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I looked up into Harry's eyes and felt this rush of emotion go through me. For some reason, I felt tears sting my eyes and I had to look away from him. "Jane, why are you crying baby?" He sat up pulling me up so he could hold me in his arms. "Jane?" His voice laced with concern.

"You said you love me." I muffled into his shirt. I knew my makeup was getting ruined, but not as ruined as his shirt.

"Yeah, was I not supposed to?" His voice sounded worried. "I can't help how I feel." His voice was small making more tears fall. What the hell was wrong with me?

I pulled away shaking my head. "You don't get it, no one has ever said they loved me and you love me even though you don't like people." I sniffled putting my head against his chest.

"I don't love a lot of things, but I love you and I'm not taking it back." I hugged him, crying again.

"I love you too," I whispered in his ear. It felt like I was high or something. It was the first time I had ever said I love someone who wasn't family and really meant it.

He sighed in relief holding me close. "Oh baby I love you so much, now stop crying so I can kiss you." He turned his head towards my neck, breathing in my scent. We sat like this for a while until I turned my head to look at him. He ran a thumb under my eye cleaning my tears. "Do you want to go back home?" 

"No, I want to stay with you." He chuckled standing to help me up. We walked towards my car, me on his back once more. I had my arms around his neck, one hand slipping under his shirt where his neck was. I didn't realize how low my hand got until I felt something on his chest.

"Having fun there?" He laughed. We made it to the sidewalk but I didn't want to let go.

"What is that?" I kept running my hand on his chest.

"That-" he said as I passed over a bump. "Is my nipple." I passed my hand down a little. "That's also my nipple."

"What, you have three?" I kept touching the bottom one.

"Of course not." He made it to the car to put me down gently. "I have four."

I gasped taking my phone out to shine the light on him. "No you don't, let me see?" He looked around and pointed to the car to get in. He promised that when we got back to his house he would show me. We made a pit stop at my house to pick up his bike and I drove behind him. Making it inside we were greeted by a guy sitting on his couch. It wasn't Louis, and luckily he wasn't having sex. The guy was short and had dark black hair. He wore a work uniform and was putting on his shoes.

"Hey, Harry." The guy greeted. "Uh hi, I'm Tommy."

"Tommy, this is my girlfriend Jane, Jane this is my roommate Tommy." I waved and he politely waved back.

"I'm about to head out, but I'll see you later," Tommy told Harry. He grabbed his keys and wallet, put on his jacket, and left.

Harry picked up his cup of coffee putting it in the kitchen sink. "He's pretty different from Louis," I stated.

"Tommy minds his own business, and knows common courtesy." Harry turned off the t.v. taking me to his room.

I sat on his chair and spun around once as he took a seat on his bed to unlace his boots. "Hey, take off your shirt." He looked at me with a curious face. "I want to see the four nipples."

"Oh." He stood unbuttoning his shirt slowly. When his chest came into view I walked over and he pointed to his nipples. "Normal." I nodded. "Not normal." He pointed to two small nubs a few inches below. I got close and saw them under a few scattered tattoos.

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