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I turned in my chair and picked up the stack of papers to file. Linda, my coworker, was on the phone with customers I stood by the filing cabinet when I suddenly felt a small kick. I just became twenty weeks two days ago, so according to Harry, the baby was the size of a banana and I might be able to feel it kick.

I began filing the papers when suddenly I felt another small kick. My eyes widened and I put my hand on my stomach. "Oh my god." Linda turned to look at me and I just smiled awkwardly.

She hung up the phone. "What's wrong?"

"I just felt my baby kick." She cheered with a big smile.

"How exciting!" I nodded turning to file the papers again. "Listen if you'd like I have a lot of baby clothes from my kids. Some boy, some girl, if you want them. They're just sitting in storage, some of it is brand new, never got the chance to put it on them."

"Really? That would be great."

After work, I went to her house where she gave me four giant bags of clothes that I took home with me.

Harry and I were out of school for the summer so he was working a lot more. I pulled out the bag from the car and dragged it into the house. We had finished unpacking and even had some more furniture. The baby's room had only a bassinet that Anne had sent, and changing table that my mom got us.

I pulled in the bags one at a time. When I got the last one out I saw a car pull up. I felt my hands get sweaty as I saw what car it was. He got out and walked around the car to walk up the driveway. "Hey, kiddo."

"Hi, dad." He looked down at the bag.

"Do you need help with that?" I nodded. He picked it up and he followed me towards the door. He came in and I told him to set it down in the baby's room. He dropped the bag and looked around. "This is the baby's room?" I nodded slowly. "How's work going?"

"Good, really good." I played with my hands. "Are you thirsty, or hungry?" He shrugged, following me as I went into the kitchen so he can sit down at our new table. I pulled out a glass from the set my mom got us and poured him some juice, sitting down beside him while he drank.

He seemed really hesitant to speak. "Kid, I was... really angry and I was really sad. But yesterday I went into your room and it was empty. I cried for a while and realized what I had done. Sure I'm upset, but I've been ignoring you and you shouldn't have to go through that when you're having my grandchild." I looked at him with tears in my eyes. "I'm sorry for everything."

"I'm sorry too-"

"Don't apologize, I just want you to stop crying at night because I don't hate you. I love you so much and I'm sorry I kicked you out of the house." I hugged him and he held me tight. "Let me see the bump?" I pulled away and chuckled as I cleaned my eyes. I lifted my nice work shirt and underneath I wore a camisole that was tight and made my little belly show.

"I'm twenty weeks already, so I'm halfway there." He smiled and opened his wallet. He pulled out a small paper that I soon noticed was my ultrasound.

"Yeah, Harry came by the other day and gave me this. I look at it and I'm just glad you found someone good like him." We talked but eventually, he had to leave. He kissed the top of my head and hugged me. "I'll see you on Sunday for dinner?"

"Yeah, I love you." I waved as he drove away and suddenly I felt better like a weight had been lifted.

I went into the house to change, I had to wait until Harry got home to shower because he was so paranoid about me slipping. I began making some dinner and while I waited for the chicken to bake in the oven I went into the baby's room to look through all the clothes and began sorting by size and colors.

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