Chap 4

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A week had passed and it was the Sunday before school started for Anna and I was kinda nervous but not to much

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A week had passed and it was the Sunday before school started for Anna and I was kinda nervous but not to much. I had done this many times before, so I would just do what I always do.  Get introduced and then let everyone forget about by staying hidden in the darkness of the back. Anna was hyped about this school. She started doing research on the place when we got here. It seems like a really great school and she can't wait to make friends.Anna and I had just finished up dinner and I started the dishes. Anna came up behind and gave me hug. I tensed at the sudden contact, not sure what to do. She soon released me and started to walk away.

"I'm going to bed." She said as started to walk up the stairs. "I'll see you tomorrow. Schooolll!!!!!" She said as she disappeared out of sight. Finishing up the dishes I turned off all the lights and headed upstairs to the master bedroom. I quickly got changed and hoped into bed. Hopefully tomorrow will be ok. I thought to myself. I turned in my bed so I was lying on side. I looked up at the big window on the wall next to me and slowly drifted off to sleep as I watched the starts lightly twinkle in the night sky.


The next morning


I awoke with a jolt as something shook me violently. I looked up to Anna and groaned at her. She jumped on the bed and I almost went flying off it.

"Come on Elsa! We have to go get ready!!!" She said as she jumped off the bed and ran out the door. I sat up with a yawn as I stretched my arms up into the air. Looking over at the time I saw that it was 7:15. I sighed and got out of bed. Walking to my closet, I picked out my jeans, a black shirt, and a black sweatshirt. I then looked at my hats and picked out a black brain to put on. Yeah it was warm, especially in SC but it kept me hidden and kept people away from me. I grabbed my phone off the beds side table and open up the draw grabbing my earbuds.i stuck both things in my pocket and walked downstairs. Anna was stuffing her face with a banana while looking at her phone. When she saw me walking into the kitchen she jumped up and ran to go get her backpack. I grabbed a room temperature bottle of water, my keys, backpack, and went to the door that opened into the garage. Walking out to my car I unlocked it and opened the garage door, started the car pulled out and waited for Anna. She came barreling out of the door, running to the keypad she closed the garage door and sprinted over the passenger side of the car. I drove down the driveway as she got her seatbelt on and we took off to our new school.


Time skip!


I dropped Anna off at the front office and went to park the car. It was 7:32 when I got out and walked over to the front office myself. Anna was speaking to the lady at the front desk who looked nice but very tired. I walked up necktie to my sister and the lady at desk looked up.

" oh hello! You must I've Elsa. I was just telling your sister here how things work. Home room starts at 8:15 and everyone is expected to be at their classes by that time. Home room is about 30 minutes and then you classes start. Your schedules are right here," she said handing me and Anna a slip of paper with our schedules on it. "These are your classes and if you have any trouble finding a class just ask a student. Also I have this map for you so hopefully you won't get lost!" She smiled as Anna and I were handed maps of the whole school. "Now one more thing. Anna dear if you could go stand over there and put on your best smile that would be great! I just need to get your id's ready." Anna did what she was told and walked over to a small mat with a camera in front of her. "Alright 1...2....3" the lady said. Anna had a huge smile on her face when the flash went off. Then it was my turn. I walked over the mat and stared at the camera. "Smile dear!" The lady said. I half smiled as she counted down and took the picture. " great! You girls can go sit down right over there when I,e I get your id's ready." She said as she pointed to some chairs against a wall. Anna and I walked over and sat down. I looked over at Anna who still had a big smile on her face. Her leg was bouncing up and down and she tapped her fingers on the Sadie of her chair. I lifted my hand up and set it on her leg, holding it down so she would stop bouncing. She looked over at me with her big smile and apologized."Sorry, I'm just so excited!" She said and I nodded. A few minutes later the lady walked in with our id's and gave them to us on a lanyard."Here you girls go. Have a great first day!" She said as Anna and I got up and picked up our stuff. We started walking out when we heard the lady call out to us. "My name is Mrs. Cole if you need anything!" She said waving. Anna waved back and thanked her. Anna walked away toward the 11th grade section of the school and waved goodbye. I started walking and put in my earbuds listening to my music as I walked down the halls. It was ten to eight sons I was on my way to find my class, when someone ran right Into me knocking me over.

Authors Note: heyyyyy! Ok I know I said I wasn't going to be updating until I had a few more chapters but I got really excited and couldn't help it. So heard is the new chapter! Hope you all like it. I tried to make this one longer and I think I did a good job with that part. Sorry for all mistakes with grammar and stuff I'm really tired I was up until almost 2 in the morning and then I had to wake up early. New with jack. I'm sure you can guess who just ran into Elsa so yessss jack will definitely be in chapter 5. I am super excited to start with jack and Elsa's relationship. Howwwwwevverr. I plan on dragging this out. What I mean bye that is, I am not going to have jack and Elsa fall in love just a few chapters after meeting. Elsa is suppose to be very closed off as is jack. So neither of them will be licking each other for a bit or even start to have feelings for each other. Of course, everyone will ship them, and bye everyone I mean all the friends Anna could possibly be making in future chapters. Soooo yeah hope you enjoyed I will start working on chap 5 in a little bit!

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