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"Darling will you please go check on Harry he's out playing with his bike in the rain again, he's going to get hurt," I told Gemma as I cleaned up the mess I made. Desmond would be home soon and I'll never hear the end of it if the house is a mess.

"Harry! Mum said to come in!" Gemma had just turned seven and was becoming a very smart little girl. She was aware of everything around her and that was beginning to frighten me because even though Harry was without care, his sister knew what the bruises on my arms and face were. She knew why I cried, but if she only knew why I stayed, she would understand it has nothing to do with love.

I picked up Gemma's schoolwork when suddenly the door opened and slammed shut. I froze as I heard him yell. "It smells like shit in here!" I bit my tongue walking into our small sitting room where he stood.

"Desmond, how was your day?" I asked him, taking his jacket.

"Well gee, I work in a factory for twelve hours how do you think it went?" He pushed past me to the kitchen. "Why the hell is the boy covered in mud!" I walked into the kitchen to see Harry covered in mud smiling at me.

"Look, mummy, I'm a monster." He cheered.

Des turned to me with nothing but anger in his eyes. "Is this what I work sixty-five hours a week for, so you can have him out in the mud-"

"Des he is four years old he wanted-" for a second all I could hear was a ringing in my ears from the blow to the face. I had fallen down to the ground. When I looked up his back was to me grabbing Harry by the hair and dragging him to the bathroom. "No! Desmond, he's just a baby for god sake!" I ran after him slapping his back until he let go of him.

My baby laid there crying yet Desmond didn't care, taking me now, dragging me to the bedroom. I knew Gemma would take care of Harry, but who would take care of her?



Thanksgiving was a time to be thankful for all your blessings in life. For me, I was blessed to have my family, but right now I wasn't really in a good mood. Olivia had yet to talk to me and Harry was acting strangely. He was so embarrassed the day after his drunken rampage in his apartment. He apologized profusely to Louis and I. I had decided to tell my mom what happened, really needing someone to talk to.

"Honey, that boy is missing a lot of love in his life. But you need to remember that only he can help himself." I completely agreed with her and I even told Harry. He had agreed to begin looking for help, which made me happy.

I decided to try and put all thoughts about everything negative behind me and try to enjoy our dinner. I helped my mom pull the ham out of the oven and went upstairs to change clothes into something nicer for our annual photo. I pulled out my boots and began zipping them up when there was a knock at my door. "Come in."

Harry's head popped in and he smiled. "I just got here, happy...Thanksgiving." I giggled opening my arms for a hug. "You look nice." He kissed my forehead. He wore his usual long sleeve shirt and dark jeans. I guess we were back to this look.

"Thanks you too, how are you feeling?" He sat on the corner of my bed, pulling me to sit on his lap.

"Good, I went to the clinic your mom suggested, and I have an appointment with the therapist." He said shyly.

"I'm very proud of you, I know it's going to help you." I kissed his cheek. "I love you and I want you to be happy." He gave me a small smile leaning his head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his forehead.

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