Dont do this

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He got out. He was coming for me. I knew he was. He was in jail because of me. Of course he would come after me. I need to find jack. We need to get so where safe. Far away from here. Far far away. As far as possible.
"Elsa?!" I ran/waddled up to jack."babe what's wrong?" He asked with concern all over his features.
"He.... out..... jail.... coming to....go..." I said trying to catch my breath.
"Wow! Slow down snowflake catch your breath." Jack said. I took a few deep breaths and finally could breath right.
"Pitch. He got out from jail. He escaped. No one knows how. We need to get out of here he's coming for me. He's in jail because of me! What if he gets to me? To the baby!" I say holding my belly protectively. Jacks eyes aided at my words.
"He has no idea where we live or that we go to school here. He won't find us. We'll be ok. I'll protect you. Everyone will"
He said reassuring me. I nodded my head.
"Yeah. Your right! We are totally perfectly fine! I just over reacting. Probably the hormones." I say trying to calm my racing heart.
We'll be fine
We'll be fine
We'll be fine
Time skip
I was walking on the campus grounds alone. I needed some air so I decided to go for a small walk before meeting Jack at the car to go home. I heard a twig snap behind me and quickly turned around.
"You're just being paranoid Elsa." I said to myself. I turn back around d and run into something. "Off." I say and stumble back. "I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was going" I say holding my head in pain and looking down.
"Oh don't apologize least not for this. You should, however,be apologizing for getting me thrown in jail!"
His disgusting voice hissed. I turned around again and started to run as fast as I could while taking my phone out to call jack. It started ringing right as someone grabbed my wrist. I screamed in fear as I was yanked back.
"You're coming with me" he hissed in my ear and then but a bag over my head.

Jacks POV"Hey els-"I started to say but heard her scream through the phone

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Jacks POV
"Hey els-"I started to say but heard her scream through the phone.
"Yo...wi...e.." I heard something. It couldn't be...but it sounded just like her. I heard her sobbing. No! She was right. Dammit Elsa! Why do you always have to be right! I got out of my car and started running. I called the cops as I ran around campus trying to find her. She was walking around campus so she had to be here somewhere!
"Hello 911 what's your emergency?"
"The man who escaped from precision! He has my girlfriend! I don't know where he is right now but we were on the campus of usc! You have to get here quick please help! She pregnant!" I yelled though the phone in a panic."
"The officers have been dispatched." I hung up the phone as soon as I heard her words. I kept running and running.
I looked down to see a blue phone case with a snowflake designed in it. I bent down to pick it up. Elsa's screen was cracked since I stepped on it. I looked up and around. I didn't see her. All I saw were cars! Suddenly out of the corner of my eye, I saw a flash of blue. The color of Elsa outfit today! I started running in that direction.
"P-please don't d-do this!" I heard her voice.
"Shut up bitch!" He screamed at her. I ran into the parking lot and saw her blue outfit disappear into a black car.
"No! Elsa!" I screamed and ran to the car. Before I got there, the car drove off in a hurry. "Noooo!!" I screamed and fell to the ground. "No" I whispered. Soon I heard sirens getting closer and closer. Eventually, a cop car pulled up behind me.
"Sir? Did you call the police?" Rage filled every inch of me. I quickly stood up and glared at the cop.
"You'!" I screamed and the man flinched. "YOU'RE TO FUCKING LATE!" I scream again and start to sob. I fall to the ground again. The man walks up to me.
"I'm sorry sir.we will do everything we can to find your girlfriend. Would you mind answering some questions to help our investigation?" The cop ask. I slowly shake my head. "Alright, come with me son." He says.
"Son..." I whisper.
"I'm sorry what was that?" He ask as I get up.
"Son! I'm gonna have a Son! I can't loose her! I can loose him!" I say. I see an even deeper sadness fill the police officers eyes. He looks down.
"I'm sorry. Please come with us, we will do everything we can to fine her."
Time skip
I was answering the questions that the cop was asking me. Stuff on Elsa mostly.
"Alright what's her name?"
"Elsa Aren Winters"
Birthday day?"
"December 21"
"How far along in pregnancy?"
"5 almost 6 months."
"Hair color?"
"Platinum blonde."
"What was she wearing when you last saw her?"

""What was she wearing when you last saw her?"

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And his continued for a bit.
"Thank you. We will do-"
"Everything you can to find her. Yeah, I know. Can I go now?" I ask trying not to cry again.
"Yes you can go." I Nod and stand up, heading out to my car. I drive home and see a car in the driveway. Oh god...Anna. I have to tell her what happened and where Elsa is.
"Heeeyyyohhhhhh... you ok? Where's Elsa?" Anna asks as I walk int end door. I start to sob and fall against Anna. "Wow! Jack what's going on!?!" Kristin says as he takes me from Anna's arms.
"Elsa...pitch....gone!" Is all I can say. Anna's eyes sided and I know she got enough to know what was happening. She gasps and her hands fly up to her mouth. She starts to cry as well and Kristof panics not knowing what to do with the two sobbing people. I get off the taller man and walk over to the couch, still crying. Anna sits down next to me and ask what happened. I tell her everything.
Elsa's POV
"Please don't do this! Please! I'm begging you is that what you want! I'm begging!" I scream into the bag still on my head. I have no idea where I am and I'm terrified. I'm terrified for my baby, for what jack will do to fine us. I hear pitches maniacal laugh and flinch.
"Begging will get you nowhere. But it is fun to hear you do so." He says and I feel his breath next to my ear.
"Please... Don't do this..."I whisper and then feel myself black out.

I'm so sad😭😭😭 having jack so emotional just tears me up! Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter! This is all I will be writing for today! I'll try to update a few times tomorrow!

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