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The day before Christmas my mum and I had breakfast that she made at my house. I was going to pick up May and Ethan, but they decided to take an Uber. "You know Harry I really thought you would be in a hole out here, but you have a pretty nice place," Ethan said as he took a bite into his pancakes.

"Yeah, well if I didn't have roommates I wouldn't be able to afford it." It was true; Sure I made good money sometimes, but not enough to live on my own. I ate listening to my mum talk about what we would do tomorrow when I heard a knock at my door. I stood going to open it and was a bit surprised. "Michelle, what are you doing here?" It was Jane's mom. "Come in please." I moved to let her in.

"Oh, kiddo I just came to invite you over tomorrow for a Christmas dinner." If Jane's mom was cooking, I was going.

"Oh, of course, let me introduce you to my family." I walked over with her and she waved telling my mum and aunt about the dinner.

"I know it seems like a last minute thing, but that's because it is. We were supposed to fly out to Chicago, but we decided against it." She joked. "I would absolutely love if you all came, I know it would mean a lot to Jane as well. She wanted to invite you herself, but she has some paperwork she needs to do at the library and asked me if I could stop by." I smiled at my busy bee, she would be working the day before Christmas Eve.

"Well, should we bring anything?" My mum asked.

"If you'd like, but mostly we really just want all of you there." She said sweetly making my mum smile. "Well, I have to go, nice meeting you. Hope to see you all there." I walked her out and she asked me before she left what size shoe my mum was.

"I'll find out and text Jane to tell you." After she left we finished breakfast and I decided to take them out for the day.

We drove down to the beach and then went shopping in the old town shopping center. Aunt May and my mum brought gifts for everyone and I had to remind myself that I still needed to wrap Jane's present.

We ended up dropping off Ethan and May back at their hotel and going back home. "I am exhausted." My mum set her bags in my room and sat on the couch.

Louis opened his door and walked out at that exact moment completely naked. Luckily her back was turned to him.

"Dude!" He looked and quickly ran back to his room returning a minute later with pants and a shirt. "Mum, this is my roommate Louis."

"Nice to meet you, I'm also his best friend, Louis Tomlinson." He shook her hand and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh lovely to meet you, thank you for putting clothes on." Louis' eyes widened. "There's a reflection in the t.v. darling." She pointed. He nodded walking back towards his room but not before stopping to giggle.

"Your mom saw my dick." He laughed.

"Fuck off," I whispered.



I decided on three gifts for Harry and I finally wrapped two of them. The third was a bit more intimate. I hid that one in a bag under my bed. It was late and I was about to go to bed when I heard my phone go off. I looked and it was Harry.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hello, Jane." He said playfully "or should I say, Prudence." I rolled my eyes.

"No you may not call me that, do you know what time it is." I looked at the time and it was past midnight. "It's tomorrow," I warned him.

"I know Merry Christmas Eve!" He cheered. "I can't sleep."

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