chapter three- keep going 'til you hit the spot

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"I'm sorry Aine I didn't think-" turning from the math homework I was doing with Fiachra, I saw Millie rushing my way as she spoke. She was by-passed by a very pissed off and very angry Switch, Cut and Buck.
"You know Lorenzo Cortez" Switch demanded leaning down into me. I felt his heat he was standing that close to me. A shiver raced down my spine as the other men file into the room. Turning from him I looked down at Fiachra.
"Go play outside yeah?" I said and he looked to his Dad for guidance. A second later he was gone from the room. Spinning on Switch I snapped, "Don't  you ever yell at me!". His face first registered surprise at the steel in my voice before anger replace it.
"Cortez, Aine. Yes or no you know him?" He demanded once again, ignoring my comment. Looking around the room I saw the guilt on Millie's face and the same fierce anger Switch had was on all the men's faces.
"Name sounds familiar" I said breezily looking back into Switchs chocolate brown eyes crossing my arms over my chest defiantly. It was a split second, no one else would have seen it but because we were so close I watched Switchs eyes drop to my chest before he focused back on me. I raised an eyebrow causing him to clench his teeth.
"How familiar?" Cut snapped through his clenched teeth.
"I'm sorry Aine. I didnt mean- I just said it to Luke and-" Millie tried to explain but got cut off my Switch once again.
"Aine." He spoke, his voice a threat and still I felt it all over me. Smooth as silk.
Throwing my hands up I sigh.
"So I know him. What's the big deal?" I asked exasperated.
"Since he's a step away from declaring war on us, it's a big deal" Switch snapped like it was my fault.
"War?" I whispered. "Why?" I asked.
"Club business Babe. Need to know for the minute. What we do need to know though is how you know him?" Buck spoke up.
"Long time ago" I said back feeling thrown off balance.
"How did you meet?" Switch demanded, a new fuel in his eyes.
"How do you think" I snapped back sarcarstically and he got that scary look in his eyes again as his mouth got tighter than it already was. Fuck but he was sexy when he was pissed off.
"You stay close? " Cut demanded then and I broke.
"Enough! ", I snapped,"I'm not the reason he declared war on you so stop interrogating me. If Benny is actually coming forward to declare war it has to be something-" I ranted but Switch interrupted me yet again.
"Benny?" He whispered in complete disbelieve and my rant fell to silence. Fuck.
"Ok, look-" I started damage control. I didn't get very far.
"Have you lost your fucking mind?" Switch roared in my face.
"Switch-" I spoke quietly.
"He is not a man you want to know! He is not a man you should ever know the name of let alone know him enough to call him fucking Benny! Who the fuck else are you on first name bases with like him?" His voice rose to a yell. Yeah, we were so not going there.
"He's never been anything but good to me so screw you, you don't know him like I do!" I yelled back and every man took a deep breath.
"Shit girl" Buck muttered shaking his head at me almost in pity. 
"You're in deep with someone that'll get you killed" Cut snapped in disgust. I turned my glare to him.
"I'm not in deep with him! He's got a wife" I snapped back not thinking. When the shock on their faces registered with me I realise what I had given away. Fuck.
Benito Lorenzo Cortez was a man no one knew. He was a ghost. His own men didn't know shit about him. No one knew where he was, who he was and most didn't even know what he looked like. He was invisible, a complete ghost.
But I did. I know Benny for years now. It started at the club that night and was meant to end there. But Benny sought me out after that night and kept me close. We messed around for months but it developed into friendship. I don't understand how it happened either, trust me it still doesn't make sense. Any time I asked him 'why me' he'd just grin and look away. The friendship developed into a family and that's where we were now, he was more a big brother than anything else. About a year or two after we met I set him up with his now wife.

We were in a cafe having a coffee date when I exclaimed that he needed a woman in his life.
"I've got enough shit to deal with don't need pussy with chains, darling" he grinned at my scowl, knowing full well I hated his foul mouth. I knew mine wasn't clean either but I reined it in when we were in public.
"Don't have chains, Benny" I snapped and he laughed.
"Yeah you do Babe,  but you got the type a man wouldn't mind having wrapped around him but only if he's looking for that. I'm not looking for that." he smiled at me. He had a beautiful smile and didn't do it nearly enough.
"I know someone" I said ignoring his comment.
"You know a lot of people, darling" he added not picking up my meaning or else ignoring it entirely.
"She's sweet, an Irish girl. She said shes from the north, Cavan. You'll go nuts for her accent. She's quiet and shy, Ben. Moved here a few years ago like myself." I said.
"And? Doesn't mean much, you're Irish too, you're going to favour your own." He asked raising an eyebrow and I rolled my eyes.
"Excuse me, I wouldn't pick just anyone for you Benny, just like you wouldn't pick just anyone for me. And she just happens to be Irish too, which by the way you're lucky about. We're  great." I snapped standing up and waiting for him to join me. He didn't move. "Get up and I show you" I snapped again and he grinned before humouring me and rising elegantly to his feet. Getting into his car I gave his driver the address while Benny laughed.
"McEvillys? Jesus Babe a pub? It's eleven in the day. Why's it even open at that time?" he smirked at me. I shrugged.
"It's five o clock somewhere" I replied and he shook his head at me. Pulling up we got out and walked toward the door.
"You go in easy so you don't lose her" I said carefully and he looked at me in shock at the protective tone of my voice.  "I met her six months ago and about two seconds into the conversation I knew she was something special. Pay mind to that" I said before pushing open the pub door and entering. It was like stepping into the local back home, it had a complete Irish stamp to it.
Looking around I spotted her sitting at a table with books open in front of her and a sandwich in her hand. I looked to Benny to point her out and saw he was already staring her way.
"Aine" I heard as the door swung shut behind us and I turned to see Bláithaid had looked up at us, having heard the door. She broke into a smile a second later, eyes focused on me she forgot about her sandwich as she jumped up and rushed over. I heard Benny curse at the sight of her smile. 
I wasn't lying when I had said she was something. Small woman she came to about 5'2. She had vibrant blue eyes and a mob of wavy ginger hair that flowed to her waist.
She grabbed me up in a hug.
"Hey girl how are you?" She smiled up at me, still not seeing Benny at my side who had frozen solid. Her voice was smooth and quiet, a hushed irish lilt to it.
"Good hun. Just dropped in to show my friend Benny you're place here. We were talking business and I just had to show him how you built this up yourself at only twenty six. Business major amongst others right?" I rambled on watching in delight at Bláithnaids expression when she took in all that was Benny in an expensive suit. Slowly she stuck her hand out, cheeks bright red.
"Bláithnaid McEvilly, nice to meet you" she whispered dropping her eyes away from him, too shy to keep eye contact.
"Benito Lorenzo" he rumbled and she actually shivered, I could see it, and judging by the hungry look on Bennys face he did too.
"Hi Benito" she whispered out again.
"Benny is interested in business hun, he's thinking of expanding, think you could give him a few pointers?", her gaze swung to mine and her eyes bugged out in panic, "great you're a star. I have to get going. I'll see you two later, be good" I smiled before she could reply. Waving I left the two looking at me in shock as I exited out onto the street and walked away.
Before the door had closed behind me I heard Benny rumble Bláithnaids name to get her attention as I left.
The rest was history.

"Jesus you know he has a wife?" Dodge snapped and Millie commented to defend me I'm assuming but it didn't help.
"She set them up" she said glaring at all the men. I saw Cut look to her, calculating, and I figured behind closed doors later Millie would be explaining how well she knows Benny too. Not nearly as well as me but seen as Benny visits us every christmas I'm assuming that's something Cut will want to know.
"Set a meet" Buck commented still looking at me.
"Yeah? How do we do that when he's a fucking ghost?" Switch snapped not looking happy with the situation.
"You got the key to him right there" Buck nodded in my direction and I narrowed my eyes as I felt my blood boil.  Slowly I shook my head.
"He's off the grid" I said softly.
"He was, Babe.  For months, close to a year. Then he got in contact to say he wasn't happy with some shit. He did, not one of his minions. He lit the grid right back up again by doing it. You able get in contact with him directly?" Switch asked eyes focused on mine and I didn't respond, there was no point. If I said no he'd know straight away I was lying and if I said yes I threw myself right into the middle of this. Silence surrounded us but in my head all I could hear was him calling me babe.
Slowly his eyes got scarier and scarier as I didn't speak.
"Aine" he snapped losing patience.
"Yes I can" I snapped back knowing well I had just started a dangerous dance with the devil. Exhaling, Switch stepped away from me and I felt myself take a fresh breath of air as he moved out of my space.
"Let's set this up so" he commented, his eyes trailed on mine. 

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