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One thing I knew for sure that next morning was that I was sore.  Everything was sore.

Another thing I was sure about was that I was hearing a loud banging noise. "Oh God," I groaned trying to open my eyes. I looked up and Harry was spread out on the bed completely naked where I was literally using him as a pillow. We may have gone overboard last night.

"Hotel security! Open up!" I sat up quickly and looked at the time; it was barely ten in the morning. What the hell was going on?

"Harry." I shook him and he opened one eye looking at me. "There's a security at the door." He sat up looking as confused as I was, rubbing his eyes to get up and put his shorts on.

"What the hell?" He said disoriented walking towards the door. I put on one of the bathrobes from the bathroom while he opened the door. "Dude, what the fuck?" It was Louis.

"Good morning!" He cheered coming in. "Sorry for the wake-up call but we're all having breakfast, my treat so you guys sho-" he stopped looking around the room stopping to look at us and raised an eyebrow. "Oh, you guys totally did the nasty up in this bitch." He laughed. "I can feel it I have like a sixth sense about that."

"Lou I swear to-" Harry began but I just laughed.

"Mad because he got some and you didn't?" Harry looked at me and Louis' jaw dropped. "Don't be a hater."

"Burn!" Harry said looking at Louis who just squinted at me annoyed.

"Everyone is meeting downstairs in twenty minutes don't be late." He turned and left the room. Harry let out a laugh, high-fiving me.

As I walked my legs were wobbly. "You okay?" He asked.

"Everything hurts," I said getting my bag.

"Did I hurt you or-" I shook my head.

"No, I'm just sore. It's a good kind of sore." I reassured him. I pulled out some clothes and he did the same. "I think I need another shower because I don't think the one we took last night counted." Harry snickered and I shook my head. "Shower sex is dangerous Harry, what if you dropped me?"

"I wouldn't drop you, you're small and I'm like really strong." He flexed. "Besides it's not my fault you look so damn good naked and wet." He winked at me.

I ignored him going to the bathroom to get ready. Harry brushed his teeth and splashed water on his face while I got out and dried off. "Great now I have to wear makeup." He looked at me and noticed my chest and neck had some small love bites. "I gave you one too." I pointed to his neck. He shrugged it off not really caring.

After we were ready we headed downstairs to find everyone sitting around waiting for us. It was slightly warmer than where we lived up North near the beach. We all got in the car and drove to a nice Mexican restaurant for breakfast.

"So what's the plan, are we going out tonight or are we going to the beach?" Niall asked everyone as we ate.

"Oh definitely the beach, we can go walk Venice beach," Phoebe suggested. We all agreed, but when I looked at Harry he seemed deep in thought.

"Isn't Santa Monica like right next to it?" Olivia asked Louis who nodded. "Can we go to both?" She asked.

"We can go anywhere you like." He said sweetly. It was odd that they had been non-stop talking the whole way, but he must have been trying to be nice since the incident. As a waiter came by we asked him if he could take a photo of us and he happily obliged.

After we ate we went back to the hotel so we could get some stuff for the beach. Harry was being quiet and it made me nervous. He was so happy last night and even this morning. But as we talked about the beach he became sad. He changed into jean shorts and a t-shirt and sat on the bed putting on a pair of sneakers. "Harry, are you okay?" I asked sitting on his lap. "You seem upset, do you not want to go?"

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