chapter eleven- I can't stand how much I need you

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That night I slept deep, not waking once. However when I woke I woke stiff, pain radiating through my body as I stretched out my sore muscles. Sitting up I noticed Switchs sleeping form still in the chair he had settled himself into last night. Sliding to the edge of the bed I grabbed my discarded pants off the floor and slid them on.  I slipped quietly down the hall into the kitchen unable to ignore the eerie silence that surrounded me. Searching  through my bag I grabbed out my phone to see missed calls from work on it. Calling back it went straight to voicemail. I was getting sick of that happening to me.
In that moment I made a decision. It was a reckless one and one I would no doubt get in trouble later over but I couldn't stop myself from throwing on a jumper and slipping into my runners as I grabbed my bag and made my way to the front entrance of the compound. As I walked out I could see the same prospects from yesterday standing guard at the front gate. Walking up to the friendlier of the two I smiled brightly.
“Hey”  he nodded his head in response. “I’m heading out to the shop, Switch organised for Pin to meet me there” I said keeping my expression open.
“not allowed leave alone, babe” the scarier of the two said having listened to me regardless of me not speaking to him directly. Throwing my hands up, I sigh dramatically.
“fine, by all means go in and bother Switch but you and I both know he’s not going to be happy to have to repeat himself. My guess is he doesn’t want to be interrupted right now by prospects who don’t listen” I said bravely watching them weigh out their options. Several moments passed before the nicer one turned and hit a code that slid the gate open.
“Thanks boys”  I called as I made my way through the gate and down the road at a quick pace. It took me twenty minutes walking to get to work but I made it there safely. Although the place was officially closed during the morning hours I knew Max would be in there. Pulling open the heavy door I walked into the main bar.
“Max?” I called out but no one answers. I walked further into the room looking around for signs of anyone present. Redgy came thundering out from the back room behind the bar looking fierce as his steps ate up the ground between us. I took a hasty step back but not quick enough. Redgy slammed me into the wall behind me.
“Get out of here, now” he snarled in my face and I blanched.
“Redgy-" I swallowed the lump in my throat, “I dont- why-" I was cut off by Max who joined us.
“Why are you here Princess? I left a message for you. You’re no longer needed” Max stood to the side watching Redgy keep me pinned to the wall, his arms crossed over his chest.
“What do you mean I’m not needed? I’m employed here!” I said feeling anger fill me.  He shrugged his shoulders.
“You're fired” he said like he didn’t have a care in the world. Like he wasn’t causing my already crumbling life to crumble faster around me.
“On what grounds?” I demanded, outraged and feeling tears gathering in my eyes. I bet them back. Dropping his arms he looked around before focusing back on me.
“Couple hundred went missing from the bar the last night you were on, you were the last dancer here that night so yeah...” He shrugged again and I stared in shock. What was happening?
“That’s rubbish and you know it” I said but my words had no power.
“Sorry, princess. Truly am but can’t have you working here anymore. Don’t need to be tied to anything” he said and since I walked in it was the first time he looked sincere.
“tied to what?” I asked but I didn’t get a reply because Redgy grabbed my arm roughly and marched me toward the front entrance. Throwing open the door with one hand he shoved me through with the other.
“Don't come back, I mean it.” He snarled once again at me before slamming the door shut. Feeling completely at a loss I started to walk aimlessly back up the road. Running my hands through my hair I tied it up contemplating the last number of days and trying to make sense of how they tied together. I knew this whole situation was far bigger than me but even still I felt like I was the centre of it.
I came back to myself when a van pulled up beside me with club members in it.
“Get in” was growled at me from the driver window and begrudgingly I climbed into the back. Heavy silence filled the air as four of the men stared me down.
“Yes I know, bad Aine. You don’t need to keep staring at me” I snapped having enough of it.
“Get yourself killed being stupid like you are” one of them snapped back as we drove toward the compound. I didn’t respond to him.  Pulling up I climbed out and was told to go immediate into the room the bikers held church in. Slowly I made my way through the compound, feeling the eyes of the members on me, each and every one of them were in high alert mode. They were all waiting for Something, I needed to find out what.
I pushed into the room they held church in to see Switch sitting in his place at the head of the table.  His eyes were on me and he was beyond pissed, that much was clear and he hadn't even opened his mouth.
"Sit down now." His voice held so much anger I sat almost instantly, having never heard such a tone coming from Switch before. Silence followed his words as he continued to just stare at me as I became more and more fidgety under his scrutiny.
Eventually I cracked.
"Ok I know it was stupid and unfair and I didn't want to get anyone in trouble but I had to go!" I almost sounded hysterical.
"You had to go?" He had a very small hold on his anger.
"Yes I did" I said back preparing myself for the yelling that was to come. Sure enough it did.
"Are you out of your fucking mind?" He roared, spit flying in droplets to land on the table between him and me. "You could have been taken, attacked, killed. Do you even care? Here is safe,that's why you're in here!" He slammed his hand down on the table.
"How though?" I demanded back feeling my emotions running ragged, "how is here safe? Is it safe because you're here? Am I being kept safe here or am I being kept here to keep everyone else safe? What is happening? Or better yet what happened, Jason?" I was yelling by the time I finished. During  our shouting we had begun leaning toward each other across the table.
"Look, the less you know the better, trust me on this-" he started but I interrupted, frantic.
"For who? The less I know is better for me or for you?" I shouted at him pulled my hands through my hair I ripped it from the gogo that was in it.
"You need to calm down" he said as if just seconds ago he wasn't fit to rip me apart.
"I need answers is what I need. I lost my job today! What is that about?" I snapped letting the anger over ride the other, far scarier emotions I was feeling.
"I don't know" he answered me, giving me more bullshit. It was all becoming too much. Leaning forward I reached and grab the hand he had slammed down on the table.
"Please. I'm-" I hitched out a breath," I'm scared, Jase. I don't understand any of this" I was near begging I knew it but I was beyond desperate at this point. He watched as a few tears slid down my cheeks before taking his hand from mine and sitting back in his chair.
"Don't leave again, Aine. Don't make fools of my men, I won't be so nice next time" he said looking away from me, out the window, effectively dismissing me. I froze solid staring at him as my mind went over those words and processed what had just occurred.
Standing up I moved toward the door before turning back to him. He was still staring out the window.
"You know what, that's fine. Be an ass because sooner or later I'll figure it all out and you know it" I snapped before storming out and back down to the bedroom I was in last night.
What I didn't know then but would find out in the days to come was that my words were true, I would figure it all out, and although I didn't know it, that terrified Switch beyond reason.

Six Inch Heels( Savage MC Book Two)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें