chapter seventeen-in another life, I would be your girl

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Three years later
"Congrats, Tara!"
"My turn! My turn to hold him!"
"He's a Savage, alright!"Buck called above the rest curling Layla close as the club looked at our new son. As we drew closer we came to a stop as the clubgathered around us. Looking down at my boy I admired him. Round, pudgy face he came out screaming.
"Welcome home, Cody." I mumbled softly as leaning in to kiss his forehead. Jenna tooled in close to my side and peered at her baby brother sleeping.
"Prince of the castle." Pin called out nodding at me, his arm thrown around his old lady Natasha.
"I'm still the princess!" Jenna called out causing Hack to swoop her up into his arms and place a kiss on her forehead.
"Never losing that position, darling." he promised her. Wrapping my arm around Tara I moved us forward into our home, the club members walking with us.
"I've been busy all day, couldn't congratulate you guys properly without food present." Millie smiled at us setting a roast chicken down on to the table. Cut stood close to her back. It took him a year and a half to get his family back after Millie left and since then he very rarely left either his wife or sons side. Fiachra walked into the room carrying more food and placing it on the table before standing the other side of his mom, confirming my statement.
A feast covered the dining room table that stretched the back half of the house. Tara had insisted on having a table that would fit the club if we ever had them all over. The table still wasn't big enough, it only sat twelve people, but the club had always appreciated her efforts.
Walking into the living room I grabbed the grandad chair and moved it into the dining room, directing Tara to sit in it with our son in her arms.
"Rest, love. You don't need to pull your stitches." I said softly and she leaned forward to kiss my lips softly. The birth had not been without it's complications. By the end of it Tara had suffered some ripping. The midwife had assured us that it was nothing time wouldn't heal.
"I love you." she made it sound like a promise.
"I love you too." I said back leaning forward to plant a small kiss on her lips before my brothers yelling drew my attention.
"C'mon, boss man. Have a beer to celebrate becoming a Dad to another child" Buck rose a bottle in salute. Everyone followed through and a cheer rang out.
"He didn't pop the baby out." Layla called out laughing before handing Tara a glass of juice and clinked her glass with hers. Taras joyous laugh filled the room.
"A toast to Tara. Well done love, proud of you bringing him home safe." Pin called out and a round of cheering went out through the room.
"Right, food is up in five. Everyone go get presentable." Millie called out clapping her hands before the woman made there way into the kitchen.
It was good to be home.

It was later that night after everyone had left and Tara was asleep with Cody in our room that my phone rang. I walked out onto the back deck before answering it.
"I hear congrats are in order." my heart slowed for a pause before speeding up.
"What do you want Lorenzo?" Benito Lorenzo calling me after all this time was not what I needed.
"Is she...?" I asked but couldn't finish the sentence, a long lost fear rising to the surface.
"She's okay, as she always is. A few years ago she reminded me why I loved and cherished her. I can only regret the fact that I ruined it for the sake of hate. She is well and will remain that way." Benitos voice sounded calm on the phone. I didn't trust it.
"Why now?" I asked not yet fooled.
"The second time I found Aine and she ran, she fled a life she could have fallen in love with. When she did she changed her name back to her own name again. She made herself known and so easy to access. It struck me like lighting then, everything came into focus and I looked around me at the mess I had made out of what my life was." he continued sounding so sincere I listened to his words, pretending that gearing about Aine after all this time didn't effect me.
"By her taking on her real name again she sent me a message. I could find her if I wanted, she wasn't hiding anymore and by her sending that message I realised what a mistake I had made." regret filled his voice by the time he finished.
"We've all make grave mistakes" I added addressing the other elephant that was in the room.
"Indeed and Bláidnaid would be disgusted by my behaviour in the last several years if she was here. I'm done Switch, you won't hear from or about me ever again. It's time I settled." Benito said.
"I know sorry will never make up for it. I don't know how to." I blurted out before clenching my jaw at how weak I sounded.
"I'm focusing on the future." was his only response. Silence stretched between us before he broke it.
"You know you were her everything. When we first met, any time she got plastered drunk with me she would talk about you, it took months before I could get her to explain the situation to me sober. It was a few years before she ever told me what ended your relationship. It's funny what decisions can do to a person." he said and I could picture him shaking his head. "For the record I would have seen it your way too, up until hearing her side of things anyways." he added and a frown formed on my face. Why was he talking about something that was so far into the past?
Either way I found myself intrigued by his words.
"What do you mean?" I asked not liking how he knew something I didnt. Regardless though he was not boasting or rubbing it in my face, he was just talking.
"Would you give up your family if asked?" He asked me curious even though he knew the answer.
"Never." I vowed thinking of my new born son.
"That's what I thought. She couldn't either. Millie was the only family she knew for a long time." he said. "So long Switch, again congratulations. I wish you and your Tara happiness." he hung up, just like that but his words still played in my mind.
She couldn't either.
Having a cigarette I stood on the porch for a long time before going to bed. It wouldn't be until I woke the next day and the dreams I had that night of that day so long ago came back to me that I would realise what he meant.

Six Inch Heels( Savage MC Book Two)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें