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Christmas time was nice at home until all of my family came over.

My siblings all showed up last minute and decided to spend Christmas at my house.

"Honey I want another baby." My sister-in-law told my brother. She held Daisy up and she giggled. "I want one with green eyes like you." She cooed.

"She's crazy if she thinks she's getting a baby with green eyes." My brother said taking a bite of our Christmas ham. I laughed at him and looked at Harry.

"We're not all blessed to have a green-eyed baby daddy." I reached to touch Harry's face. He smiled showing off those dimples I love. "And with dimples." I kissed his cheek making Holden roll his eyes.

"Jane can I keep her she's so freaking cute." Maria came in holding her close. "I have boys, and I want a little girl." She kissed her cheek. We joked as we stood around our kitchen. My parents were sitting with the kids in the living room while I set the table.

I could feel my chest getting heavier. "Baby, I need to feed Daisy," I told Harry.

"Go, I'll fix the table." He kissed my temple.

I told Maria to bring her to the room, Sunny and Phoebe following me. I sat down on my rocking chair and grabbed a blanket and my special pillow to hold her up. "Thanks," I said as Maria handed her to me. They closed the door and sat around me.

"So how are you feeling?" Sunny asked me. "Have you been feeling sad or anything?" I told them what had been going on and both Maria and Sunny nodded. "Been there, it sucks."

"Really, I felt like such a bad mom for leaving her." I switched sides making Daisy fussy. "Harry said that it doesn't but-"

"Sweetie it doesn't believe me Holden and I learned this the hard way after we had the twins. You need to go out with your man and be with your man. The baby feels more loved if you guys love each other." Maria told me. "Make a date night, especially when you both start working."

"Yeah and feed her first and set her down so you guys can eat dinner together until she's old enough to sit with you guys," Sunny said to me. "We tell you this now so you don't struggle later." I nodded understanding what they meant.

Since a few days ago I've been wanting to ask them this question. "How long did it take you guys to have sex after. Because we waited the six weeks and it was really good." I told them not wanting to get into details.

Maria rolled her eyes. "As soon as the doctor gave me the okay." They all laughed. "But it was not pleasant until maybe a few weeks later."

"We had sex four weeks after," Sunny said slightly embarrassed. "We couldn't wait, and that shit hurt." I suddenly felt better about us having sex. I looked down and Daisy was falling asleep again so I picked her up to burp her.

"Your nipples don't look as gross as I envisioned them," Phoebe said. I shook my head and they all laughed.

I changed Daisy and tried to swaddle her. Harry walked in and told us the table was done. "Need help?" He took the baby and swaddled her quickly. Nice and snug every time. All the girls awed at how he held her, but I felt more turned on than anything. Harry being a good dad was such a turn on. "I'll put her down so we can eat." He put the bassinet in the room and got the baby monitor.

As everyone went into the kitchen I closed the door while he set her down carefully. He turned to see me standing by the door and smiled. "You are such a good daddy." I leaned up to put my arms around him, kissing his neck. He went straight to my ass to smack it.

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