A death

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Allison's POV
"Noooooo!" The boy, I think Jack, yelled out. The girl, Elsa, fell to the ground. Her head landed on my lap. I look down. She was breathing. How? She was just shot in the head! I jump a bit when the man who kinda led me fell to the ground. I looked over. There was blood coming out of his mouth. He held his stomach in pain and I saw blood coming between his fingers. I looked away from the horrible sight. I looked down at Elsa. She slowly sat up.
"Elsa! Your alive! What happened I don't understand?!" Jack ran over and hugged Elsa.
"I- I don't know." She said as she hugged him back. Jack pulled away and looked at her. There were tears running down his face. Hers too. He pulled her in for a very romantic kiss. How cute. I backed up a bit so I wasn't so close to the couple. A second later, the police showed up. A girl with reddish colored hair stepped out of the woods behind us holding a gun. She dropped it and ran to Elsa.
"Elsa! Are you ok? It looks like I got him!" She said.
"Anna!? What are you doing here!?" Jack asked.
"Well, I out the address and time in my phone and came here. I got here a little bit after you. I thought that I would come just in case something happened. So I also brought a gun. Thank god I did." She said.
"But..the cops? I didn't call them...did you?!" He asked. The girl Anna nodded.
"Yeah, just Incase. I know you said he would shoot her if the cops were here, but I didn't know what else to do. So when he pulled out the gun, I called them and took out my own." Jack and Elsa nodded their heads.
"Oh jack, this is Alison. You possible twin sister." Elsa said painting to me. I smiled a bit and waved at a police officer helped me to my feet. Jack waved back.
"It makes sense what he said but...I don't know, I'll need a DNA test done just to be sure. Is that ok with you?" He asked me. I nodded.
"Y-Yeah. That's fine." I smiled and was pulled away by an officer.
Elsa's POV
I'm alive?! I couldn't believe it. When I heard that gunshot I thought for sure it was the end for me. But here I am. In the arms of jack and Elsa.
"Excuse me." We looked up at an officer. He smiled at us." Are you all ok?" He asked.
"I think so officer. But I'm really hungry." I said. Jack laughed at me.
"You almost die and the first thing that you think of is food?" He says. I smack his arm.
"Eating for two here and I didn't have that much these last 4 days!" I say. Jacks eyes sadden at what I say. These past few days must have been hard on him as well.
"Right well, we can get you something to eat but we need to ask a few questions and take care of...him" the officer says pointing at pitch who now seems to be dead. We all nod. Anna and jack stand up. I take the hand Jack offers me and stand up myself. It's over. Pitch is dead. He can't hurt us anymore. It will all be ok.
Time skip
After we were questioned about what happened, the cops let us go. They decided that Anna wouldn't go to jail for murder because I was about to be killed and she was protecting me. Jack asked for a DNA test for him and Allison and the cops had that taken care of.
"We will have the results soon." Officer, I think Nick, said.
"Ok thank you. Allison would you li,e to come back to our house?" Jack asked Allison. She shook her head.
"I can't, my parents are waiting for me outside. Maybe another time though?" She asked.
"Of course! I'm so sorry about what happened. I hope you won't be scared for life after this. I know I might be but... anyways! We'll see you soon!" I say. I can tell jack is uncomfortable. She mentioned her parents. If she is jacks sister, then those aren't her real parents. But... I don't k ow. I need to get him home.
"Let's go jack" I say and he nods. Anna left just a minute ago and was going back to her house. She hadn't told Kristof what she was doing. Good luck to her.
That car ride was silent. Jacks ha DeS were turning white as he gripped the steering wheel. I put a hand in his arm and he flinched. I pulled my hand back.
"I'm sorry Elsa...it's just. I thought I lost you. That feeling I had when I heard the gun...it was sickening. I felt like I was about to die myself." He said tears forming in his eyes.
"Jack it's ok. I'm here now. Everything will be ok. He's dead. He can't hurt us now." I say trying to calm him down.
"Yeah...I know... but I'm never letting you out fo my sight again." He says. I laugh at him.
"Ok frosty. I love you." I say kissing his cheek.
"I love you too." He said. Once we were home the first thing I did was eat like everything Jack had gotten me. And then I took a shower. Suddenly, I felt something on my stomach. I gasp as I realize what it is.
"Jack! Jack come here quick!" I yell out. Jack runs into the bathroom with a panicked look on his face.
"What! What's wrong are you ok?!" He says and opens the shower door. I laugh.
"I'm fine jack. Give me your hand." He gives me a confused look but gives me his hand. I place it on my belly. His eyes widen and a huge smile creeped across his face.
"The baby! It's kicking! You're kicking buddy!" He says excitedly. He looks at me and kissed me deeply.
"Jack your clothes!" I say. They are getting all wet.
"Fuck clothes!" He says and steps into the shower with me, closing the door behind him. I smile against his lips. I have been terrified for my life and the life of my son for the past few days. And now...everything felt perfect again.
Time skip
(Yes again, shut up)
Jacks POV
Yesterday was the worst and best day of my life. I thought I lost my girlfriend, son, and whole world. Worst day. I found out I may have a sister, I got Elsa back, and my son kicked for the first time. Best day.😁 today though, I'm finding out if Allison really is my sister. I'm heading to the police station(idk where you do this stuff just go with it) to go meet up with Allison and find out if we really are twins. Elsa is holding ,y ha d while I drive. I missed this. She may have only been gone for 5 days but it felt like an eternity.we got to the station and saw Allison with her parents. We waved and she walked over to us, along with her parents.
"Hey guys, these are my parents. Alexa and Michael." She says pointing to her mom and dad. Elsa and I shake their hands.
"Hi I'm Jack and this is my girlfriend Elsa." I say. Elsa smiles.
"Hi it's nice to meet you." She says.
"It's very nice to meet you two as Well! Are we ready?" Alexa says. We all nod and walk in.
"Alright guys we had the result." The Officer says.
"This feels so strange. The last time we did this we were absolutely to find out if I was pregnant." Elsa whispers in my ear. I smile and lean over to kiss the sweet spot on her neck.
"Best day of my life." I say and she giggles.
"According to your DNA, you are indeed twins. Jack we are assuming you are older." I squeeze Elsa's hand and look over at Allison. Something felt off. Why wouldn't her parents know this? I smile at her and she smiled back. It doesn't really matter if her parents knew or not. I had a sister! I get up and walk over to her. She gets up and we stare at each other.
"So... I have a sister again." I say and she gives me a look.
"Again?" She asks. The memories of that day flood into my head. I give her a sad smile.
"I'll tell you later." I say and she nods. "Come here" I say and pull her into a big hug. She taps her arms around me and squeezes.
"Ya know, I've always wanted a big brother." She says and I can tell she's crying.
"I've always wanted a twin." I laugh. She laughs too and pulls away, wiping tears from her eyes. Elsa stands and comes over to us.
"Well, it looks like this little guy has another aunt!" She says excitedly. Allison's eyes widen as she realizes this.
"Oh my god! I'm gonna be an aunt! Mom dad I'm gonna be an aunt!. She says jumping up and down. We all laugh. I walk over to Alexa and Michael.
"And...maybe grandparents? Both mine and Elsa's parents have passed away due to...accidents. We would really like our little guy to have grandparents. If you're ok with that?" I say hopefully. Michael smiles and Alexa starts to cry.
"We would be honored jack. We've always wanted a son and a daughter. Now we do!" Alexa says. I feel myself start to tear up. I...I have a family again? A sister? Parents? They pull me into a hug. I feel the tears go overboard and I start crying. I didn't think I would ever have a family again. Now I do! I have a sister, parent figures, an amazing girlfriend I plan to make my wife soon, and an unborn son. How could my life get any Better?

AN: Yes! I didn't kill Elsa! I wouldn't do that. Never ever ever. But, Pitch He is gone. Gone forever. Yay! Annnndddd jack has a sister and practically parents again! I love this chapter.😊😊😊 Alright thats it.

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