chapter ten- all night long

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It seemed as though hardly any time had passed before more banging started on my apartment door. Watching the door in silence I let the person continuously pressed on the bell. Minutes passed before they started shouting and when they did a sigh of relief went through me.
"Aine! Open up, I know Switch told you I was coming" Millie called out and pulling myself slowly to my feet I went to open the door.
"Jesus"she breathed out, "he warned me but damn, Aine. Please tell me what happened" tears filled her eyes.
"I can't. I don't understand yet" I whispered hustling her in the door so I could secure it locked.
"Jesus, ok but please talk to me when you feel you can Okay? Right now though you need to come with me. It isn't safe here, the men are on lockdown like nothing I've ever seen before. All the shops are closed down only the bars are open. The place has come to a near standstill, there's something seriously wrong in the club, babe" she whispered and I could see her worry for everyone but especially for Cut as she muttered those words to me.
"I'll be-" I started and her face hardened.
"Don't start, I know why you left that night, I get it but honey I was warned either you come with me or the men will take you themselves" she said firmly and I threw my arms up in exasperation before hissing in a painful breath at the movement.
"Seriously?" I snapped and she just raised her eye brows at me. Silence spread between us.
"One." She started to count and I blanched.
"Are you pulling the piss right now?" I asked in shock.
"Two" she continued undeterred.
"I'm not a child Millie-" I started to defend myself.
"Three." She finished crossing her arms across her chest and I reacted in kind. Silence again hung between us.
"What now?" I asked calling her bluff. She grinned wicked.
"Boys, you're needed" she yelled and a second later my door was bust down to show three well built prospects I haven't come to know the names of standing in the door.
"What in all hell do you think-" I started hotly slamming my hands down on my hips, ready to defend my corner once again.
Like with Millie, I didn't get very far.

"Unbelievable, if you think for a second-ouch!-be careful dammit-" I snapped from over one of the prospects shoulders as he walked along side Millie into the compound. Millie had done nothing to stop the men from taking me from the apartment but had instead packed me a bag as they tried to take me without doing me any further damage. In the van on the drive over I was wedged between two of the men and completely ignored as I ranted, cursing profoundly, at them all.
"Stop fidgeting so and you won't hurt yourself" the man under me said in a gruff voice.
"Put me down or better yet, bring me home and I'll stop" I said back smartly to hear him chuckle.
"Wildcat" then quieter and in an empty tone, "shame".
Before I could respond I found myself sliding down his body to be standing in the centre of the main room in the compound.
Opening my mouth to snap at him I froze as the room grabbed my attention and the atmosphere surrounded me. Looking around I saw that every single member of the club, and then some were present. Each and every one of them were quietly watching us.
No, I take that back as I kept turning in a slow circle. Their attention was focused solely on me and each and every expression was blank.
"What's going on?" I asked the first familiar face I saw which turned out to be Cut. His jaw clenched but he didn't reply. It was Switch who stepped forward to reply.
"Club business is happening. We need everyone safe so as of this minute the only air you breathe is the air inside the walls of this compound." He wasn't joking, not even a little bit.  A shiver ran down my spine.
"Tell me what you know" I whispered and his jaw clenched before relaxing back into a blank expression.
"Club business that doesn't concern you" he hadn't finished the words before Cut rose to his feet, walked forward and grabbed Millie who was beside me. Leaning in he kissed my forehead before the two of them exited the building with Cut dragging a confused Millie behind him.
That shiver turned into a full tremor that took over my body.
"What's happening?"I spoke barely above a whisper, unable to mask the fear in me. "Where are the women?" I asked taking in the fact that only men surrounded me.
"Safe" Switch answered.
"Here?" I asked a sinking feeling settling into my stomach.
"No, elsewhere." Switch answered and I had enough. Regardless of the years that passed I knew Switch and he knew me so he read my next word instantly.
"Don't" I had more volume but my voice was still faint. Switch looked around the room and nodded and slowly the room cleared.
"Come" he said turning down the hall and leading me to one of the many bedrooms. Walking in I sat on the end while he stood in the door looking at me.
"Get some sleep, it isn't good for you to be up and about. We'll talk later" he said.
"Will we?" I challenged him. He kept my eyes.
"Yes" he lied before turning and leaving the room, closing the door softly behind him.
Feeling shaky I didn't move for a very long time and when I did it was to move under the covers and lie in the bed. So much from the last week was running through my head, trying to make sense of what was going on but I kept coming up blank. I kept doing it until eventually my mind blanked altogether and I fell asleep.

I was roused from sleep when the door of the room closed behind Switch. It took me a minute to remember where I was and why.
"Jason?" I asked not even thinking, my mind and voice heavy with sleep.
"Shh" he whispered back into the pitch black if the room. He didn't move to the bed though, instead he settle into a chair that he moved to put himself between me and the door.
"Please tell me" I whispered feeling the tears in my eyes.
"It'll be okay. I'll try my best to make it okay" he whispered back. Closing my eyes I curled further onto my side in the bed. Swallowing the lump in my throat it took me a few tries before I could get the sentence out.
"That's not reassuring, Jase" I eventually got out. "Where is Tara and Jenna?" I asked scared stiff.
"They're safe, very safe" he mumbled almost to himself.
"Away from you?" I whispered terrified as I watched his eyes take me in. He was never stupid enough to underestimate me and even now I could read that he knew I was getting somewhere, though even I wasn't sure where yet.
"Go to sleep, babe" he said back instead of answering me and although I wanted to argue, although the need was building in me to scream and shout and demand answers, in that moment I feared the information I would received too much to do anything other than dip my chin to my chest and close my eyes tight.
"Aine" he breathed out a second later.
"Yes?" I almost didn't reply. The black of the room was all that was there and although I listened and listened, eventually the silence started to ring in my ears but no reply came from him. Not another word was said.
I'd never felt so helpless in my life.

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