chapter sixteen-Did we shoot too high and spoil like wine?

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2 years after she left
Perth, Australia.
"Maggie you live the dream, I have work tomorrow. I have to go in, I can't ditch it to go to the beach again, I'll lose my job." I laughed down the phone as I unlocked the front door to my one bedroom apartment. I could feel the sun beating down behind me. Closing the door I sigh as the cool air inside the apartment surrounded me.
"Christina, you have to come! Dom loves you, he'll understand the need for a tanning session with the girls!" She argued back jokingly with me. Dom was my boss in the bar I worked in. We were mainly a bar but opened around two in the day as a restaurant too. The bar sat right on the coast next to a main beach.
"Yeah okay, why don't you give Dom a ring so and see what he says?" I said back dropping my keys onto the counter an snaking my way through the rooms to the kitchen.
"Maybe I will" she said back accepting a challenge she would lose.
"Alright let me know how that conversation goes" I laughed. My phone buzzed to alert me of another incoming call. Looking at the phone I missed what Maggie was saying as the number registered with me.
"Maggie-" I interrupted her,"I have to go I have an important call coming in" I finished.
"Oh Brian is It? Fine I know when I'm not wanted. Give lover boy my love" she teased before hanging up.
Settling my shopping on to the counter I answered the phone.
"Tony, is that you? How are you?" I breathed down the phone. I had heard from Tony once in the two years I had been gone. It was a year after I had first left, the anniversary of Bláidnaids death. Tony rang me worried. He informed me of how Benny had flown off the rocker once again in the day leading up to her anniversary.
"Someone found you" he told me. I can remember it clearly. I was strolling down the bust centre of Tokyo when the call came in and dear had gripped me. I remember frantically searching around me as I make my swift way back to my apartment to see if anyone seemed to be following me. The next day I had been on a plane flying down to Australia. New name, new hair, new story to learn and adapt to. How Tony managed to be everything sorted and delivered to me in those few hours was beyond me but somehow he did. He was my superhero.
"Aine" he said back to me and I froze at his tone.
"No don't do this to me, Tony. I've just settled here!" I said back already knowing what he had to say.
"I'm sorry, honey." He sounded it but that didn't help.
"What am I meant to do? Move every year because he loses his shit at the anniversary? I can't live like that!" I cried desperately down the phone.
"I know I'm sorry but I need you safe." Tony said.
"I've met someone. I think he might make me happy Tony!" I whispered broken because I knew without a doubt that in the next twenty four hours I would be on a plane heading god knows where.
"He shot one of his men. Point blank. The man supposedly asked him to take a break from business for a few weeks and take care of himself. Bomb, the man was on the floor dead before anyone could react. Benito didn't even blink just went back to what he was doing" Tony said sadly. It was sad, hearing about the pain a beloved friend was in.
"Maybe I should go to him, maybe he would listen to me" i suggested gently but could feel Tonys protesting through the phone before he voiced them.
"He's linked you and Switch together in his head, my dear. I don't think he can separate the two anymore. I think in a twisted way he had convinced himself that if he can't have the love of his live, neither can you" Tiny said so gently it seemed like the voice you would use when approaching an injured wild animal.
"What's the plan?"I said miserably feeling tears hit my eyes at the injustice of my situation.
"Say goodbye to who you need to and head straight for the airport. Same as last time" he said pained.
"Can't do this every year" I whispered more to myself but I knew Tony heard it because he replied.
"We'll hide you better this time" Tony promised.
"Right Tony. See you soon" I sigh heavily.
"Aine?" He called.
"Yes?" I asked.
"I'm sorry you won't find out whether he'll make you happy or not" he said heartedly.
"It's okay. Plenty of fish and all that" I whispered back swallowing a lump in my throat.
"See you soon" he said before hanging up. Here we go again.

"Hey babe, I picked up the chips and sauce because whether you'll admit it or not, I know you've been craving nachos so I figured we could make them tonight for dinner instead of heading out" Brian said down the phone. I'd met him within a month of moving into Perth. It had taken him two months to get a first date and we'd been seeing each other since.
"Hey, listen honey I have to talk to you" I said back, a few lone tears slipping from my eyes as I sipped my wine. This was glass number three now.
"Yeah, what's up?" He asked voice friendly. He was always friendly, always nice. I took a deep breath.
"This isn't going to work anymore." I said clearing my throat. He was the last call I had to make. I had everything packed and ready to go.
"What? Is everything okay? you sound off. What do you mean?" God dammit why did he stop have to sound so nice and concerned. I drowned the rest of my wine.
"Look it just isn't going to work anymore. I'm done" I said trying to sound firm.
"Wait we need to talk about this. Did I do something Chris?" He asked, not angry just worried. I heard a car pull up outside.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. But my taxis here so just leave it be, please" I whispered rising from my seat and heading to the door where I had stacked my bags.
"What-taxi? Where are you going?Christina wait! Taxi for-" he started to sound frantic.
"In sorry. Goodbye Brian. Honestly I never meant to hurt you" I said back broken. Hanging up on him I picked up my bags and made my way toward the taxi. Leaving the key to the apartment under the front mat I knew it would be up for sale tomorrow and I would be long gone before Brian could even blink.

"Edinburgh this time, Aine." Tony stood before me, my tickets and paperwork in his hands ready to hand over.
"Figured it was time you got to taste home for a while, without putting you in Ireland. As close as j could get you anyways" he smiled sweetly at me.
"I can go see the Hogwarts inspired castle" I said lightly and he smiled at me.
"The buildings are beautiful there" he offered me another smile.
"The weather in the summer is meant to be nice I think" I added trying to make light of it.
"You'll be okay, Aine" he said and I nodded.
"Amn't I always?" I laughed but it really wasn't funny. Tony winced at my tone.
"Plane is boarding, this is where I leave you" he said opening his arms wide for a hug. I gladly burrowed into them.
"Tony, don't take it personally when I say I hope I don't see you for awhile" I joked and felt his laugh move through his body.
"You always were my favourite. They're doing good just to let you know" he whispered in my ear. I knew who he heart ached a little at th though of Fiachra and Millie.
"Good" I whispered back before pulling away. Turning I walked toward my gate never looking back so that he would see the heartbreak on my face. I thought about them rarely and thag was only because I couldn't handle not seeing them. Slowly the hole in my heart was getting easier to deal with. It was only when I was on the plane that I opened my file to see what my new story was.
Name: pick one. You get to make your own story this time.
Best of luck Aine.

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