chapter two-step into the fantasy

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"Oblivion? Really Aine? Of all fucking places." Cut lectured as I washed the dishes in the compound. Himself and Millie sat behind me at the kitchen counter.
"What? It pays well" I defended myself. I'd been working there two weeks now, and I wasn't lying, the pay was good. Not enough for the slimy boss I had who needed to learn that you don't touch the merchandise but like I said, for the minute, beggars couldn't be choosers.
"I don't like it" Millie chimed in.
"You never did" I said back with no heat. All those years ago it had been my decision to join the stripping industry and while Millie had been strongly opposed to it she couldn't deny it was what saved our asses on numerous accounts.
"I don't like it either." Cut agreed.
"Don't like what?" Pin asked walking into the room with Switch and Buck. I dropped my head back down to look at the dishes.
"Aines work" Millie said and earned a glare from me.
"Where you working?" Buck asked reaching forward to grab a beer from the counter.
"Oblivion" I said turning back to the dishes. I had been a few weeks here before the men found out I stripped for a living. It was a funny reaction I got from them. Usually you saw a sudden light take hold of a man's eyes when you mentioned being a stripper before they ran said eyes down your body, sizing you up. None of these men did that, instead I got offers of different jobs and a few easy going lectures on how the work I was doing was endangering myself.
"Hell no." Switch spoke and even if he hadn't spoken I would have felt his feelings on the matter. His anger was suffocating the air out of the room. They were the first words he had said to me since Millie's wedding but if I was honest I hadn't given him the opportunity to say much to me in the last few weeks.
"Yep" I popped the 'p' at the end of the word.
"You don't need to be working for him" he continued on and still I kept my back to him, cleaning the countless plates from lunchtime.
"I have a new apartment, a car and myself to look after, among other stuff. I do need to be working" I said back, not giving in.
"Not for him. Get a job somewhere else." Cut added. Putting the plate in my hands down in the sink I grabbed a dish cloth to dry my hands and turned to them all.
"What do you want me to do? He's got the best paying strip club that's close to you? If I go any further out, I might as well pack my shit and leave. Plus, I have qualifications in nothing, why work somewhere else when I'm good at what I do" Millie curled her lips up in disgust at the thought of me leaving and I laughed.
"You're not safe there. Go waitress in bar or something. You have waitressing experience." Switch said, not finding anything funny. Levelling my gaze with his I straightened up my back.
"Not your problem to worry about, it's mine. Anyways, Waitressing doesn't pay half as good" I said and watched his eyes get more pissed off. Then I turned back to my dishes and continued cleaning.
"Conversation over, guys. I like my work" I said and it wasn't a lie. I had always loved to dance and being paid for it was good. Of course that wasn't all my job discription was, there were a few sentences scrawled here and there in the margins, but such was the way. Switchs phone rang saving me from anymore lectures.
"Yo" he rumbled down it and I felt his voice everywhere. I knew it was wrong to but it was hardly a choice.
"Fuck. Seriously?" He spoke sharply before slamming his hand down on the counter. Everyone went into high alert, eyes trailed solely on Switch. I could feel it in the club over the last few weeks. Something had changed. None of the men would say what but it was like a stench in the air, tension clung to everything.
We hadn't talked about it, that night. I had asked but neither Millie nor myself knew what had gone down in that warehouse after the men found us. Anytime I asked I got told simply "club business Babe, leave it". Didn't matter who I asked I got the same response.
Right now, I bet my life on whatever went down it didn't tie up nicely for the Savages, especially with Jonathan being tied to the Jacks.
"Right, meet, as soon as fucking possible Dodge." Switch hung up the phone. Dodge I hadn't known back in the day, he had been in the club for a few years now, having joined after me and Millie took off. He was a mean mofo, his name was appropriate because he was one dodgy mother fucker, he wasn't someone to mess with because lord knows what way he'd react. Dodgy.
Switch looked up at the men in the room.
"New player in the game" he commented, voice held tight.
"Fuck. Who?" Cut asked and his voice told me that this just made a bad situation ten times worse. Switch met the men's eyes around the room.
"Cortez. We need a meet stat men. Buck, organise it. I want this shit figured out as soon as possible" he continued on but both me and Millie had frozen solid. I saw her turn woodenly toward me. Ever so slightly I shook my head and instantly saw the unease set into her. All men were in the badass biker zone as they quickly left the room, Cut giving Millie a quick kiss before leaving. Switch didn't look my way.
Silence surrounded us as we listened to the men leave the compound, taking off on their bikes. Millie jumped right in.
"It's hardly-" she started.
"Impossible. " I interrupted shaking my head, but I wasn't so sure.
"But what if it is him?" She whispered.
"It wouldn't be. He's off the grid." I insisted.
"Maybe we should ask-" Millie's concern was all over her face and I felt it too because if she was right about who she thought it was, things just got a whole lot more complicated.
"No. Hell no. Club business Babe, nothing to do with us" I said back, never thinking I'd ever defend the 'club business' rule. "Anyways I've got work and you have a son to pick up. Hop to it mama G." I said.
We made our way out front, separating to go to own own cars which were parked at opposite ends of the grounds. Before getting in I spun around.
"Millie?" I called and she turned to look at me.
"Best leave it alone yeah?" I said and she stared at me in silence.
"You off tomorrow?" She asked eventually.
"Yeah until Friday, then I'm on full time until Thursday the following week" I answered.
"Me and Fiachra will pop by" she smiled goodbye to me. Getting in my car I put todays situation out of my head and gunned it home, time to get ready for work.

"Tell me something, Redgy. Do you get paid to stare at us or are you the bouncer because I haven't quite figured it out yet" I spoke over my shoulder to the bouncer behind me as I waited on drinks to come. It was a busy night tonight, my shift was half way done. I was waitressing tonight, instead of working the pole which was nice. Tips weren't as good but once in a while it was nicer to be waitressing than preforming.
"You're cute when you're pissy, princess" Redgy laughed from behind me. He was the only bouncer I wasn't hugely comfortable with. Redgy was in his late twenties like myself, while the other two bouncers were in their forties. Redgy was a built good looking lad who was great at his job the far and few between times that he actually focused on what he was meant to be doing. The other two men, Dean and John, we're polar opposites to Redgy. They were twins who took their work very seriously. It was only in the last two days I had gotten them to smile at me and one of the other dancers said it was a blessing that I did so quickly.
"And you're not cute when you're staring at my ass, Redgy" I commented picking up my drinks the bartender had put down in front of me. Turning away I walked out onto the floor again, smiling seductively at the men who watched me. Best thing about waitressing was you got to wear more than the dancers. A mini skirt that was micro mini and some sort of bralet was the usual and I know it isn't much but it beats walking around in just a thong. I was bent over slightly putting drinks in the table in front of me.
"Damn baby" smack. Right there on my right ass cheek.
Quick as lighting I had his hand in mine and turned, leaning down into him, a man at the table behind me.
"Don't." I whispered back sour sweet. The man was sat in one of the chairs surrounded the main stage.
"I want you" he said, words slurred because of drink. Shoving through his pocket he came up with cash in his hands and pointed at one of the booths. "Right now, gorgeous" he smiled a smile of pure male cockiness. I was about to say no and turn away when Max caught my eye. He nodded at me, pointing at booth three and that was it, choice taken from me. It hadn't been the first time in the last two weeks that had happened to me and I had noticed that it happened a lot with many of the girls. Switch wasn't wrong, it wasn't good working here, it wasn't the safest place but what he didn't know was I had worked in far worse. As bad as this was it was still a walk in the park.
Putting Switch out of my mind I reach forward and grabbed the man's other hand, the one with no money in it and led him to the booth, hearing his friends catcall behind us. Pushing him down into the seat I turned to close the curtain, noticing Redgys' eyes were still trailed on me.
Careful with that one, a voice in my head warned me. A gut feeling that had protected me a lot over the years. Ignoring it for the moment but not putting it completely out of my head, I focused on the task at hand.
"Alright, baby, rules are: every time you touch me, you pay fifty extra. Let's see what control you have" I turned smiling cutely at him. He shrugged.
"Sweetheart I have a feeling you'll be finding it hard to keep you hands off me" he replied smugly. Throwing my head back I laughed before leaning forward into his space.
"Oh, baby. Watch me break your control" I whispered in his ear and for the next hour that's exactly what I did.

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