To: Niall
Same here.

From: Niall
Come over?

To: Niall

From: Niall
Meaning, come behind.

Angelina looked behind her, through the gaps of the seats, and saw Niall, his head resting on the back of his seat, eyes closed in a relaxing way, his phone in his hands.

Angelina quietly made her way towards his seat and sat herself beside him.

"Um," She said, at a loss of words.

That's what was different with him. She spoke to him now, every single day. But everytime, he made her feel something. Something very foreign to her.

It was something mixed with nervousness and excitement and bubbly ness, and thrill and– okay, there was a lot.

The sound of her voice made Niall open his eyes and look at her.

His gaze on her, did not make her feel insecure anymore, it was not the scrutinising look. In fact, she felt safe.

But it was very very hard to look into his eyes. Because once you did, you are held captive.

So most of the time, she didn't, hoping he wouldn't notice.

But he noticed, every single action of hers.

"So..." Niall drawled.
"Had fun today?" He asked, slightly smiling at her.

"I think so. But I was stuck with Zayn! Who does not appreciate the presence of animals." She said, getting a little grumpy all of a sudden.

Niall chuckled.

He didn't know what he was feeling, but there was this part of him-the weird part- that wanted to hug her and hold her in his arms, right then, right there.

So to refrain himself from doing anything stupid, he tried not to look at her.

Not to look at her at all.


Niall was in his own world, thinking about anything and everything.

So when Angelina called out, he obviously didn't hear.

"Niall." Angelina said, for the fourth time, coming close to his ear.

Niall jerked up to look at her, only to find her nose touching his.

Angelina slightly gasped and tried to pull away when Niall held her head back.

"Don't." He whispered.

"Niall, everyone's here." She said, her eyebrows furrowing in a panicky but sad way.

"But they are all sleeping." He said, closing his eyes and resting his forehead against hers.

Angelina breathed in from her nose, sharply, and closed her eyes, finding it pointless to argue when she enjoyed such intimate moments with him. Only him.

"Angelina?" He whispered.
She hummed in reply.

"Why do you do this to me?" He asked.

"Do what?" She asked, completely in a daze.

"Make me feel all mushy inside. It doesn't happen very often. It never does." He continued pouring out his feelings, the ones he had kept locked inside for a long long time.

Angelina whimpered.

"I'm not lying."

"I know."

The tension between them was thick.

Angelina knew she should pull away, but her body refrained to do so.

"Do me a favour?" She asked.

"Anything." His reply got her wobbly in her knees. Thank god, she was seated.

"Stop calling me Angelina."


"I said, stop calling me Angelina." She repeated.

"Then what?" Niall asked, in a daze and not very alert.

"The same name you called me when we first met." She said.

"Lina?" He asked.

And that husky, perfect voice saying her name like that sent shivers down her spine.

"Just like that." She said smiling, finally pulling away.

Niall's hand rested on his chin, giving his face some support.

"Lina." He said again, grinning at her.

"Okay, now stop!" She said, looking the other way.

Niall chuckled.

And that's how, within seconds, all of that was forgotten, with them returning to their original selves.

And the rest... still sleeping.

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