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I went to school Friday going to pick up a new college I.D. since I had lost mine a while ago. I went into the office to pay when I saw a sign on the news board by the counselor's office. I looked at it and it said 'office receptionist needed'. I took the form and put it in my purse going straight to get a new I.D.

When I was done I decided to call the number and was given an address to a local finance office who needed someone there during the weekend mornings. I made an appointment for an interview, heading towards one of the campus computer labs to make an actual resume.

Since my sister had come back a week ago, she was constantly at the library doing all the work to keep her mind off of her personal life. It wouldn't be a bad thing if I began looking for work outside of the library.

I walked through the halls of the college and found a random empty computer lab. The next class, according to some girl in the class also working, wasn't starting for another hour which is the time I needed. I began typing away on the computer when I heard someone else walk in and sit a few seats away.

"Jane?" I looked over and it was Jeff. Jeff was one of Olivia's friends that I had met the day we went to that bar with the mechanical bull. I had remembered him because of the dirty looks he was giving Harry.

"Oh hey, Jeff." I waved to him. "Haven't seen you around, how are you?"

He had his glasses on and was wearing a basic white t-shirt and jeans, yet something was different about him. "Good, busy, how about you?"

"Just school, work, the usual." I nodded awkwardly. He did the same when looking at me with a serious look.

"Hey, have you talked to Olivia?" I immediately remembered seeing her at the party and talking to her. She had left by the time Harry and went back out. I texted her a bunch of times but she didn't reply. "She missed French and math."

It was weird for her to skip class. "I saw her a few days ago, but we might be on bad terms right now," I said honestly. "I'm not exactly a big fan of the guy she's dating, he's cocky and rude." Jeff looked frustrated.

"Well, it's her decision at the end of the day." I wanted to say something about Carter leaving her at the mall, but I didn't want to start gossip. "So do you want to get coffee or dinner sometime?" Well, that was unexpected.

"Um, Jeff, I have a boyfriend, so it would be a little weird-"

"Oh shit, sorry I didn't mean to be forward. What's his name?" He asked.

"It's actually Harry, the guy I was with last time we saw each other." His eyebrows creased.

"So that's a thing now?" He said almost disappointed."Well as long as he treats you right."

"He does, he's great." I went back to typing and our conversation sort of stopped there.

When I was done I went to my class finding Harry with his head down on the table, asleep. I walked over sitting beside him running my fingers through his hair. He smiled opening his eyes; they were red and tired. "Hi." He said in a raspy voice, but not in a sexy raspy voice, but as if he was sick.

"Are you sick?" He nodded. "Oh, why don't you go home?"

"My bike doesn't work, I took the bus." My eyes widened.

"What, since when is your bike not working?" He sat up rubbing his eyes.

"Since a week ago, why do you think Louis has been driving me places. I'll fix it when I get better." He sneezed into his shirt.

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