Chapter 111-Wake Pt.2

Start from the beginning


Suddenly sparks of electricity began to dance on the ground where the blood touched the strange black and purple material. The sword still lodged in the head cultist's chest began to pulse and writhe as the electricity was absorbed! Gradually it floated up into the air of its own accord, 2 meters of fearsome alien material. As the other cultists looked on in shock the entire room was suddenly lit up in white light!


A thunderous bolt of lightning snaked into the room and illuminated the shocked faces of all the cultists as they were all instantly electrocuted! The entire roof of the room was blasted off as lightning poured in from the sky and blasted down through the collapsed rubble of the former Hellhole and destroyed half the mountain!


The room danced with mad currents of electricity and all the while the being in the ancient coffin's eyes were opening wider and wider. As the last sparks of electricity faded away into the floor the crystalline coffin opened in the room which was now exposed to the night sky.

HISSSSSSSSSS the being inside slowly regained consciousness, not a single cultist had survived to guide him. The entire room had been vaporized. All that was left was the crystalline coffin.


The voice came so loud that it was undeniable. The ancient one finally woke up though his eyes had long since been wide open. He felt....HEAVY! Almost completely drained and energy less. The lid of the coffin popped open a few centimeters automatically and he tried to muster the energy to look at his body. To see what he was...who he had become. For he had long since forgotten. It took several minutes to muster the energy. When he looked down he saw a humanoid body. Black and purple runes spanned his arms and legs which seemed to pulsate dimly. Sometimes when they flickered out his body seemed to turn less solid as if his very flesh was losing the ability to hold its shape.

He tried to puzzle out who or what he was but as the coffin of the lid opened he felt something inside which he had dreamed of for a very long time. Or at least he thought he had.


It burned through him with far more pain than the lightning had. An ancient feeling almost as old as he was. Maybe older. After being in that numb state for so long he no longer knew quite what it was. However his body did! Gradually it awoke and he gained the energy to rise to his feet and leave the coffin. What greeted him was...

Night and Stars

He exited the crystalline coffin looking up and stared up through the destroyed roof to the night sky and stars. A warm breeze crept in and he suddenly remembered how to breath. 


As he inhaled for the first in who knows how many eons he smelt the burnt ozone from the lightning strike mixing with the fresh air of the outside. However, the smell only made him remember how hungry he was. That feeling. The burning in his belly. He needed to eat, consume, and grow stronger! Why though... As he gathered his strength he realized that on the lid of the coffin were strange characters which he had long since forgotten how to read. However, unbidden, words came from his lips.

"Summon me back from the grave to fight evil with evil once again."

Suddenly it almost felt like he remembered something and he whispered out of habit,

"But where are the ones who  sealed me and where are the ones who released me?" 

A second later the hunger gnawed at him some more and he forgot the last vestiges of his former self.


This feeling. What was it? 

Pit...Pit..Pit.....Pit Pit Pit Pit Patter Patter!!!!

Rain. It came and soothed reek of ozone and the burning hunger in his stomach. It was like a magic balm as he remembered what it was like. It reminded him that he was alive again. 

"Ahahahaahahahahah!!!!" He crowed with laughter and one could not tell whether he was evil or good in that moment. Just alive. After some time passed where he simply opened his mouth and stared up absentmindedly at the sky, eating the rain, he remembered the feeling in his stomach.


He stretched his shoulders as his energy had returned slightly and clenched his fists flexing his broad back. However, nothing happened, no wings magically sprouted and he cocked his head curiously. Was he expecting something to happen when he did that? He disregarded that as something for later and crouched down. He could sense it distantly. Other beings in the distance. Far away but not far enough. He needed to consume and there was not enough space in the universe to separate something from him if he wanted it!


He jumped straight out of the broken room and the crystalline coffin. As he left, mud poured down hastened by the rain and buried his tomb from the world. 

"Every evil comes again. And I have returned!"  

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