Chapter Seven- pretty women, whats up?

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Im so sorry it has taken me so long to update but I honestly haven't had a minute. Hope you enjoy and I appreciate your patience.

It had been days. Days of being cooped up in the compound in close proximity with a few people I rather be well away from at the moment. I felt like the entire situation was a ticking time bomb. Every so often I felt the whisper of the ticks across my skin, warning and reminding me of the destruction that could erupt at any minute, if the wrong thing is said or done. As much as I tried to deflate the situation or ignore it all together, it seemed inevitable that something terrible would come.
The fear was not knowing who the destruction was going to hit, the savage bikers or me.
"Hey Leia, you in there?" fingers clicking in front of my nose snapped me out of my head and I focused back on the table. It was Sunday, a family dinner was in full swing. It had been Pin who was snapping his fingers in my face but looking around I could see the table was looking at me. I scrunched up my nose in distaste.
"Don't call me by my stripper name" I sounded disgusted which caused Pin and several others to laugh.
"Why not? You chose it right?" he asked grinning at me. I shrugged.
"To a degree, yes." I answered and he rose an eyebrow.
"What does that mean?" he asked.
"Wouldn't you like to know" I smirked before turning to the food in front of me. "what are we talking about? I zoned out" I asked as I swivelled pasta around my fork.
"Looove..." Laylas girl dragged the word out sticking her tongue out at her brother who gagged in return making everyone smile.
"Oh yeah? Who are we talking about?" I asked smiling at the children.
"Tangled" Mia said smiling at me. I nodded.
"Great movie" I said and she lit up in response.
"The best" she whispered with stars in her eyes.
"No no. Beauty and the beast is my favourite" I said back and watched all the children lean toward me.
"Why?" Rush asked, doing the impossible by putting his fork down to focus on me. I shrugged.
"It's the best love story of all time." I said simply and saw Millie nod at my side. This was a conversation we had agreed and settled on long ago.
"How so?" Buck surprised me by asking. I turned to look at him.
"It's about two people who are struggling with two different sorts of hardships by themselves but being confined to the same space forces them to confront the others problems. It shows the importance of balance between going at life by yourself and letting someone in. It shows the development of friendship, understanding of each other and the realisation that even though you could be from two different worlds entirely you can still work in harmony together. It also shows how fear can override someone's feelings at first, for example, when Belle leaves the Beast initially. She, deep down, knows what she's feeling but her initial struggle had been being away from her Dad and when the opportunity arose for her to go to him she did what her head was telling her, that she had wanted this all along. And in listening to her head she didn't hear what her heart was saying, not until the Beast was in danger. Then Belle could finally but a name on what she had been feeling every time she was around or thinking about the Beast. When she saw him get hurt the instant clarity hit her that he was her one, regardless of his flaws or hers." I answered and felt the state of every one in the room.
"Her love brought him back to her. It was strong enough to do that and yeah..that's why it's the best" I ended softly, feeling grossly exposed. No one spoke for a second.
"Mom, can we watch Beauty and the Beast soon?" Mia breathed out and Layla turned her focus from me to her daughter where she smiled warmly.
"Of course, baby" she answered.
"Have you ever been in love Aine?" Fiachra asked and I turned to look at him feeling the weight of his questions. I also felt the weight of everyone looking at me once again.
"Your Mom has" I answered to throw the focus off me but my dear Fiachra wouldn't be deterred.
"I know. Mom and Dad were always meant to be, like Beauty and the Beast. But what about you Aine? Have you had your beast? Where is he?" He pushed further.
"I'll tell you what Fiachra. Before the Beast had been hurt Belle wasn't sure of her feelings so wouldn't have known she loved the Beast. It was only after something happened that she realised what she was feeling okay? So I'll tell you what, when I feel what Belle was feeling and realise what it is I'll tell you." I smiled and he nodded but his response reminded me how clever he was.
"Life by yourself won't be fun forever Aunt Aine. You have to find the Beast that will put himself in danger for you." he said and I felt those words.
"You leaving me or something?" I joked and broke the tension in the room.
"When I find my beauty" he grinned cockily and caused the table to erupt in laughter. The tension filed out of the room and we settled back into normal conversation but I still couldn't shake Fiachras words from my head.

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