Chapter 21

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Guess who😈

After we ate we went to leave but I had to go to the bathroom

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After we ate we went to leave but I had to go to the bathroom.

"I'll go get the car ready." Jack said. I nodded and went to the bathroom. I already have to pee more than usual, ugggg. I washed my hands and was looking down at my hands.

"Elsa...." I looked up and saw someone staring at me in the mirror. Anger spread over my features.

"Hans." I spat out. Turning around quickly I backhanded him and went to leave. He grabbed my wrist, preventing me from moving any further.

"Let go of me you pig!" I screamed at him and tried to wiggle my hand free.

"Elsa we need to talk!" He yelled at me. I flinched. My free hand went to my stomach. I protectively held my baby and tried to escape from Hans.

"I have nothing to say to you you lying cheating bastard!" I yell. I didn't show it much when Anna told me, but I was furious at Hans for what he did to my sister. He grinned.

"You might not wanna say that.... or someone else will have to step in." What does he mean by that? Who? I saw a flash of white out of the corner of my eye. I turned ,y head quickly. It saw nothing. Hans pulled me into his arms and I screamed as loud as I could.

"I would stop if I were you." He whispered...but it wasn't Hans. Fear struck me. No! No not him! Please! I screamed at myself.

"Pitch?!" I screamed in fear. He laughed at me and stepped out of the shadows.

"Happy to see me?" He asked and grinned. Hans turned my around in his arms so my back was to his chest. I started crying. I'm more terrified than I've ever been. And I'm not scared for me.... I'm scared for my baby.

Jacks POV

It's been 10 minutes. Is she not feeling well? Is she getting sick again? I was worried. Turning off the car I got back out and went inside to the bathroom.

"Elsa? You in there?" I asked bani g on the door.

"Ja-!" I heard. Oh no. What was happening in there!? I went to open the door. It it was locked.

"Elsa!" I started pushing on the door. It wasn't budging.

"Sir! What are you doing?" A man asked behind me. He worked here.

"Call the cops, tell them to get here as quickly as possible!" I said and the mans eyes widened. He nodded quickly and left.

"Hang in there snowflake! You're gonna be ok!" I yelled. Tears started streaming down my face. Please! Please be ok!

Elsa's POV

Pitch had put duck tape over my mouth and tied my hands together. He pulled out a gun and pointed it at me. I screamed but nothing came out. He smiled at me.

"Oh calm down! I'm not gonna kill you! I'm gonna kill something else. Or rather....someone...else." He hissed. I started to sob as he slowly moved the gun downwards and pointed it at my stomach.

"No! Please don't do this!" I tried to say but it all came out muffled through the duck tape. All of a sudden Pitch and Hans backed up and started to freak out.

"I didn't think there'd come this quick!" Hand said. I realized, there were sirens in the distance. I was filled with relief. Pitch cursed and tried to figure out what to do. Jack was still banging on the door. Then, out of nowhere, the door came down and pitch and hand tried to hide. I jumped down from the counter with sinks where I had been placed and ran to the door. Jack ran in and I ran straight into his arms. He quickly untied me and took the duck tape of my face. I sobbed into his chest as he held me. The cops came in and pushed past us. Pitch and Hans both pointed guns at the cops. The three police men pulled out their own and both boys dropped theirs immediately. They were taken into custody and Jack and I were left to ourselves. One of the police me told us that they would need a statement from me. I gave him my number so he could call me when they needed to. Jack and I left to my house and I took a shower right away. I started to sob and I sat down on the shower floor. I pulled my knees up to my chest and buried my head. I almost lost my baby tonight. I would die, if my baby died. It may only be the size of a poppy seed, but it means the world to me. I heard a knock on the glass door of the shower and looks up to see jack.

"Can I join you?" He asks. I nod my head and then rest it back on my knees. Jack opens the door and steps in. He sits next to me and we stay there in silence for what seems like hours. The water lied over us and I just cried. Jack put a hand on my knee and I flinched. He quickly took his and away. I looked up at him on the left of me. He looked hurt. I sighed and grabbed his hand.

"I'm sorry, it's not you it's just, after what happened I think I'm gonna be a little jumpy for a while." I said. Jack nodded and gave me a small, sad smile.

"I'm sorry I couldn't do anything. I should've been there sooner. I shouldn't have left you in the first place!" He said. I could tell he hated and blamed himself for this. I shifted and got in my knees.

"Hey," I said and made him look at me. "None of this is your fault. You couldn't have known that this would happened. It's not your fault, don't blame yourself! I don't!" I said and he started to cry. I leaned in and kissed him. He tensed for a moment but then relaxed.

"I don't deserve you" he whispered against my lips. I smile.

"And I don't deserve you." I said pulling away just a bit so I could look into his eyes. He stared into my eyes and I stared into his. He placed his hand on the back of my neck and pulled me back to his lips. We kissed for a while before actually getting cleaned up. I got into some pajamas and he did the same. He had brought I ear a bag of clothes to keep at my house just the day before. We were gonna be moving in together soon anyways. I slipped under the covers and jack did the same. He snaked his hands around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"Goodnight snowflake." He whispered in my ear.

"Goodnight frosty." I whispered back. I started to drift off to sleep. Just before I did, jack said something else.

"Goodnight my baby." He said moved his hand to my stomach. Tears filled my eyes at his words and actions. I knew that one day, we would be a family. Many get married, have a couple more kids. Be happy. I smiled as I drifted off to sleep. I dreamt of the future I could have with Jack. I felt a single tear roll down my face and I smiled in my sleep. 

AN: Heeeyyyy. I know this is a short chapter too but hey! At least I'm doing a couple a day right? Alright well thank you for the reads, favorites, I really appreciate it. I love you all! Hope you are enjoying th story so far! Alright well I thinks it sooooo


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