chapter eight- going down until your back muscles hurt

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"The number you have dialed is no longer..."
"Fuck!" I spit out slamming my phone down onto the counter I looked out the back window into the darkness. At first I wasn't phased by Benny not picking up, the dial tone constantly telling me the number can not be reached at the moment. I figured soon enough I'd  hear from him but this time, the dial tone telling me the number was no longer in use sent a chill down my spine.
It had been several days since I had contact with Benito, something that was normal, however I always heard back from him, no matter what. This time something felt different, something felt wrong about the situation.
Reaching forward I grabbed another t-shirt and started to fold it.
"What's up buttercup?" I spun to see Millie in her pajamas leaning against the doorframe.
"What you mean?" I asked and Millie raised her eyebrows before indicating around the room.
"You're doing laundry" Millie answered.
"And?" I asked turning fully to face Millie. Rolling her eyes, Millie  pushed off the doorframe and stepped into the room.
"Aine it's four in the morning. I lived with you remember? When something's in your head you clean." She crossed her arms expectantly across her chest. " So I ask again, what's up?"
Letting out a sigh, I turned back to my stack of laundry.
"I can't get in touch with Benny" I explained.
"And it's worrying you" Millie said and I shrugged in response.
"I don't know, I guess I just have a weird feeling about it" leaving down the t-shirt in my hand, I moved onto the next set of items to be folded and sorted.
"Cut won't tell me anything about what's going on" Millie said a second later.
"Yeah I haven't heard anything either" I said back. Silence engulfed the room before Millie spoke again, jumping to a topic that froze me entirely.
"How did it happen? You and Switch?" Her voice was timid. Lifting myself up onto the counter, I stared down at the floor for a while.
"It's not that great a story" I eventually said, looking up at Millie. Slowly Millie lowered herself to sit on the floor , resting back against the wall opposite me.
"I want to know it anyways" she said voice timid once again.
"That night you met Luke? I had been going to that bar for weeks. I'd  kept seeing him there for about a month straight before that night. He never saw me but it didn't matter,I just wanted to see him. He saved me outside the bar that night from a lad who had gotten way too handy with me" I said and watched anger leak into Millies face.
"It was guaranteed that lad wouldn't go near another female that way again after Switch was done with him." I smiled at the memory, still remembering the feelings that had been evoked at a total stranger giving more of a shit about my well-being that anyone in my family would have.
"We kind of went from there. I never wanted to make anything big out of it because it just wasn't a big thing. We weren't at that announcing we're together stage even though he had claimed me. We wanted us time, plus you and Cut were the light of the show which worked out in our favour because no one noticed us. We were inseparable I don't know how none of you didn't notice, I could never keep my eyes off him." I smiled thinking about a time that was so long ago.
"You loved him" Millie stated and I snapped out of my head to look at Millies wide eye expression. "I can see it in your face, truly loved him you did. It's written all over you. My god Aine do you still-" the back door slamming open stopped all talk as we both looked over to Switch shuffling Tara into the room backwards,their lips locked together in a passionate kiss. Lifting her at the hips, he placed her on the counter beside the door before moving between her hips. They were oblivious to our presence and I was too shellshock to react. Luckily Millie wasn't.
"Woah hey, people present!" She called out and they both froze before slowly coming apart to look at us.
"Wow sorry I didn't notice you" Tara stuttered over her words clear embarrassment in her expression. Looking at her swollen lips fuelled me to move. Hopping off my counter I grabbed the basket and shoved all the clothes into it.
"C'mon Millie. We will get out of your way, guys. Night." I called shoving Millie out the door to the kitchen and slamming the laundry door behind me, not before hearing Tara giggling.
Calling goodnight to Millie too I hastily made my way into my room, slamming the door closed behind me I dropped the basket on the floor. Taking deep breaths I tried to call my racing heart.
"Fuck fuck fuck fuck-" I muttered walking back and forth pulling at my hair in frustration. The sound of footsteps making their way down the hall froze me. Squeezing my hands into fists at my side's I closed my eyes as I listened to them get closer to my room and then by pass it for the room around the corner at the end of the hall. Only when silence surrounded me again did I move. Slowly I let the tension leak from my fists as I took deep breaths.
"I can't do this right now" I whispered to myself, the clarity of my situation hitting me like a bus. Like a bullet I moved through the room speedily gathering items into my handbag before running from the room. I hit the cold night air and realised I wasn't in anything more than shorts and a t-shirt but I didn't turn back. Pushing forward I got into my car and spun out of the driveway, kicking up a cloud of dust behind me.
I had tossed my bag onto the passanger seat. Leaning forward I turned the music up until the point that I couldn't hear my thoughts. Rooting through the door I found a pack of cigarettes and with shaking hands I tried to light one up as I drove the car down a secluded road.
Tears fell from my eyes and I brushed at them angrily, taking another pull of the cigarette.
"Fuck, stop" I whispered to myself unsure what it was that needed to stop, just knowing that whatever it was it needed to stop now. My focus was all over the place, so much so I didn't notice the car tailing me until they shone their headlights full blast.
Squinting I tried to see who it was but I was unsuccessful.
"What the hell" I started to mumbled when the car behind me slammed into the back of mine.
"What the fuck!" I shouted out dropping the cigarette out the window as I flew forward with the momentum of the car. Gripping the wheel I fought to keep the car steady. I just barely had it back into control when the car behind slammed into me again.
"Stop"I cried out as I veered sideways, feeling terror in my bones. Turning the wheel sharply I flew the other way in a desperate attempt to not go off the road. Speeding up I watched as the car sped up too. Slowly he started to bypass me slightly to the right and with a dreadful feeling inside me, a feeling of pure horror, I got a glimpse of the driver before I felt him slam into the back side of my car and send my car into an uncontrollable spin. Screaming I felt everything spin in a blur as I got thrown into the window of the drivers door, smashing my head against it.  Blood coated my vision as it poured unstoppable down my face. Suddenly the car crashed headfirst into one of the surrounding trees, feeling my body sail forward I felt my face once again get smashed as it collided with the windshield before everything went black.

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