaned against him, my head resting on his arm. He put on the Croods , my favorite movie, and rested his head on top of mine. I could tell we were gonna have a good life together. I just felt it. Nothing could take us apart.

Heeeyyyyy guuuyyssssss. This chapter suck I know. But they got to hear the heartbeat!! Super exciting!! I remember hearing my brothers heartbeat for the first time. It was amazing! I hoped I wrote it so you could feel that emotion of pure happiness and stuff. Alright I think that's it.

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