Chapter fourteen- You can break everything I am

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Present day 
“Wait so... she’s...I don’t...”
“We don’t have time, I’m afraid, my dear. You must leave.” Tony interrupted my babbling. It had been Tonys men that had taken me from Cuts car earlier today. When his driver handed me the phone and it was Tonys voice on the other end explaining the situation to me I thought my world had come to an end.
“I just need a minute to process” I whispered out. Silence surrounded us. "So you're telling me, to rectify a situation he was having... switch...he... and now to get back at him Benny is coming for me?" I choked out. "That's not fair! She was my friend too!" I cried out. Tony reached forward and grabbed my hands. It was the first time in all my years knowing him that Tony seemed uneasy. His eyes were moving frantically.
"Sweetheart, we need to get you moving-"
"How did you hear all this?" I mused aloud. He sigh heavily.
"Benito blew after it happened. The whole of our world has heard about it. Half the place has gone quiet and then you name rose above it all. Now, it isn't just Benito looking for you but people are looking for you on Benitos behalf" he said gently, empathy streaking across his face.
"But I didn't do anything!" I practically screamed. My head was throbbing with the amount of information going through it.
"An eye for an eye, he's a man gone over the edge, my sweet, he isn't seeing clearly." Tony tried to calm me.
"So I'm black listed now? What does that mean for me?" I sounded bitter even to my own ears.
"What i said before, Aine. I have organsied it all, you simply have to get on the plane."

Standing outside the airport, small bag in hand I waited where Tony told me too.
"A man will meet you. He'll have your new id and all the paperwork you need to start over, sweetheart. I've emptied your accounts, the bag will be all your cash. Keep in on you at all times. This is it I'm afraid, you will only contact me if it's a dying emergency and this is the number you ring. Once you get on that plane your life as it is ends I'm afraid. Aine O Malley doesn't exist anymore." Tony said driving towards the airport.
"But Millie and Fiachra? What about them?"I said frantic. Every person who had mattered to me shot through my head like a bullet.
"I'll let them know you're safe. That's all I can tell them." he said grabbing my hand and squeezing it. This was it.
"Jennifer?" A voice shocked me out of my thoughts and I turned to look at the man staring at me.
"No sorry-" I started but he leaned forward and grabbed me in a hug.
"Jenny! My god I haven't seen you-" he started loudly pulling me in. However once I was close his voice changed to a whisper,"when I leave you I'm leaving the bag beside your foot. Inside you'll find everything. Go to gate 201 and board. Good luck." he said and before I could fully process he was gone again disappearing into the crowd. The only evidence present that showed he had been here was the small bag at my feet.
In a daze I picked it up and make my way into the airport, Tonys voice telling me to hurry was like an alarm in my head. Taking out the passport and boarding pass I got through security and made my way to gate 201.
Numbing I stood in the line and moved with the flow of people. Once it got to my turn I handed my passport to the air hostess.
"Lovely, Ms. Matthews. We've your seat saved if you'll come with me." The air hostess smiled at me. She was a pretty woman, no older than myself and I could not help but think about how different our lives were.
"Thank you"  I croaked out. She turned swiftly and my shaky legs struggled to keep up.
Making our way onto the plane she brought me straight through to first class, a place I had neevr been before.
"Here's your seat, relax and a drink will be brought out for you. Blankets and a pillow will be proved once we get into the air" she said routinely. Her words penetrated the fog surrounding me and I turned to her.
"I'm sorry but where are we going?"I asked not caring how bizarre it sounded nor did I acknowledge the strange look she gave me.
"Ms.. we're heading for Tokyo remember?" She asked in concerned and I managed a broken smile.
"Of course, just making sure" I said before turning to sit in the seat.
Once you reach your destination you'll be on your own, Aine. You'll only hear from me if Benito is getting close to finding you. But if you want to move or leave to a different country do, but be cautious with your choices.
Everything Tony had said to me in the last few hours was rushing towards me in snip bits. Once I was alone I started to let it hit me. Let the full extent of what my life had become hit me. I was no longer an Aunt or a best friend. I had left my family behind without the chance to say goodbye and I'd never get to explain myself to them. They would never know.
Slowly reaching down I rummaged through the page to find the paperwork Tony had talked about. In it was an entire profile on the new me.
Name: Jennifer Louise Matthews.
D.O.B: 5/1/1985. Aged 32.
Born in a small town in Boston. Never attended Unviserity. Worked from the age of ninteen as a waitress in several businesses (references have been added in your file).
Only child to Thomas Matthews and Francis Matthews (both deceased. Mother died of cancer when you were 12, father died when you were 19 in a house fire-all family photos and such were lost-.)
No living relatives.
Never married.
Moving to Tokyo as you've never been out of the States and thought it was time you travelled the world.
Good luck, Aine.
Finishing up reading over the file I tried to get it into my head that this was the new me. I was now older than I was, not by much but still for some reason it struck me. That everything I was is now gone, all my history completely rewritten on the pages in front of me. It was sad and terrifying how easily Tony recreated a life for me.
Pressing my head into the window I took deep breaths as the tears form and thoughts of Swtich came to my head. Memories of the last few months and memories of years ago colliding to mock me.
A man I loved from the bottom of my heart had destroyed me. Left my life in runes. I could not fathom how someone had the ability to do such a thing and continue to look at the person without crumbling in defeat. Tears fell ugly from my eyes and I let them, not caring what anyone thought.
I had a long flight ahead and although it wasn't nearly long enough for it, in that time I would have to accept what my faith was.
"Fuck you, Jason. Fuck you." I whispered as the plane slowly started for the runway.

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