chapter one- Ladies, no regrets

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"You owe me."
"Aine, Babe..."
"Tony, I need a job, help me out here!"
"My lovely, that man...he's not one you want to be working for" I could hear concern in his deep voice.
"I haven't got a choice, beggars can't be choosers and once you say my name he'll go nuts to have me working there. No way will he treat me wrong on you!" I tried to reason as I crossed the road in the middle of town.
"I don't like the stench that comes from that man and if big Jimmy or, fuck if Benny finds out I-"
"Marco" I interrupted him.
Silence came down the phone and I smirked.
"Fuck" I couldn't stop myself, I laughed at his whispered curse.
"I am the reason he has three children and a happy marriage right now. If I didn't intervene at Biancas wedding and make Trish jealous, she wouldn't have fought for him and they wouldn't have gotten married or have the life and children they have now" I was triumphant as I spoke, knowing full well I had won.
"You break my heart" he sigh.
"You love me anyways. Listen I have to go, Fiachra is finishing school in five minutes. Let me know when you sort it. Thanks, Tony" I smiled as I stopped outside the school.
"How are you?" Concern covered his rushed words again.
"I'm doing good" I said back softly knowing what he was referring to. It had been three months since Jonathan kidnapped us, two and a half since I had woken from a coma. "I promise, I'm doing good."
"Say hey to my second favourite girl won't you" he said back.
"I will. Bye bye" I hung up the phone as Fiachra came running from the school, backpack swinging from side to side.
"Hey Squirt" I called out to him.
"Aine " he smiled up at me.
"How was school?" I questioned as we started to walk toward the compound. Millie had gotten a job in the local hospital recently so while she was working and Cut was off doing whatever it is bikers do, I picked Fiachra up and we hung out in the compound until we had a lift home.
"Good. Got an A in my spelling test" he grinned his wonky grin at me.
"Course you did, luck of the Irish" I winked at him.
"What did you do today?" He asked me.
"Got the apartment fully sorted, baby. May have sorted a job out too so today's been good for both of us" I answered. I was offered the apartment Millie had been living in before she moved into her new home with Cut but I turned it down, I needed something smaller that wasn't so close to town. I liked my space at the best of times.
"Where will you be living? Not far away" I looked down to see him frowning. Smiling softly I ruffed his hair.
"No baby, just the other side of town. Nothing but a few minutes away" I said breezily.
"Well, once Dad knows he and the boys will have to check it out and make sure its safe" Fiachra told me. Jesus, my nephew was referring to bikers as 'the boys' now.
Fiachra continued to babble on about school the whole walk to the compound.
It was quiet outside, even though all the bikes lined the lot. Including Cuts.
Walking inside I cautiously looked around but no one was anywhere.
"Baby, sit down here for the minute I'm just going to see if anyone's around" Fiachra sat down at the table and starting pulling his books from his bag.
Moving forward I was quiet, listening carefully. Half way through the compound I heard it, voices coming from the room the men had church in. Slowly taking the breath I let it ease out of me, they were all here and safe.
Walking back out to Fiachra I sat down with him and after about half an hour I could hear the men's voices getting closer, church must be finished.
"Hey Buddy, hey Aine" Different variations came from every man as they filed into the main room. Once Cut spotted us he make his way over to us.
"Son" he rumbled reaching over to touch Fiachras hair. Friachra looked up at him and my heart broke a little at the smile that spread across his face.
"Hey Dad." He replied cheerfully and I saw the effect it had on Cut at being called Dad. It was like he had just been giving the most precious gift in his entire life, and I guess in a way he had.
"Aine" Cut rumbled looking over at me next.
"Hey how are things?" I smiled easy going. He gave me a chin lift in answer.
"Good. Ok, time for me to head if you're all good here? I've got stuff to sort" Cut again nodded so I stood up and walked to Fiachra, giving him a kiss on his forehead I whispered goodbye to him.
"What stuff, Aine?" Pin asked grinning over at me.
"Some night, Pin, you want to share your secrets with me I'll share mine with you, but that's not tonight" I grinned jokingly and he smirked back. Ever since his short but sweet thing with Millie we had become close friends.
"Might just take you up on that, babe" he winked and I laughed.
"Alright I'm out. Bye bye, boys" I called over my shoulder. I got a round of "byes" called back to me. I didn't once look towards Switch.

Later that evening I got a call from Tony telling me I had the job I just needed to stop by as soon as I could. Leaving my new apartment I got into my beat up car and drove down to the strip club named oblivion.
It wasn't bad but it wasn't anything special either. Looking around I took in the few bars that sat around it. From the shabby rundown look of the bars I knew what that meant about the men we'd be getting into us. I made my way towards the entrance.
Pushing open the door I walked down a purple velvet hall, walls and floor alike, with a ceiling that was completely mirrors. Entering into the main room I took it in. There was three small stages around the floor while one catwalk stage threw itself out into the middle of the floor. Each one had a pole on each. Chairs and tables were spread everywhere else in the room while private booths with blood red curtains lined the walls.
"We're closed." A voice boomed from the bar and I turned to look. He had his head down focused on the books and papers infront of him.
"You got a call from Antonio Rossi" I answered back. At my words he spun to look at me. The way he looked me up and down made my skin crawl but it was a feeling I was well used to. The smile that spread across his face a second later didn't help.
"Aine right? Names Max. Got a fair few connections you do." He commented raising an eyebrow.
"I'll be going by Leia in here" Ignoring his comment, I watched him watch me. He nodded.
"What are we working with so, Princess?" Princess. He'd heard of me, I wasn't surprised, many in our line of work had. If he had heard of me he knew what he was working with but I couldn't afford to tell him to go fuck himself. At least not yet.
So to humour him, I stripped down to my knickers and I did it slow. Ignoring the way he's eyes ate up the view I asked him, "we good here?".
"Oh yeah, darling." He mumbled eyes still glues to my chest.
"You've heard of me, so you know how I work. That going to be a problem?" I pushed forward trying to calm down the pissed off feeling rising in me as he continued to run his eyes up and down my body.
"Said we're good, girl" he said sharply this time, raising his eyes to mine. His now pissed off too.
Nodding I put my clothes back on.
"Be here tomorrow night, you start at eight and finish at four." he turned back to his books and I turned toward the door.
"See you then" I said back.
Getting back in the car I felt a weight lift off me. An apartment sorted and a job all in a few days. I was finally getting somewhere.

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